When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?

When a guy says you are more than friends there is a huge meaning behind it. In this article, I will share what it means when a guy says you are more than friends and why he said that.


You already know what being friends with someone means, I don’t need to go into that.


The part that confuses you is when he says that you are more than friends.


You are trying to figure out what he meant by using such a phrase.


If you don’t know what it means, it might end up confusing you, and fail to have a clue what he is implying.


Without wasting time, let me share what you should know about what he said.


What does it mean when a guy says you are more than friends?

When a guy says you are more than friends it means you are past a normal friendship. It’s either he is implying that you are a couple which is all about you being in a serious relationship with him or you are in a casual relationship.


The moment a guy says you are more than friends, he is revoking the friendship title between the two of you.


He considers you as his girlfriend now and not as a normal friend. What he is telling you is that from now henceforth you are connected romantically because you are in a relationship.


He will be your boyfriend and you will be his girlfriend. That is what he is trying to mean.


So, if you have been close to each other and he decided to express what he feels for you.


He told you that he likes you, he loves you and he wants to be with you in his life and you said yes, it means you accepted him to be your boyfriend.


As long as you tell him that you feel the same for him, he knows that you are his girlfriend right now and that is why he says you are more than friends.


Also, when a guy says you are more than friends it can imply that you have a casual thing.


It’s either you are in a friends with benefits situation (there is an intimate connection between the two of you without strings attached and commitment of any kind) or you a casual relationship which also implies you only do sex and that is all.


So, if at one point you had sex with him yet you were never clear who you were to each other, and later on, he says you are more than friends, this means you are past a friendship.


There is more between the two of you that goes on and that is why he says you are more than friends.


Now that we have that out of the way, let me share with you some of the reasons why he said you are more than friends.


This is why he said you are more than friends;

1. He has feelings for you.

When a guy says you are more than friends the first thing you should know is that he has feelings for you.


when a guy says you are more than friends

He is in love with you and that is why he said you are more than friends.


If he wasn’t into you he wouldn’t have told you that there is something more between the two of you.


He would have even distanced himself from you to show you that he doesn’t feel anything for you.


So, when a guy says that you are more than friends he is expressing what he feels for you.


This phrase is used to explain that the relationship you have with someone is huge.


It’s not a joke.


So, if he has been treating you super nice, he has been so close to you and given you his time and attention, this shows that he is in love with you.


He feels you are more than just a friend. If he hasn’t expressed his feelings to you, with this phrase, he is telling you that he is in love with you but indirectly.


He knows that when he says you are more than friends, you will open up and realize that he means he wants to be with you romantically.


You should forget about the friendship pledge he has with you, right now it’s something else.


If you are ready for it, embrace it but if you aren’t interested in what he is offering let him know early in advance.


Don’t let him conclude that you are something more yet you don’t feel the same for him.


2. He wants you to know that you are past friendship.

When a guy says you are more than friends it means you are past a friendship.


The two of you are no longer just friends, you are something more.


If you expressed your feelings to him letting him know how you feel about him and it’s also mutual with him, this is the reason why he now says you are more than friends.


You have a strong romantic connection now and you are no longer the normal friends you used to be.


Also, it can be the other way around, he told you what he feels about you, what he wants from you, and expects and you said you feel the same and want the same.


From your response, he concluded that now you are not just friends, you have a romantic connection.


He said you are more than friends just to imply that you are in a relationship.


In other words, you are dating and no longer the normal friends.


3. He thinks you don’t know anything about what is going on.

It can be that you have an idea of what the phrase means. You understand everything that is going on.


he says we are more than friends

But he doesn’t think you understand anything at all because of how you express and handle yourself before him.


You seem clueless about what is happening. He is showing you signs but you act like you don’t understand anything.


He tries to be romantic around you just to make you happy but you don’t seem to grab anything he is doing.


The phrase “you are more than friends” it’s a normal phrase that a large percentage of people know about.


It’s a layman’s language.


The other side is that you totally understand everything is going on between the two of you.


The early texts and calls, the frequent hangouts, the dates, and so forth.


You understand that he wants something more from you and you go along with it.


He is worried about what you think of him. He doesn’t think you have an idea that now he is considering you as his girlfriend.


It can be due to how you handle him or you show him that you aren’t aware of what it means when he does all these things with you.


He says you are more than friends so that you understand that right now you are not friends anymore.


You are in another stage of a relationship and you should expect things to change.


He won’t handle you as he used to and things will get more interesting between the two of you.


4. He is reminding you that you have a relationship to work on.

If you are already in a romantic relationship with him, you are aware that there is something more going on and he says you are more than friends, it’s like he is reminding you that you have something to work on.


In a way, he thinks you have lost sight of what you have in front of you.


You have forgotten that you have something to work on, goals to achieve, and places to be as time goes by.


He thinks you are losing touch with what you are building and that is why he says you are more than friends.


We are more than friends!” He reminds you that you are in a relationship and you need to wake up.


He wants you to put effort and commitment into the relationship because lately you have been distracted by other things.


This is another reason why he said you are more than friends.


It’s just like a guy telling you, “You are my girlfriend” yet you know that you are his girlfriend.


It’s just to remind you that you should pay attention to what you have.




When a guy says you are more than friends it means he considers you as a couple, not normal friends at all.


He is saying that you guys are in a romantic relationship.


If he told you what he feels for you and you agreed that you feel the same for him, when he says you are more than friends, he is telling you that you are now his girlfriend.


On the other side, if he hasn’t expressed his feelings but you have been closer to each other, you show him that you are interested and he shows you the same. When he says you are more than friends, he is saying that you have something more going on.


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