7 Reasons Why He Deleted Your Number

He suddenly deleted your number and you have no idea why. It’s out of nowhere. Does it mean he doesn’t want to talk to you anymore? If he doesn’t want to talk to you, he should have blocked you.


Why didn’t he block you but just delete your number?


Hold up! I know you have many questions about why he deleted your number but you will know them all in this article.


I will share possible reasons why he deleted your number in the first place.


If you know why he deleted it, it will be easier for you to know what next you should do about it.


The first thing you should know before I go deeper into this article is that he deleted your number simply because he doesn’t want to talk to you.


Do you know why he doesn’t want to talk to you? You will know as you keep reading the article.


This is why he deleted your number;

1. He doesn’t want to talk to you anymore.

The first thing you should know when a guy deletes your number is that he doesn’t want to talk to you.


why he deleted your number

He knows that having your number on his phone will always make it easier to text you.


He doesn’t want to call or text you and that is why he deleted it in the first place.


There are so many reasons why a guy would not want to talk to you. I will share with you these reasons as you keep reading the article.


What you need to know is that if he doesn’t want to talk to you for any reason, he will delete your number.


And why delete your number and not block it in the first place? A guy will delete your number and not block it when he doesn’t want you to suspect anything. A guy knows for sure when he blocks you immediately you will find out especially if you text him a lot.


He deleted your number because he knew that it would take you a while to figure out if he deleted it.


The truth is that he doesn’t want to talk to you but he doesn’t want to tell you about it.


And that is why he deleted your number instead of blocking it.


It can be that he is just not in the mood to talk to you anymore, he is no longer interested in keeping the conversations with you going because he doesn’t feel like it.


You are no longer the exciting woman he used to know and that is why he doesn’t want to talk to you.


What you need to know is that men can lose interest in you easily and they will just walk away from you.


He might even see you in the streets and he will never even say hi to you.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why He Saw You But Didn’t Say Hi


This is because he just doesn’t feel like talking to you and it’s not that you did something wrong to annoy him or hurt his feelings.


2. He is mad at you.

When a guy is mad at you for something you did or said, he will delete your number.


If you did something to annoy him this is the main reason why he deleted it in the first place.


He deleted your number because if he keeps seeing it on his phone it won’t be easier for him to control his temper.


If your number is not on his contact list, he won’t have to consider what you did.


There won’t be anything on his phone to remind him of the things you did.


He deleted your number knowing that even if you text him back, he won’t need to reply to it.


You have to know if he deleted it simply because he was mad at you, he is the kind of guy who doesn’t respond to unknown numbers.


He knows you will call and text but he won’t bother responding to you because you made him angry.


Also, when a guy is mad at you, he won’t want to talk to you anymore. This is another reason why he deleted your number.


You annoyed him and he doesn’t want to talk to you and that is why he deleted your number.


If someone annoyed you, would you want to see them around?


What you will do is distance yourself from them until you are okay to talk to them again.


He deleted your number to distance himself from you, not to text you or give you the impression that he is still available.


It will be impossible for you to see his status on WhatsApp if he deleted your number.


3. He just wanted to eliminate you from his contacts.

When a guy wants to eliminate you from his contacts simply because he no longer needs you, he will delete your number.


He deleted your number because he wanted to remove you from his contacts.


You are not important to him anymore, your number being on his phone is only filling up his storage.


Why would a guy want to remove you from his contact list?


When a guy doesn’t need you anymore, he doesn’t like you, he is angry at you because you did something he couldn’t forgive and he is just tired of you he will remove you from his contacts list.


The moment you are of no value to a guy because you can’t give him what he wants he will also delete your number.


Read also; Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You


Why should he have your number on his phone when you can’t give him what he wants?


You are not important to him; you can’t help him with anything and he doesn’t seem interested in what you have to say to him.


Read also; A Guy Says I Can’t Give Him What He Wants: It Means?


He didn’t want to tell you the truth about how he feels about you which is why he deleted your number.


He knew blocking it would only raise so many questions and that is why he didn’t do it.


So, if he has been acting strangely even before he deleted your number this is what you have to know.


He doesn’t find you of any value to him, I know he probably didn’t use to text and call you often.


You are the one who initiated most of the conversations, you always asked him to hang out with you but he never bothered to tell you whether he wanted to see you or talk to you.


If this is what you experienced before he deleted your number, this is a sign that he wanted to eliminate you from his contact list because you aren’t important.


4. He didn’t want someone else to see it.

He deleted your number because he didn’t want someone else to see it.


If he is your guy friend, there is nothing special that goes on between the two of you, he deleted it because he didn’t want someone special to see your number on his phone.


If she saw your number on his phone, she would have made it a big deal.


He has tried to hide the connection he has with you and that is why he deleted it.


It can be that he has a girlfriend also, she always goes through his contact list and it would have been a big issue if he saw your number on his phone.


Your number could have been a piece of evidence that he is talking to you and that would have brought conflict with his girlfriend and that is why he had to delete your number.


On the other hand, if he is your boyfriend and he suddenly deleted your number, it’s also because he didn’t want someone else to see it.


He usually gives his phone to another girl that he likes so much, it can be he is even cheating on you with her.


Your boyfriend lies to her that he is no longer with you and he doesn’t talk to you anymore. She may be someone who knows you better.


Read also; Best Friend Talking To Your Boyfriend Behind Your Back: Why


He is doing this to make things easier for himself to get the other girl he likes so much.


You have no idea of what is going on but he always meets her and she goes through her phone.


He deleted it so that she couldn’t find your number on his phone.


Why else would he delete your number if he wasn’t hiding it from someone else?


It can be that he is hiding you from someone else more important to him than you.


He had no choice but to delete it.


You can conclude that your boyfriend is cheating on you with someone else after deleting your number if you have noticed he has changed.


If he no longer gives you attention, he doesn’t talk to you often, he doesn’t spend time with you, he doesn’t treat you nicely, he is distant and he keeps ignoring you this is a sign that he is cheating on you if he is not about to leave you.


5. He wanted to take a break from you.

This is another reason why he deleted your number. He deleted your number because he wanted a break from you.


You have been texting and calling him so often. He got tired of responding to your calls and texts.


He knew that if he had your number on his phone with your name, he wouldn’t fail to answer it.


The part of him deleting it was to help him ignore your calls and texts.


Your number is not saved on his phone, he won’t bother responding to it because it doesn’t appear with your name when you text or call.


He won’t feel guilty for ignoring your texts and calls because he doesn’t know who it’s.


That is if he doesn’t know your number at all.


When a guy wants a break from you, he can either tell you about it or he will just find a way to be a distance from you.


Some guys feel that when they tell you that they want a break you would conclude that they want to end the relationship with you.


You would start asking them so many questions that they wouldn’t be able to answer.


He thought that the best way to take a break from you was by deleting your number.


It’s possible he also deleted your number and added it to the spam center. When you call him or text him he won’t even realize that you did it.


This is another reason why he deleted your number.


6. He wants to move on from you.

If a guy wants to move on from you what he will start to do is get rid of the communication line.


he deleted my number

He knew that having your number on his phone would have made it impossible for him to forget about you.


If he is your ex-boyfriend, it’s possible that he wanted to move on from you and that is why he deleted your number.


He knew that deleting your number would help him forget about you.


What you should know is that he wasn’t able to stop himself from texting or responding to your calls and texts.


He deleted it because it would be easier for him not to get in touch with you, he won’t remember you and things would work out the way he wanted.


Seeing your number on his phone would always remind him of you, making it impossible for him to move on.


He had to delete it because it was easier to cut the communication line with you.


On the other side, if he was interested in you, he approached you but you didn’t give him the chance, he may have deleted your number because he wanted to move on from you.


You couldn’t agree to what he wanted and he knew things would be harder for him if he kept seeing you on his phone.


He had to delete your number to be able to move on from you.


This is another reason why he deleted your number.


7. He deleted your number by mistake.

He may have deleted your number by mistake. Maybe he was getting rid of other contacts and he accidentally deleted yours too.


With the phone nowadays you can do a simple thing that would end up deleting your data. You don’t need to ask yourself so many questions if you know that he is a man who will never want to get rid of you.


If the relationship between the two of you is going on great you don’t need to question him why he deleted your number when he tells you that it is a mistake.


We all make mistakes sometimes and you shouldn’t hold it on to him.


On the other hand, someone can lose his phone and all the contacts. If he doesn’t have a backup it will be hard for him to get your number again.


One will have to replace the SIM card and start filling in contacts again. These are some of the things you can’t prevent.


So, when a guy doesn’t have your number it doesn’t necessarily mean he deleted it.



If he deleted your number and you have the chance of seeing him in person don’t stress yourself about why he did it.


You need to talk to him and ask him why he deleted your number. If there is something wrong that you did or said, he will tell you about it.


Furthermore, if he deleted your number simply because he doesn’t want to talk to you, you will also know about it.


But if he is your boyfriend and he deleted your number, something fishy is going on.


He either wanted to hide it from someone else or didn’t want someone else to know that he was dating you.


When you find out that a guy deleted your number and he is ignoring you, just let him go.


This means that he doesn’t want to talk to you at all. Don’t force yourself on someone who doesn’t want to talk to you.


Related reads;

  1. Why Does He Stare At Me But Has A Girlfriend?
  2. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  4. When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?
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