Characteristics Of Centrifugal Compressors

In this article, I will share with you the characteristics of centrifugal compressors.


If you know how centrifugal compressors work then it will be very easier for you to relate to these characteristics.


Check out the article below to know how the centrifugal air compressors work.


You might like this: Centrifugal Air Compressor: Components And Working Principle


The characteristics of the centrifugal compressors are very important for you when it comes to selecting the type of compressor you want to use.


The first thing one will have to do when they want to purchase a compressor for a certain application they will have to know the characteristics.


These characteristics of the compressor are what will let them know if they can use such a compressor in their area of application or not.


Different applications will require compressors of different working capacities.


So, one needs to know the characteristics of the compressor one wants to use.


For today, I will share with you the characteristics of centrifugal compressors.


You don’t want to confuse centrifugal compressors and centrifugal pumps.


The article below you will enlighten you on centrifugal pumps.


You might like this: Centrifugal Pumps: Types, Working Principle, Uses & Advantages


Characteristics of centrifugal compressors

1. Centrifugal compressors operate at high speed.

This is the first thing you need to know about centrifugal compressors.


Centrifugal compressors usually operate at high speed due to the presence of the rotors within them.


The rotors rotate at a very high speed to enable them to handle the large volume of air they are required to discharge.


Their operational speed is what makes them unique from the other compressors like the reciprocating compressor which operates at a lower speed.


So, if one wants a compressor that operates at high speeds then centrifugal compressors are the best for that part.


2. They are non-positive displacement units.

Centrifugal compressors are non-positive displacement type units.


They are non-positive displacement units since they don’t displace the volume of air within the casing to allow another volume of air to occupy the compressor.


This means in the centrifugal compressors, as long as they are operating there will always be a volume of air within them.


This is very different from the positive displacement type which works by displacing air within the air chamber to allow another volume of air to occupy the space.


If you want to know the main differences between the positive and non-positive displacement types of compressors check the article below.


Centrifugal compressors are the dynamic type and that is why they are non-positive displacement type.


You might like this: Difference Between Positive Displacement and Dynamic Compressors


3. Centrifugal compressors offer a continuous discharge of air.

Centrifugal compressors offer a continuous discharge of air since they are non-positive displacement.


As the rotor keeps rotating at a very high speed this keeps the compressor filled with air to discharge.


The continuous duty of the centrifugal compressors is what makes them preferable in areas where a continuous supply of compressed air is needed.


At no point, the supply of compressed air will be stopped if you are using centrifugal compressors unless it’s has faults.


You might like this: Air Compressor Problems, Causes And Solutions


Since it offers a continuous discharge of compressed air the moment the operation is interfered even in a second it will result in a large decrease of pressure at the point of supply.


4. They handle large volumes of compressed air at a reasonable pressure.

Centrifugal compressors handle a large volume of compressed air at a reasonable pressure.


The high operating speed of the centrifugal compressors enables them to handle a large volume of compressed air.


They handle a large volume of compressed air but the amount of pressure discharge is quite lower.


This makes the centrifugal compressors highly applicable in areas where a large volume of compressed air is needed.


5. Pressure in centrifugal compressors can be varied easily by regulating the operating speeds.

The pressure in centrifugal compressors is highly dependent on the operating speeds.


You have to know that the pressure built in the centrifugal compressors is involved in the change of the momentum of the air.


So, the moment the velocity of air intake into the centrifugal compressor is compromised the pressure discharge of the compressed air will be interfered with.


This makes it easier when one wants to adjust the amount of pressure discharge from this compressor.


Lowering the operating speed of the centrifugal compressors results in a decrease in the pressure discharge and increasing the speed increases the pressure discharge of the compressed air.


6. The compressed air discharged from the centrifugal compressor is at a lower temperature.

When one wants a compressor that discharges compressed air at a lower temperature then centrifugal compressors are the best for that part.


Centrifugal compressors handle a large volume of compressed air which makes it harder for the air to be at a higher temperature.


Also, the operating speed of the centrifugal compressors compresses the air fast enough to avoid the issue of heating it in the casing.


Centrifugal compressors are best when it comes to applications that require compressed air discharged at a lower temperature.


If you have any additional points that you feel it’s important to add to the list leave your comment.


Also if you have any questions about the characteristics of the centrifugal compressors just leave your comment.


See you next time in Mechanical Nerd.


Related articles to check.

  1. Centrifugal Air Compressor: Components And Working Principle
  2. Diaphragm Air Compressor Working Principle
  3. Reciprocating Air Compressor: Components, Types And Working Principle
  4. Air Compressor Problems, Causes And Solutions
  5. Difference Between Positive Displacement and Dynamic Compressors

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