What Does It Mean When A Guy Ignores Your Compliment?

You told him he looks smart but he ignores you. He looks at you and just walks away. Why is he ignoring your compliment? Did you say something wrong?


In this article, I will share what it means when a guy ignores your compliment.


If there is something wrong you said by complimenting him you will also know it.


When a guy ignores your compliment the first thing you have to know is that he just doesn’t want to keep the conversation with you going.


That is why he ignored you, but there is more to it.


Let me share what you should know about the meaning.


What does it mean when a guy ignores your compliment?

When a guy ignores your compliment it means he doesn’t want to talk to you. He does want to keep the conversation with you going. It can be that you exaggerated the compliment or he just doesn’t like how you framed it.


If he doesn’t want to talk to you, he will just say nothing when you compliment him.


The moment you notice that you complimented him and he said nothing, what you will do is keep silent and walk away.


You will get the vibe that he doesn’t want to speak to you and that is why he ignored your compliment.


Answering the compliment will keep the conversation going, which is what he is trying to avoid by ignoring you.


The compliment you have given him may be the reason why he didn’t respond.


If you complimented him and he felt like you were mocking him, it could be the reason why he just ignored you.


Anyway, let me share with you why he ignored your compliment maybe next time you will know how to approach him if you want to start a conversation with him.


This is why he ignored your compliment;

1. He didn’t want to talk to you.

He ignored your compliment because he didn’t want to talk to you.


what does it mean when a guy ignores your compliment

That is the first possible reason why he ignored your compliment. Don’t be so surprised why he didn’t respond when you said something positive to him.


When a guy doesn’t want to talk to you for any reason the first thing he will do is avoid replying to you even when you say something positive to him.


He knew that responding to the compliment you gave him would only keep the conversation going.


The best way to avoid talking to you is just ignoring you. If a guy ignores your compliment, you won’t even think of getting closer to him.


You will know that the vibe between the two of you is off and you will just walk away.


That is what he wants you to realize.


It can be that he doesn’t want to talk to you because he is just too occupied by other things that are going on currently.


It’s not an issue that you did something to make him mad.


Let us say that he doesn’t have time for a small talk with you because there is something that has occupied him.


That is if he is a guy you have been talking to and he is a close friend.


But if it’s a guy you never met before and you complimented him just start a conversation with him then just know he didn’t want to speak to you.


If he wanted to speak to you he would have quickly responded to the comment you gave him.


2. He wasn’t interested in you.

He ignored your compliment because he wasn’t interested in you.


Let me be honest with you about something, when a guy is interested in you, he will jump at any opportunity you will give him.


First, he will want to be in touch with you so bad that he will be willing to do anything just to get your attention.


But if you compliment a guy and he says nothing, it’s clear that he doesn’t fancy you.


You are not the type of a girl he would like to speak to and that is why he just left you hanging when you complimented him.


I am talking about a guy you have met for the first time and you were trying to start a conversation with.


He knew that a reply to the compliment you gave him would give you the impression that he wanted to talk to you.


The truth is that he just didn’t want you to get closer to him because he wasn’t into you.


You walked away when he ignored your compliment, right? That is exactly what he wanted you to do.


It’s simply to know if a guy is interested in you or not, men usually make it pretty clear if they don’t want you around.


This is very different from ladies.


3. He thought you were making fun of him.

You complimented him and he ignored you. Do you know that maybe what you said is what made him ignore you?


A positive phrase can either be good or bad depending on how you phrase it.


It can be that you complimented him but he felt like you were making fun of him because of how you framed it.


If you exaggerate something someone will always conclude that you are making fun of them.


For instance, if you said, “I like your 1 dollar trouser; it fits you well enough for your body”


A phrase like that is a compliment but the way you framed it made it feel like an insult.


The part whereby you talk about the price of the trouser made him feel like you were mocking him and that is why he ignored you.


It’s kinda like you hurt his feelings and that is why he said nothing when you complimented him.


If you exaggerated the compliment in any way, this could be the reason why he ignored it.


It made him feel like you were making fun of how he looked and that is why he didn’t respond.


Also, it can be that you didn’t give him a honest compliment about how he was and that is why he just ignored you.


4. He was mad at you.

If you did something to annoy him this could be another reason why he didn’t say anything when you complimented him.


When a guy is mad at you because of a conflict that you haven’t resolved he won’t talk to you.


So, if there is something you did earlier that made him mad at you, this could be another reason why he didn’t want to speak to you at all.


If he is your friend and you did or said something earlier that made him angry at you, this could be the reason why he ignored your compliment.


When someone makes you angry, he doesn’t apologize to you and doesn’t even bother fixing the broken relationship, if he offers something good, will you think of receiving it?


In most cases, you won’t even want to be close to that person leave alone taking something from him.


He didn’t respond to your compliment because you haven’t fixed the issues between the two of you.


This guy is still mad at you.


5. He never heard you complimenting him.

You think that he ignored your compliment. It can be that he didn’t even hear you.


he ignored my compliment

There are times you might be looking at someone and your entire mind is somewhere else.


Especially when you are overthinking about something that is stressing you out.


You think that he ignored you because he was looking at you when you complimented him.


He was absorbed in another space and that is why he didn’t even hear anything you told him.


Also, if you were somewhere loud, it’s possible that he didn’t hear your compliment and that is why he didn’t say anything at all.



If a guy ignores your compliment the main reason behind it is that he doesn’t want to talk to you.


He looks at you and sees that you are not someone he would like to talk to.


Don’t think too much about it. The vibe between the two of you is off and that is why he didn’t bother to say a thing.


If he ignores your compliment, don’t get closer and try small talk with him, it won’t work.


Just walk away and find someone who will be interested in talking to you.


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