When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?

You met this guy and he said he wants to get to know you better. What does it mean? What is next after he gets to know you better?


I know you have a lot of questions about why he has so much interest in knowing you. I will do my level best to share everything you should know when a guy says that he wants to get to know you better.


You need to understand that when a guy is interested in you, he will do everything he can to be around you.


If he wants something more from you, this will be noticeable by how he talks and handles himself around you.


A guy will want to get to know you better when he is into you. The part of getting to know you better won’t stop him from shooting his shot at you.


When a guy says that he wants to get to know you better it’s all about trying to lure you to his side.


During this period “Of getting to know you better” he will spend so much time around you, he will want to hang out with you alone and even try to make a romantic move.


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?


What does it mean when a guy wants to get to know you better?

When a guy wants to get to know you better it means he wants to get closer to you. He is already interested in you but he isn’t sure if you are someone who fits his preferences. The part of getting to know you better is just for him to get to check how you vibe beyond the level of friendship.


The moment a guy gets closer to you and tries to make his way toward your heart, he has already seen you and observed the kind of a woman you are and what interests him the most.


If he wants to get to know you better, in most cases it will end up with him wanting something more from you.


Read also; When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?


A guy will never want to get close to a woman he isn’t interested in.


He will look at you, observe how you interact with other people around you and if there is anything unique that pulls him closer to you, he will find a clever way of being around you.


Anyway, when a guy wants to get to know you better it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is interested in you.


You will learn more as you continue reading the other part of this article.


This is why he wants to get to know you better;

1. He is interested in you.

When a guy says he wants to get to know you better, the first thing you should know is that he is interested in you.


when a guy says he wants to get to know you better

There is nothing he wants to know more from you. The moment a guy knows your name and what you do, that is usually more than enough.


In most cases, a guy will look at you and the first thing he will see is how you are.


Your physical appearance is mostly going to be the first thing that is going to pull a guy further or closer to you.


So, when a guy says he wants to get to know you better, just know that you have passed the physical test.


You are exactly the type of woman he wants to have around and that is why he started interacting with you and made the impression that he wants to get to know you better.


To be honest, if he wasn’t interested in you at all, he wouldn’t have gotten closer to you and told you that he wanted to get to know you better.


Some guys are usually afraid of revealing what they want from a woman early enough in the talking stage.


He will hide his true intentions and some will even accept to be your friends but later on, they will start revealing their pure intentions to you.


Guys have a different way of approaching women. We have those who will straight tell you what they want from you.


Some will observe you, and learn one or two things about you before they tell you what they want from you.


If he told you that he wanted to get to know you better, he is interested in you.


Very soon he is going to share about he feels for you if you match up to his expectations.


2. He wants to find a way to be close to you.

He wants to get to know you better to get closer to you. You have known that he is interested in you.


You don’t know him that better. And you aren’t that dumb to just trust anyone you have just met.


He knows that you need time to adjust and get to picture what he wants from you.


This guy just wants a way in to be around you. He is likely to be close to you when he starts with the card that he is pulling off right now.


If he wants to get to know you better, he will have to get in touch with you and even meet up with you.


For him to be in touch with you, you will have to exchange contacts which will end up with you being connected.


You should expect that he is going to be always in your DMs, he will call, even ask you to call him, and text you every time.


Read also; 5 Reasons Why He Wants You To Call Him


The random and frequent conversations you are going to have with him are what will get him to be closer to you.


If you like what he has to say and the experiences he shares with you it will be easier for you to open up to him.


As time goes by you will end up connecting and even forget that he is a stranger you met the other day.


Communication is what will create a strong bond between the two of you.


The process of sharing your lows and highs will get you closer to each other.


He will end up asking you out on dates. He will invite you to his place, or coffee shop or go out on adventures together.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?


Without realizing it, you will end up finding yourself so close to him. And it all started with him wanting to get to know you better.


3. He wants to see if you will pass the vibe test.

I told you if a guy is interested in you, he will do everything he can to get closer to you.


He said he wanted to get to know you better. To be honest, he likes what he sees.


The information he lacks now is how you handle yourself and your entire energy.


Guys want to get women who will match their vibe and energy. It can be that you are attractive to someone, but you don’t connect at all because of the difference in the vibe you portray.


So, when you are into someone, you first have to know if you can spend a day together without being tired of one another.


It’s how you connect that will determine if you will have a strong connection or a weak one.


He wants to get to know you better because he wants to see if you will pass the vibe test.


If you connect the way he expects, that is when he will move a little further than wanting to get to know you better.


But when he finds out that you can’t reciprocate the energy he wants and expects from you, he will either keep you around as a friend or he will just ghost you.


Read also; When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?


This is the truth. I know it may be harsh to you but that is how most guys operate.


If you are the woman he expects you to be, he won’t go anywhere even when you tell him that you are in a relationship with someone else.


This guy will try everything to win your heart.


4. He wants to move things slowly with you.

This is another reason why a guy would say he wants to get to know you better.


It’s just about moving things slowly. A guy can be straightforward to you and reveal his pure intentions at the first meeting.


He can either tell you that he wants you to be his girlfriend or a one-night stand thing with you.


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Nothing is preventing this guy from being honest with you about what he wants from you.


Most guys understand that moving too first can be intimidating to some women.


The moment a guy comes straight and tells you he wants you to be his girlfriend and starts acting like you already have a connection, will you be comfortable being around him?


Will you even consider him to be sane?


You will think that he is just messing around with you and you will distance yourself from him.


When a guy comes to you and says that he wants to get you in his bed, what will you think of him?


You will conclude that he just wants to use you.


So, some guys will tell you that they want to get to know you better because they want to take things slow.


They don’t want to scare you away by straight away telling you what they want from you.


To some women, it might not be a big deal when a guy comes straight and reveals his intentions without beating around the bush.


Men understand that women are different.


Another thing you should know is that moving first in a relationship is something dangerous.


You can wreck a relationship into pieces without even realizing it until it’s too late.


So, men will start by getting to know you better but they have their intentions mapped out.


They know what they are getting themselves into and how they will try to pull you closer to them as time goes by.


5. He wants you to know the kind of man he is.

Some guys will tell you that they want to get to know you better just to also get you to know them more.


what does it mean when a guy says he wants to get to know you better

If a guy wants you to know the kind of man he is he will open up to you. He will tell you about himself and everything he does.


Read also; When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?


He won’t just start by sharing every detail of his life with you. The more you share information about yourself with him, the more he will open up to you.


This will give you a chance to know him better.


Most guys will want you to get to know them better when it benefits them.


The moment a man realizes that if you get to know the kind of a guy he is it will pull you closer to him, that is the card he will use.


It can be that he has already looked at you and realized the kind of woman you are and the kind of guy you would like to have in your life.


If he is capable of offering what you truly want from him, he won’t say much but show you the kind of a man he is.


You will find out that he will invite you to the things he does, and he will share with you his successes and failures.


In most cases, when you meet a man who is gentle to you and wants you to know him better, this is the kind of a man who wants to settle down with you.


He wants you to know his expectations and for you also to see what he has to offer to you.


This is exactly why he told you that he wants to get to know you better.



What does it mean when a guy wants to get to know you better? When a guy wants to get to know you better it means he likes you already and he wants to find a way to get closer to you.


You caught his attention and now he just wants you around to figure out if you can fit his expectations or not.


Also, some guys will want to get to know you better just to pull you closer to them in the process.


The moment a guy lays his eyes on you and realizes that you are an amazing woman, he will do everything he can to be around you.


Don’t let the part of him wanting to get to know you better confuse you. He is into you and that is not a secret.


What does it mean if a guy wants to know more about you? When a guy wants to know more about you it means he wants to find out if you are exactly going to match his expectations or not.


You have passed the physical test and now he wants to explore and know more of what you can offer to him.


Soon or later, he is going to share what he feels about you in the process.


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