When Your Boyfriend Compliments Another Girl: It Means? 

When your boyfriend compliments another girl when you are around, what does it really mean? 


In this article, I will share what it means when your boyfriend compliments another woman or calls her romantic names.


When a guy compliments another girl when you are around it’s always going to raise so many questions about how he sees you. 


You start asking yourself if your boyfriend notices you at all. He is always complimenting another woman because he focuses on them and not you. 


If he was focusing on you, he wouldn’t have had the time and chance to look at other women and compliment them when you are around him. 


But what does it really mean when a guy compliments another girl? 


What does it mean when your boyfriend compliments another girl? 

When your boyfriend compliments another woman it means he is observing and appreciating the beauty of the girls he comes across. It can be that he does that intentionally to make you jealous, get your reaction or it’s something he is used to. 


He is always out there looking at other women and complimenting them and that is why he does it even when he is around you. 


Can you conclude that your boyfriend is being unfaithful if he is looking at other girls and complimenting them? 


The truth of the matter is that you can’t just say your boyfriend is cheating on you by staring at other girls and complimenting them.


He may be complimenting these girls because he sees their beauty and he can’t just stop himself from talking about how amazing it is. 


There is a chance that your boyfriend always takes his time looking at other girls and complimenting them just to give you a sense of how he would like you to be. 


The moment you notice that he always compliments another woman when you are around, you will see how the woman is and also try to shape yourself the way the other woman is. 


This can also be one of the reasons why he compliments another woman when you are around. 


Let me list some of the reasons for you to understand better what it means when your boyfriend compliments another woman. 


This is why your boyfriend compliments another woman; 

1. He is just appreciating the beauty he sees. 

Your boyfriend compliments another girl because he is just appreciating her beauty. 


when your boyfriend compliments another girl

It shouldn’t take you off your balance and start thinking that he is insinuating something else. 


He may be doing it with a pure intention and you shouldn’t worry about it. 


Do you want to tell me that you don’t compliment other guys you find attractive? 


The comment you give about these guys it’s just an appreciation of how they look. 


It’s the same thing your boyfriend is doing. He sees and appreciates how incredible the other woman is. 


What you need to know is that he does this when you are around because he doesn’t feel it’s a big deal. 


He knows that you will never make it a fight when he compliments and says something good about other women. 


Your boyfriend feels comfortable around you and that is why he does this. 


He feels at ease which makes it easier for him to be himself whenever he is around you. 


But don’t start thinking that he is complimenting another woman because there is something going on.


He is just appreciating the beauty of the woman he sees. 


2. He wants to lower your self-esteem. 

If your boyfriend always appreciates and compliments another girl whenever you are around, this is what you have to know. 


He wants to lower your self-esteem. It can be that he is doing this intentionally just to make you feel that you are not attractive enough and that is why he looks at other women and compliment them. 


To be honest, when your boyfriend starts complimenting other girls in front of you, it hurts, right?  


Especially, if it’s something he never does when it comes to you. 


He always compliments other women but he never looks at you and gives you a positive comment on how you look. 


So, if your boyfriend has the intention of making you feel bad about how you look and make you feel insecure about your body, this is something he will do. 


Some guys do this intentionally to make you be submissive to them. 


The moment you realize that you are not attractive, you will conclude that no other guy will want to be with you. 


You will do everything you can to keep your boyfriend because you know that no one will want to be with you. 


This is what will make him manipulate you because you don’t feel worthy at all. 


So, if you have observed that your boyfriend keeps complimenting other women whenever you are around in a way that makes you feel that you aren’t attractive enough, this is what he is trying to do. 


You will know this from the comments he gives about the women he compliments. 


The moment there is always a comparison between the women he compliments and you, this should tell you that he is trying to make you feel low about yourself. 


He is doing this intentionally to lower your self-esteem. 


3. He wants to make you jealous and insecure. 

This is another reason why your boyfriend keeps complimenting other women whenever you are around him. 


He wants you to make you jealous and insecure which will all add to his favour. 


Your boyfriend wants to make you jealous intentionally. It can be that you made him jealous and he is trying to get a payback for what you did. 


If that is not the case, he just wants to make you jealous because he loves it when you make situations about yourself. 


Other guys will make you jealous just to hurt your feelings and make you submit to them. 


With jealousy comes insecurity; when you are jealous, you will always think that your boyfriend is going to be snatched by someone else.


When you are insecure, you will be submissive to him and do everything he wants you to because you are afraid you will end up losing him if you don’t do what he wants you to. 


So, if this is something he is doing to make you feel jealous and insecure and you know there is something he wants so bad from you, just unhook yourself from this trap. 


Don’t let him exploit you because of the silly things he does. Now you know it. 


4. He wants you to be like the woman he compliments. 

If your boyfriend compliments another girl whenever he is around you it’s because he is comparing you to her. 


is it okay for my boyfriend to compliment another girl

Your boyfriend wants you to be like the girl he is complimenting. He knows that when he compliments another woman, you will have lots of questions about why he did so. 


This is what will force you to look at the woman he is complimenting to notice anything that is out of the ordinary that makes your boyfriend compliment her. 


In the end, it will give you a hint that your boyfriend is interested in seeing certain things in a woman. 


This will make you start shaping your body the way other women did just to make him happy. 


Your boyfriend knows that you will do everything to make yourself attractive so that the compliments he showers to the other women will always fall on you. 


The moment your boyfriend compliments another woman and then compares her to you, it’s possible that he wants you to be like the other woman he is complimenting. 


He wants you to start putting effort into your body and look as pretty as the other women are. 


This is another tricky way of your boyfriend telling you that you need to work on yourself and be like the other women he compliments. 


5. You don’t have hold of your boyfriend’s attention. 

If your boyfriend compliments other women out there even if you are around him, you should know that you don’t hold your boyfriend’s attention at all. 


Your boyfriend is not hooked on you at all and that is why he gets time to focus on someone else. 


If you can’t hold your boyfriend’s attention, take your time and figure it out because it may end up ruining your relationship. 


Your boyfriend has to give you his attention when he is around you, it should be about the two of you when you are hanging out. 


He is not supposed to focus on other girls and even start complimenting them. 


So, you need to find out why your boyfriend is always focused on other girls when you are around him. 


If you are not on good terms with him you have to fix your issues. Resolve any misunderstandings and keep your relationship at its highest peak. 


If there is nothing wrong between the two of you but he is always focused on other women, you need to find ways to spice things up in your relationship so that he always has his attention on you even when you are out there. 


Show him that he doesn’t have to pay attention to the women he sees out there but only you. 


That will be possible by how you handle him whenever he is around you. 


If you don’t give your boyfriend attention, don’t be surprised if he gives his attention to other women he sees in the streets. 


When your boyfriend calls another girl pretty 

When your boyfriend calls another pretty in front of you I know it will hit you directly. 


You will conclude that your boyfriend doesn’t find you pretty or he is attracted to the girl he compliments and it’s possible that he wants to make a run for her. 


What you should know is that your boyfriend may be doing this just for no reason. 


When your boyfriend calls another girl pretty in front of you it’s because he is just comfortable around you, he likes joking around just to get your reaction and he knows that you won’t find it a big deal when he calls someone else pretty. 


But in some cases, when your boyfriend calls another girl pretty even when you are around him, it’s because you don’t hold his attention. 


Your boyfriend’s attention is on the girl he is staring at to the extent he complimented her by calling her pretty.  


You know what to do about that, I talked about it already in the above section of the article. 


My boyfriend compliments other girls but not me 

If your boyfriend compliments other girls but not you, it can be that he is trying to make you feel insecure about yourself. Also, it is possible that your boyfriend feels you don’t need his compliments because you know you are pretty. 


Your boyfriend compliments other girls but not you because he doesn’t find you that attractive. He is used to seeing you around and nothing about your body changes for him to compliment you. 


He compliments other girls because he doesn’t see them often, when he sees them he just sees the beauty and he can’t help himself but compliment them. 


It can be that you don’t try new things to make yourself look attractive to your boyfriend and that is why he doesn’t compliment you. 


He doesn’t see anything to compliment on your body and that is why he compliments other girls but not you. 


My boyfriend never compliments my appearance 

If your boyfriend never compliments you it’s because he doesn’t find you attractive enough, he doesn’t find it a big deal to compliment you, he thinks you don’t need compliments or it’s something he is not used to doing which makes it weird when he does it. 


It can be that your boyfriend is not used to complimenting you. 


He knows that you always feel good about your body, you know that you look pretty and there is no reason for him to tell you that. 


This can be solved by communication between the two of you. 


Is it okay for my boyfriend to compliment another girl? 

If your boyfriend compliments another girl for the right reason; appreciating the beauty, there is nothing wrong with that, but if he compliments her to make you feel bad about how you look and manipulate you it’s not okay. 


It’s not right for your boyfriend to compliment another woman just to make you feel bad about yourself. 


If he is doing it intentionally to hurt your feelings it’s not okay and you should not entertain that you. 


You will know when your boyfriend compliments another woman to make you feel bad about yourself when he compares you to the woman he compliments. 


It doesn’t end there, he also talks about how unattractive you look compared to the woman he is complimenting. 




If your boyfriend compliments other girls but not you, don’t just keep quiet about it. 


Let him know how you feel about what he does and how it affects you. If he loves you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, he will do the right thing. 


But if he compliments other girls just to make you feel bad about yourself and manipulate you, which will be revealed by how he will respond. 


If it bothers you when your boyfriend compliments other girls whenever you are around him, let him know that what he does makes you uncomfortable and he shouldn’t do it when he is around you. 


You are dating, it’s always best you protect each other’s feelings. 


If your boyfriend pays attention to other girls and that is why he compliments them and you know that there is a fault in your relationship, you need to work on that. 


Related reads;

  1. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  2. What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?
  3. 5 Reasons Why He Keeps Rescheduling Dates

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