A Guy Friend Secretly Takes Picture Of Me: Here’s Why 

A guy friend secretly takes a picture of you, this surprises you and you want to know why he does that. 


He takes pictures of you when you are busy and just keeps them on his phone. 


What he does is creepy.


Why should he secretly take pictures of you when you are always close to each other? 


Is there something crazy going on?

Is he obsessed with you?


What is he trying to do? 


In this article, I will share some of the possible reasons why your guy friend secretly takes pictures of you. 


The first thing you should keep in your mind is that he finds you attractive and that is why he secretly takes photos of you. 


There is more to this, continue reading to know deeply why he does this. 


This is why your guy friend secretly takes pictures of you; 

1. He finds you attractive. 

This is the first reason why your guy friend secretly takes pictures of you. 


a guy secretly takes picture of me

Your guy friend finds you super attractive and that is why he can’t help but take photos of you. 


You are wondering, if he finds you attractive, why does he have to hide when taking photos of you? 


Why does he have to secretly take photos of you when you aren’t aware? 


The truth is that he finds you super attractive but he doesn’t want you to know that he sees you like that. 


He doesn’t want you to know that he thinks you are super beautiful.


When he takes pictures of you while you are aware you will ask him questions. 


The moment you start asking him questions as to why he takes pictures of you, he might find himself opening up to you. 


He knows that when he secretly takes a picture of you, it will be hard for you to notice and you won’t bump him with so many questions about why he is doing that. 


It can also be that he thinks when you know that he finds you attractive, it might change how you look at him and this might end up ruining your friendship. 


That is why he just doesn’t want you to know that he finds you so beautiful and that is why he secretly takes pictures of you. 


Your guy friend thinks he should keep his opinion to himself that he finds you attractive. 


It’s also possible he thinks you aren’t into him and it might make things weird between the two of you. 


2. Your guy friend is interested in you. 

Your guy friend secretly takes a picture of you and you are wondering why that is happening. 


The truth is that he is interested in you but he doesn’t think he is ready to express his feelings for you. 


He finds you super attractive, he can’t help himself but secretly takes pictures of you and the only thing he doesn’t want to do is open to you about how he feels for you. 


Your guy friend is in love with you but he is afraid to open up to you and that is why he just takes pictures of you secretly. 


So, if he has ever shown you signs that he is into you, this proves that he is deeply interested in you but he doesn’t want to let you know. 


He feels good when he takes pictures of you to look at them later when you are not around and start fantasizing. 


The part where he secretly takes a photo of you shows that he is afraid to let you know the truth about how he feels about you. 


Maybe he thinks you don’t feel the same for him and telling you the truth will only make things worse for him. 


He is keeping it to himself that he is interested in you and that is why he just secretly takes pictures of you. 


Your guy friend may not be ready to open up to you about how he feels about you. 


3. He wants to have your pictures without you knowing. 

Another possible reason why he takes pictures of you secretly, it’s mainly because he doesn’t want you to know that he has them. 


He like wants to have your picture but he doesn’t want you to know about it. 


It seems creepy, doesn’t it? 


It’s possible that he doesn’t want you to ask him so many questions about why he wants to have your picture. 


He knows that when you see him taking a photo of you, you will ask him a lot of questions that he won’t be able to answer. 


The best thing to do is take photos of you secretly.  


He is afraid to ask you to send him your pictures. You will ask him lots of questions as to why he wants your pictures yet you are always around each other. 


The battle of questions is what he is avoiding. 


This is one of the reasons why he takes pictures of you without you knowing. 


4. He may want to share your pictures with someone. 

A guy friend secretly takes pictures of you because he wants to share them somewhere. 


Something about guys you have to understand. It can be that his friends are asking him if he has a girlfriend. 


He doesn’t want to be seen as a loser. So, he secretly takes a picture of you and shares it with his friends just to show off that he also has someone. 


It can be that his friends usually see you together. It gave them the impression that you guys are dating. 


He is taking advantage of that. I guess he is showing you off to his friends and boosting that he has you right now. 


Also, it can be that he wants to share the photos with his friends just to talk about you. 


“Is she good to be my girlfriend?”  

“What do you think about how she dresses?” 

“Should I make a move on her” 


This is something you should know about guys. They talk about the girls they are interested in and share pictures too. 


So, if he is secretly taking pictures of you it’s because he wants to share them somewhere without you knowing about it. 


This is one of the possible reasons why he secretly takes pictures of you. 


5. He doesn’t think you will allow him to take pictures of you. 

This is another reason why he secretly takes pictures of you. He doesn’t think that you will allow him to take picture of you. 


a guy friend takes photos of me without me knowing

He knows when he takes a picture of you while you are staring at him, you are likely going to ask him to delete the picture. 


Especially if you happened to ask him to delete a picture of you in the past, it could be the reason why he doesn’t want you to know that he is taking a picture of you. 


It can be that he just wants to keep the picture of you for himself but you don’t want him to do that. 


Also, if he knows that you are photophobic, this could be the reason why he secretly takes pictures of you. 


He knows that you won’t be comfortable when you notice him taking a picture of you that is why he does it without you knowing. 



If your guy friend secretly takes a picture of you it’s because he just wants to have you in his gallery without you asking him so many questions. 


He knows that when he asks you to send him your picture, you will ask him so many questions that he won’t be able to answer. 


The best way to avoid all those questions is just to take a picture of you while you are unaware. 


He may be into you but he just doesn’t know how to express his feelings for you. 


There could be so many reasons why he doesn’t want you to realize that too. 


If he is someone you are close with don’t question so much about why he secretly takes pictures of you. 


It’s mostly connected to how he feels about you. 


Related read;

  1. 5 Things To Do When A Guy Cries In Front Of You 
  2. What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?
  3. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  4. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?
  5. When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?

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