5 Things To Do When A Guy Cries In Front Of You 

When a guy cries in front of you, what does it mean? What can you do when a guy cries in front of you?  


In this article, I will share what it means when a guy cries in front of a woman and what to do about it. 


I know you have so many questions about this topic, but before I share with you what to do when a guy cries in front of you, it’s better you know what it means first. 


What you need to understand is that when a guy cries in front of you, he is trying to express certain emotions. 


It doesn’t only mean that he is hurt but it can also be a way of expressing how he feels about you. 


There is more you will know about that as you continue reading the article. 


For now, you should know what it means when a guy cries in front of you. 


What does it mean when a guy cries in front of you? 

When a guy cries in front of you it means he is comfortable to show his weaknesses to you. He knows he is safe with you and there is no way you will use that to manipulate him. That is why he lets all his emotions out by crying. 


when a guy cries in front of you

He is comfortable around you and that is why he is not worried about what you will think of him. 


You are someone he trusts and is free to open up to and that is why he is crying in front of you. 


It’s not easy to find a man crying in front of a woman because most guys believe that it’s one way of showing weaknesses. 


No man wants to be recognized as weak and incompetent in front of a woman. 


What does it mean when your boyfriend cries in front of you? 

When your boyfriend cries in front of you it means he is emotionally hurt or happy depending on the situation you guys are on. He is showing you how he feels by crying for you to comfort him or connect with him. It also shows that he is comfortable around you. 


If you did something that hurt your boyfriend’s feelings and he ends up crying it shows that he is hurt. 


He can’t express what you did in words. The cry is just to let you know how hurt he is right now. 


But if your boyfriend is crying out for no reason, something is bothering him and it’s up to you to connect with him and try to find out what is bothering him. 


What will make your relationship strong with your boyfriend is how you connect with him during the toughest time. 


If you can handle your boyfriend during his lows and make him comfortable it will strengthen your relationship by a big percentage. 


And that is what I will be sharing in the same article so continue reading. 


When a man cries in front of a woman 

When a man cries in front of a woman it shows that he is hurt beyond a breaking point. It’s hard for a man to cry in front of a woman because most of them believe that it’s a sign of weakness.  


The moment a man cries in front of a woman it’s because he can’t hold his emotions back at all. 


His emotions build up and he decides to let them out and that is when he ends up crying in front of a woman. 


Why would a guy cry in front of you? 

A guy would cry in front of a woman because he is too emotional, he is hurt, he is comfortable around the woman, and he can’t hold back his emotions. 


Now that you have known what it means when a guy cries in front of you, it’s time to know what to do about it. 


This is what to do when a guy cries in front of you; 

1. Don’t ask him questions as he cries. 

When a guy cries in front of you this is what you should do.  


Don’t ask him questions as he cries. This will only make it worse. You won’t be helping him at all. 


You will only be making things worse for him. When you ask him questions about why he is crying, you will be reminding him why he is in that state in the first place. 


Instead of him healing you will only open up the wounds.  


The only thing you should do is be around him and don’t say anything when he is crying at first. 


Let him cry and don’t push to find out why he is crying unless he opens up to you. 


Don’t ask him questions or try to find out why he is crying from the people who are around him. 


At first, when a guy is crying, his emotions are usually at the brim. So, let him pour them out. 


Give him some minutes for him to let go of the steam before you start asking him what is wrong. 


2. Make him comfortable and show empathy. 

As he is crying, you should focus on making him comfortable and show him empathy. 


He is in pain. What you should do is make things easier for him.  


It doesn’t matter whether you are mad at him for something he did or you have issues that you haven’t resolved. 


You have to let go of everything that happened in the past and focus on his current situation. 


Try to make him comfortable by providing him with a safe space to let out his emotions. 


You can pull him to a comfortable space where he can sit. If he is standing while he is crying just pull him to your side. 


As long as he is willing to come to your side you have control of where you can place him. 


On a comfortable sofa, it would be great for him.  


Let him keep crying as you pat his back. 

When a man is crying in front of you, don’t sit around him with your legs stretched like you are in a pool part. 


Try to show empathy. He is hurting.  


I mean don’t sit like you are at a party while he is crying in front of you. He will feel like you don’t care about what he is going through. 


Also, he won’t be comfortable around you when you are handling yourself like that. 


This is because you are not supportive at all and you only keep making things worse for him. 


Don’t conclude that he doesn’t notice what you do around him because he is crying.  


He sees it all but he can’t help himself because he is hurt. 


Try to emulate his posture to show him that you are in with him through what he is going through. 


Show that you also notice the pain he is going through and you want to help him out. 


This is what will make him comfortable around you and he will feel that you care about him. 


This is what you should do when a man cries in front of you. 


3. Give him a tight hug and let him calm down. 

If he keeps on crying as you are trying to make him comfortable, it shows that he is hurt. 


So, you will have to go the extra mile and hug him tight to calm him down. 


The human connection is essential in relieving the pain. When you hug him tight it will make him feel good. 


He will know that there is someone who cares about him. At least he won’t feel lonely when he is going through this hurtful experience. 


Hug him tight and hold him as he cries. Keep on patting his back and caressing him lightly (not sexual touch). 


When you hug him and hold him tight he will slightly calm down because it will make him realize that you are also in pain. 


If he cares about you too he will try to control himself and let go of what he feels. 


This is because he doesn’t want you to start crying.  


Also, when you hug him tight it will make him calm down and embrace you. 


It’s human nature to want someone around. It feels good when you realize that there is also someone else who feels what you are going through. 


The physical connection is what will also make him feel relieved. 


4. Share positivity with him. 

If he is crying in front of you don’t bring negativity no matter how angry you are at him. 


what to do when a guy cries in front of you

Don’t start saying that it’s his fault that he is in that situation.  


The only thing you should share with him it’s positivity. It doesn’t make sense when you hug him get too close to him and start sharing negativity. 


Your main intention is to make him comfortable, calm him down, and help him relieve his pain. 


If he crying because something went wrong, you should share positivity by telling him that things will be okay. 


This is not the time for you to share anything negative that will keep on hurting his feelings. 


If there is bad news you want to share just hold them to yourself until he is calm. 


You should share things that will help him get over the situation he is in right now. 


“All will be well” is what you should be sharing with him to help him feel good. 


5. If he is your boyfriend, initiate a romantic touch. 

If he is your boyfriend and you have done all the things I have shared in this article, don’t be afraid to initiate a romantic touch. 


He is hurt, try to do something that will make him feel good.  


Be creative and show him good times. Don’t be afraid to hold him tight, kiss him, and take him to bed if you can. 


As long as you know it’s a situation that you can handle, initiate a romantic touch. 


This is what will make your boyfriend feel good and forget about the pain he is going through. 


It doesn’t matter whether you are the cause of what he is going through or not. 


As long as he is crying in front of you, he wants you to comfort him. If you pull him to your side and he doesn’t resist, take it to the next step. 


But if he doesn’t want to be closer to you when he is crying, just let him be alone for a while and come back later. 


What you need to know is that men are different, we have those who want a connection with other people to heal while others want to be left alone. 



When a guy cries in front of you try your best to comfort him and show him that you care about him. 


Don’t start pushing him away while he is in pain it might only make things worse. 


If he is someone you care about try your best to make him feel comfortable and help him feel better. 


The tips I have shared in this article will help you do that. 


But if you notice that he doesn’t want you close when he is crying, just give him some space to relieve the pain. 


When he is calm, you should get closer to him. 


Related reads;

  1. Guys Get Mad When You Don’t Give Them Attention: Why? 
  2. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?
  4. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  5. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?

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