A Guy Says I Can’t Give Him What He Wants: It Means?

When a guy says you can’t give him what he wants it means he thinks you are not capable of fulfilling his needs. What he needs from you is something you can’t offer and that is why he said this.


There is more to what it means, in this article, I will share what it means when he says you can’t give him what he wants and why he said it.


For you to understand how to respond to him and navigate anything that he is about to throw at you, you need to know why he said that in the first place.


Before I share why he said that, you should know what it means when a guy says you can’t give him what he wants.


What does it mean when a guy says you can’t give him what he wants?

When a guy says you can’t give him what he wants it means he thinks that you aren’t capable of offering what he wants from you. You can’t give him anything that will satisfy him or match his expectations. It’s one way of telling you that you aren’t enough for him.


When a guy says you can’t give him what he wants he just wants you to know you can’t be of help to him.


There is no way you can help him with anything because you can’t give him what he wants.


You are not enough for him, you aren’t what he expected and there is no way he is going to benefit from you since you aren’t the full package.


This is what he means when he says you can’t give him what he wants.


Anyway, if you want to know the deeper meaning of what it means when a guy says you can’t give him what he wants, you have to first find out the situation the two of you are in.


If he is a guy you are interested in and he says you can’t give him what he wants, he is referring to the relationship you are about to create with him.


He doesn’t want to give you a chance because he thinks you can’t give him what he wants.


So, there is no need for the two of you to date.


If he is your boyfriend already and he tells you that you can’t give him what he wants, this means that he is not happy being with you because you can’t match up to his expectations.


You hardly satisfy him, he is not happy and he just wants to end the relationship because of that issue.


This is why he says you can’t give him what he wants;

1. He wants to end the relationship.

If he a guy wants a reason to end a relationship with you this is the first thing he will say.


when a guy says you can't give him what he wants

It’s just a reason to get rid of you from his life.


If you have been dating for a while and he wants to break up with you because he is just tired of you, he will use this kinda phrase.


He knows that when he tells you that you can’t give him what he wants you will just conclude you aren’t capable of giving him anything to make him happy.


The effort you put into the relationship isn’t enough to make him happy.


He knows that you will ask yourself so many questions when he tells you that you can’t give him what he wants.


So, if he is your boyfriend and you have been dating for a while, it’s possible that he just wants to walk out of your life.


He wants to make you feel that you aren’t good enough and this will make you think of letting him go.


If you have been dating for more than 4 months, why is he bringing this up at this moment?


Do you want to tell me that he never realized that you couldn’t give him what he wanted when you started dating?


He just wants to end the relationship and that is why he says you can’t give him what he wants.


2. He doesn’t want to give you a chance.

On this side, let us say you are interested in him and you have been working your way to pull him to your side.


You tried everything to show him that you wanted something more with him.


What he does is only handle you like a sister. He doesn’t seem to notice that you want a relationship with him.


Since the chase has been going on for a while and you have no intention of taking it longer, you decide to express what you feel for him.


You approached him and told him the truth about what you want from him.


You told him that you wanted something more and not just only a friendship with him.


“You can’t give me what I want”


That is what he said, he did not even express what he feels for you.


He didn’t say if he was interested in you or not, he just said you aren’t capable of giving him what he wants.


What you should know is that he doesn’t want anything to do with you.


He is not interested in you and he doesn’t want you to know the truth.


If he was into you he would have given you a chance or told you to give him some time to think about what you want from him.


He told you you can’t give him what you want because he doesn’t want to give you a chance.


3. He wants you to put in more effort.

If you are dating and he says you can’t give him what he wants, this means that he is not happy with what you are providing for the moment.


He has been with you for a while and what you do in that relationship doesn’t make him happy at all.


You don’t do what he expects and wants you to, the relationship is just dormant.


Nothing is exciting going on in this relationship and that is why he said you can’t give him what he wants.


He said this knowing that you would be left with thousands of questions about what he feels for you.


You will start analyzing what you are doing wrong in that relationship and you will want to change everything to make him happy.


The only thing you will have to do is put more effort into the relationship so that you can give him what he wants.


You will want to know why he says you can’t give him what he wants.


If he tells you what he wants from you and there is a chance you can give it to him, you will do everything you can to make him satisfied.


Since you are in love with him and you don’t want to let him go, you will have no choice but to put extra effort into the relationship.


This is what he wants you to do and that is why he said you can’t give him what he wants.


The truth is that if he wasn’t happy with you and he wanted to walk away from your life immediately, he would have done it without saying this at all.


The fact that he told you that you can’t give him what he wants, means he wants you to work harder and get him what he wants if you want him to stay and be happy with you.


4. He looks down upon you.

When a guy wants to belittle you he will use this phrase.


A guy can be little you by what he does and says around you.


He knows for sure that when he says something like this he will hurt your feelings, but he does it anyway.


A man who cares about your feelings will never just say anything without filtering it.


He will first consider how the words are going to affect you and the results of what he said.


This guy doesn’t care about what you feel at all.


He doesn’t care if he hurts your feelings or makes you feel bad about yourself.


It can be a guy you are friends with, you are interested in him or he is your boyfriend.


He says you can’t give him what he wants just to undermine the effort you are putting into maintaining your relationship.


A man who cares about you will appreciate even the smallest effort you put into maintaining a relationship.


When you do something that makes him happy and it’s great for both of you he will recognize it.


But if a man has the intention of making you feel that you aren’t doing enough for him just to hurt your feelings, he will say something like this.


So, if he is being rude and mean to you and he ends up saying that you can’t give him what he wants, he just did it to make you feel bad about yourself.


He is belittling you knowing that it will hurt you. This is intentionally just to make you feel bad about yourself.


5. He wants something that you can’t offer.

It’s also possible that he is telling you the truth that you can’t give him anything he wants.


when a guy says you can't offer me what i want

Maybe what he wants from you is something that you can’t provide.


For instance, you have been close to each other, you know him so does he. You have been friends for a while but it ended up that he developed feelings for you.


He wants you to be more than friends (he wants you to be his girlfriend) your response to him is that you can’t be with him.


Read also; When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?


When you told him that you can’t be with him, he started distancing himself away from you.


You like him as a friend, you have always enjoyed his company; you try all you can to get closer to him and ask him what is going on.


What he tells you is that you can’t give him what he wants and that is why he doesn’t want to talk to you or be close to you anymore.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why He Saw You But Didn’t Say Hi


In another case; he wants sex from you, since you don’t feel anything for him you told him that nothing between the two of you can happen.


When you tried to contact him so that you could hang out as you used to as friends. He said you can’t give him what he wants.


The truth is that you can’t give him what he wants and that is why he doesn’t care about you anymore.


But if you were able to accept what he wanted from you, he wouldn’t have said that.



When a guy says you can’t give him what he wants the first thing you should do is find out why he says that.


If what he wants from you is out of your equation and that is why he says that, you will have no choice but to let him go.


He wanted something from you and that is why he was so close to you.


After realizing that you can’t fulfill his wishes, he starts distancing himself from you.


If he is your boyfriend you should sit down and talk to him about what he wants from you.


The moment you realize that it’s something you can give him, you should let him know that you will work on it.


But if he is not ready to sit down and wait for you to work on what he wants, it seems he has already made up his mind that he wants to walk away from you.


You will have no choice but to let him go.


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