5 Reasons Why He Wants You To Call Him

He wants you to call him but you don’t know why that is so, you are asking yourself so many questions about this.


Does he want you to call him because there is something he wants to share with you?

Does he want you to call him because he thinks you are into him?


Why does he want you to call him after exchanging contacts?

Why doesn’t he make the effort of calling you but ask you to do it?


I know you have so many questions, all these questions are going to be answered in this article.


When a guy asks you to call him there are a couple of things he is trying to get at even without you understanding.


I will share everything you need to know about why he wants you to call him.


With all this information I will share with you, it will be easier for you to get around any expectations and intentions he has for you.


Without wasting time, let me share what you should know about why he wants you to call him.


What does it mean when a guy asks you to call him?

When a guy asks you to call him it means he wants to talk to you and know more about you. To him, you are an incredible person and he wants to keep the communication between the two of you going. He also wants to know if you are interested enough to make the call.


There are several reasons why a guy would want you to call him. I will share everything in this article so that you understand his intentions behind him asking you to do that.


This is why he wants you to call him;

1. He is too busy to call you.

When a guy asks you to call him this is the first thing you should know.


he wants me to call him

It can be that he is too busy to call you and that is why he asked you to do that.


He is busy and it will be hard for him to remember to call you. This is especially true if it’s when you have met and exchanged contacts for the first time.


So, he wants you to call so that he keep the conversations going because he might forget to call you.


You should conclude this if he told you that he has a busy schedule and it will be hard for him to remember to initiate a call.


A guy will want you to call him so that you remind him of the conversation you had to keep it going.


He is not certain that he will manage to call you and that is why wants you to do it.


If he knew that he was sure that he would manage to call you, he wouldn’t have asked you to do it.


You would have received his call anytime.


2. If he gave you his number, he wants to get yours.

If it’s when you have just met and he gave you his number, he wants you to call him so that he can have your number.


Right now he doesn’t have your contact in his phone. There is no way he can initiate a call.


He wants you to call him so that he can save your number on his contacts.


If you don’t call him, there is no way he will have your contact.


This is the main reason why he wants you to call him if you haven’t given him your number.


It can be that he just doesn’t want to be seen as a desperate guy begging you for your number.


The truth is that he is not sure if you will give him your phone number or not.


So, he doesn’t want to embarrass himself by asking for your number in public without knowing the response you will give him.


This is another reason why he wants you to call him.


3. He wants to know if you will make an effort.

It can be that you have met and talked for a while. The vibe between the two of you is super amazing.


You both enjoyed the conversations and you bonded. There are a lot of things that you shared.


He knows that you are totally into him. You like him. That is what is what he thinks.


It may be the case or not.


If you like him it will be easier for you to make an effort to call him to keep the communication between the two of you going.


But if you don’t fancy him there is no way you will make an effort of calling him.


So, when a guy wants you to call him yet he can do that, it’s because he just wants to know if you will make an effort.


If by any chance he expressed his feelings for you and you both came into an agreement that you will be together, he asked you to call him to see if you are willing to keep the communication going.


He wants to know if you will make an effort to keep the relationship going.


It’s kinda like he is testing to see if you are willing to commit to the relationship.


This is why he wants you to call him.


But if you just talked and he kinda saw that there is a spark between the two of you.


He is not sure if you are into him or not, he will ask you to call him on purpose to see if you will do it.


4. He finds it cute when a woman initiates a call.

You have to understand that sometimes things are different when a woman makes the first move.


Mostly it’s guys who initiate conversations. It’s rare for women to do it because they don’t want to be seen as desperate and needy.


If he has always been calling you and now he wants you to call him then this could be another reason why that is the case.


He wants you to initiate the call because he finds it cute when you do it.


Also, there is a feeling of satisfaction, feeling special and wanted.


The truth is that if you want nothing to do with him you will never think of calling him.


But if he wants you to call him and you do so, it’s because of what you have created.


What I can tell you is that guys like it when a woman initiates a conversation.


It’s something amazing and that is why he wants you to call him. I know it may not mean much to you but for him, it’s something huge.


And that is why he wants you to do it.


5. He has something to share with you.

If he wants you to call him it’s because he wants to share something important with you.


It can be that he wants to express his feelings or it can be an issue that he has been holding on to for a while.

And now he wants to share it with you and that is why he wants you to call him.


When a guy asks you to call him, it’s about the conversation and there is nothing more to it.


He wants to share with you something important and that is why he asked you to.


If there wasn’t anything he wanted to share with you, he wouldn’t have asked you to call him.


Anyway, what I can tell you is that you will never know why he wanted you to call him unless you do it.


He wants me to call him often

When a guy wants you to call him often it means he always wants to talk to you. He wants to talk to you more, get to know you and eventually connect with you and that is why he wants you to keep the communication going.


He is telling you to call him often because he wants you to know that he will always have time to pick up your calls.


Also, when a guy wants you to call him often he is trying to show you that he doesn’t have anyone by his side.


No one is going to question him about who is talking to and you shouldn’t be worried about anything.


He told me to call him anytime

If he told you to call him anytime it means that he doesn’t want you to be worried about the timings of when you should be in touch with him. He wants you to be free to call him at any time of the day or night. He will always pick up your calls.


When a guy tells you to call him anytime he just wants you to feel comfortable initiating conversations with him at any time.


He told me to call him but he didn’t answer

If he told you to call him but didn’t answer it’s because he was caught up in something and he didn’t manage to see your call. The fact that he wanted you to call him shows that he wanted to talk to you. So, if he didn’t answer take your time and try again later.


Should I call him again if he didn’t answer?

If you have called him once but he didn’t answer, you should try and call him again. It can be that he was busy and didn’t even manage to see your call. But if you have called him more than thrice, you shouldn’t call again.


Take your time to focus on what matters to you. If he wants to talk to you when he sees the missed calls he will call you back.


But if he doesn’t want to talk to you that will also be revealed.


Calling more than thrice will just imply that you are seeking too much attention.


Just don’t give him the privilege to think that you are so desperate for him.


I missed his call should I call him back?

If you have missed his call you should call him back immediately when you get the chance to. This is what will show him that you care about him and you didn’t leave his call deliberately. When you call him back he will know that you are eager to hear what he has to tell you.


You should call him back if you missed his call and you want to know what he wanted to share with you.


Some guys will never call you if you haven’t answered their calls. They will just conclude you don’t want to talk to them.


Do guys like it when you call them?

Guys like it when you call them because it makes them feel special and wanted. In most cases, it’s men who initiate conversations, when you make the first move it makes them feel valued. So, if you want to give him the best impression you should call him once in a while.


That is what will keep the conversation going. But if you won’t call him and he is always the one calling you, it will feel one-sided.


Eventually, he will get tired of calling you and he will stop.




When a guy wants you to call him the first thing you should know is that he wants to talk to you.


It’s all about what he wants to share with you. If there wasn’t anything important he wanted to share with you he wouldn’t have asked you to call him.


Also, if he wants to see if you will make an effort or not, he will ask you to call him.


The moment you take your time to call him it will give him the best impression and it might be a good way to jump-start your relationship with him.


Guys like it when a woman initiates conversations. So, he asked you to call him and if you are interested in him, give him a call.


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