Boyfriend Chooses His Mother Over Me: Do This

Your boyfriend chooses his mother over you; it makes you question how he feels about you and the relationship at large.


Will he always prioritize his mother over you when it comes to everything? You don’t know whether you should leave him or continue being with him.


What you need to know is that your boyfriend cares about his mother. You have to understand that your relationship with him can’t compare to what he has with his mother.


If there is something that makes you feel that your boyfriend is choosing his mother over you, there are several approaches you can take to handle this issue.


Your boyfriend choosing his mother over you can either be wrong or right depending on different situations.


You have to let your boyfriend work on his family issues and don’t ever make him choose between you and his family.


Your boyfriend will always lean on his family because they are related by blood.


Before you say or do anything that will make your boyfriend feel like you don’t care about his mother, this is what you need to do.


This is what to do when your boyfriend chooses his mother over you;

1. Find out why your boyfriend prioritizes his mother over you.

Before you conclude that your boyfriend doesn’t care about you all, this is what you have to do first.


he chooses his mother over me

You need to understand why your boyfriend chooses his mother over you.


Why does he prioritize his mother over you?

Is there something that makes him put his mother first over you?


Check out the situation of his mother before you conclude anything. If your boyfriend chooses his mother over you, there must be something pushing him to do so.


You need to find out why he does that before you end the relationship with him.


As I told you earlier, your boyfriend will always choose his family over you.


We all need an identity. His mother gave him that.


If your boyfriend prioritizes his mother over you because of something that forces him to do so, you will have to understand that.


Give your boyfriend ample time to handle his mother’s issues before you pull him on your side.


If his mother is dependent on him financially and she has no means to survive, you will have to understand that.


Read also; My Boyfriend’s Parents Are Dependent On Him: What To Do


Your boyfriend will never let his mother suffer just to comfort you.


You have to understand that if his mother is in the worst condition he will always choose to take care of her first before you.


You mean a lot to him, but his mother is everything. You can’t tell me that you will let your mother suffer because you love your boyfriend.


Your instincts will always tell you to help your mother no matter how much you love your boyfriend.


The word family stands for something bigger that a romantic relationship can’t measure with.


Someone can hurt your feelings and you will hate that person as long as you live.


But if you find yourself in a conflict with your brother or sister, you will at one point even take a bullet for him or her without even thinking about what he or she did to you in the past.


So, you need to understand why your boyfriend is choosing his mother over you.


If your boyfriend is choosing his mother over you because it’s something very crucial, you need to let him focus on fixing what is going on.


Don’t give him a hard time.


He loves you but he chose to focus on what his mother is going through, this means that it’s something huge that he can’t evade.


Your boyfriend prioritizes his mother over you because he sees there is a need.


No matter how much you love each other, just know that your boyfriend will always lean towards his mother and not you.


2. Fix your relationship with him before you do anything.

If your boyfriend chooses his mother over you there must be something wrong.


Your relationship with him also plays a big role when it comes to who your boyfriend chooses to prioritize.


If your relationship with your boyfriend has issues, he will always choose to put his mother forward over you.


He will choose to spend more time with his mother than you, he will listen more to his mother than you and he will always take care of his mother better than you.


If you always hurt your boyfriend, don’t expect he will prioritize you.


Don’t think that he will include you in important things that matter to him.


He will always talk about his future and the things he wants to do in life with his mother and not you.


When you disrespect a guy in any way, you will lose his trust and love.

He will choose someone else over you.


So, if there is a conflict between the two of you, think of a way of fixing the mess between the two of you.


Strengthen your relationship and pull your boyfriend closer to you.


Show him that you care about him and you are ready to work on the relationship.


The moment your boyfriend realizes that you are ready to fix things and be there for him during his lows and highs, he will get closer to you.


He will start spending more time with you and he will talk about everything he does with you and not his mother.


Read also; When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?


If you know there is something that happened between the two of you that pushes him to trust his mother more than you, find a way to fix that.


That is the only way you will manage to make your boyfriend prioritize you over his mother.


Start working on your relationship and this might be the only thing that will make your boyfriend put you first over anyone else.


3. Don’t put your boyfriend in a position to choose between you and his mother.

Your boyfriend is choosing his mother over you because you keep him in a position to choose.


Don’t put your boyfriend in a position to choose between you and his mother.


He will always choose his mother no matter how much he loves you.


You are in a romantic relationship with him, you can’t weigh the love he has for you over his mother.


Your boyfriend will always choose his mother because the link between him and her can’t measure with what you have.


Understand your place in a relationship. Don’t compare a romantic relationship bond to a family one.


If your boyfriend put you in a position to choose him over your mother, who would you have chosen?


You know the answer.


It’s a different thing when you have to ask him to choose between you and another girl.


Keep in mind that your boyfriend will choose his mother over you and prioritize her over you when you put him in that position.


If his mother and you are in trouble, he will always choose to aid his mother before you.


The moment you put your boyfriend in a position to choose between you and his mother you will only be creating a conflict.


You need to observe a situation that you put your boyfriend in before you conclude that he doesn’t care about you but his mother only.


3. Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel about this.

If your boyfriend chooses his mother over you and this affects how you feel about him, you need to talk about this with him.


You have to let him know what you think and feel about what he does.


Talking about how you feel can make him realize the impact of what he is doing on your relationship.


He is your boyfriend and he will know a way to handle this issue and not make you feel like you are left out.


If he does something that makes you feel that you are always left out whenever something happens but his mother is all in, he can adjust that.


Don’t keep silent about it because you are afraid your boyfriend might react negatively.


If you are not happy about what is going on, you need to talk to your boyfriend about it.


If you feel neglected and left out because of what your boyfriend does when it comes to taking care of you and his mother, talk about it.


Your boyfriend will know how to make things right so that you don’t feel the way you do right now when it comes to his mother.


If he overdoes things when it comes to his mother, he will know how to change that.


Be careful not to imply the opposite of what I mean. Don’t make your boyfriend think that you want him to let his mother go and hold on to you.


Ask him to balance how he handles you and his mother.


If pays all his attention to his mother and completely neglects you he will realize that.


Don’t keep quiet about something that is hurting you.


4. Take the right call if what he does affects your relationship.

If your boyfriend chooses his mother over you completely to the extent he doesn’t take care of you, he doesn’t give you what you need, you will have no choice but to end the relationship.


he chooses his mother over me

It has reached a point that he doesn’t care about you anymore but his mother.


Your boyfriend should have understood that you are dating. No matter what happens with his family, he also has to consider you.


He has to take care of you, give you the attention you deserve, and share with you what is going on.


If the part of him choosing his mother over you affects your relationship greatly, you will have to walk away.


He has to take care of you, be there for you, give you his time, and share with you about what is going on in his life.


Your boyfriend has to balance everything so that he ensures you don’t feel left out because he is busy taking care of his mother.


If what your boyfriend does affects your relationship; he doesn’t have time for you, he doesn’t take care of you and he hurts you just to please his mother, you will have to leave him.


End the relationship with him and find someone who is going to take care of you.


Someone who will know that you are also someone important in his life and not his family only.



What you need to know is that your boyfriend will always choose his family over you.


He will choose his mother over you, so don’t put him in a position to choose between you and his mother.


Your boyfriend should also understand the position you hold in his life. He shouldn’t do things to make you feel inferior or belittle in any way because he is taking care of his mother.


He has to protect your feelings, give you the attention you deserve, and have time for you.


Anything that couples should do to each other, all the rights that are imposed in a relationship shouldn’t be violated because of his mother.


If your boyfriend prioritizing his mother over you affects your relationship seriously then you will have to end it.


Related reads;

  1. Boyfriend’s Family Talks Bad About Me: Do This
  2. He Introduced Me To His Family As A Friend: Why?
  3. Best Friend Talking To Your Boyfriend Behind Your Back: Why
  4. My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 
  5. He Introduced Me To His Family And Then Broke Up With Me

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