6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Wants Everything His Way

If your boyfriend wants everything his way, there is something you need to know about him.


In this article, I will share what it means when your boyfriend wants everything his way and why he wants things to be like that.


He wants everything to be his way because he feels he has to be in charge of everything.


This is just the tip of the ice bag, there is more you need to know when it comes to why he wants everything to be his way.


What does it mean when your boyfriend wants everything his way?

When your boyfriend wants everything his way it means he feels he has to be in charge of everything because he thinks he is capable of making great decisions compared to you. Also, it can be that your boyfriend is controlling and feels entitled to you.


Your boyfriend doesn’t think that you are capable of handling anything in that relationship.


And that is why he wants you to do everything his way or no way at all.


There are several reasons why your boyfriend feels he is entitled to you.


He wants everything his way because he thinks he is better than you in every way.


This is why your boyfriend wants everything his way;

1. He is controlling.

This is the first reason why he wants everything his way.


why your boyfriend wants everything his way

The first thing you should know is that your boyfriend is controlling and that is why he wants everything his way.


He wants you to do what he thinks is right. This doesn’t give you the room to come in with your ideas or decisions about anything you want to do in that relationship.


The truth is that he is not helping you in any way. I know it may cloud your head that he wants everything his way because he is taking care of you or being the responsible guy.


This is a characteristic of a toxic person. Your boyfriend is controlling you, it’s time for you to wake up.


It usually starts from the tiny things he may ask of you and extends to other things.


Right now, he may want you to do other things the way he prefers them without considering your opinions or how you feel about them.


Later on, he will want you to do everything the way he wants it to be and not according to your feelings or opinions.


Your boyfriend wants everything his way because he is controlling you.


He wants to dictate everything you do in that relationship and that is why he wants you to do things according to his wish.


You have to stand up to your boyfriend and let him know that you won’t allow him to control you.


2. He doesn’t want to involve you in decision-making.

If your boyfriend wants you to do everything his way, it’s because he doesn’t want you to take part in decision-making.


He wants to be the only one who decides what you will do in that relationship.


Your boyfriend wants everything his way because he is the only one who does all the planning and decides on what you should do.


He thinks you should do everything his way because he doesn’t think you can make sound decisions.


The moment he allows you to do everything the way you prefer, you will also want to be involved in the decision-making about different things in that relationship.


He wants you to do things the way he prefers with the excuse that he is the one who makes up the decisions about everything you want to do.


Your boyfriend doesn’t want to involve you in decision making and that is why he keeps asking you to do things his way.


These are some of the reasons why he doesn’t want you to involve you in decision-making;

  1. He thinks you can’t make sound decisions.
  2. It can be that you messed things up in the past.
  3. He wants you to follow his lead and not the other way around.
  4. He thinks you don’t want any extra responsibilities especially if you have a lot going on.


3. He is looking down upon you.

He is looking down upon you and that is why he wants you to do everything his way.


Your boyfriend thinks that are not good enough to make any decisions in that relationship and that is why he wants you to do everything his way.


This is one way of telling you that you are not good enough and that is why he wants everything his way.


Your boyfriend doesn’t think you are capable of making any sound decisions.


This usually comes in when the two of you have a significant difference when it comes to age or knowledge and experience.


If your boyfriend is older than you, he will always look down upon you because he doesn’t think you are as experienced as he is.


So, when it comes to making most of the decisions in the relationship and your life at large he will always want you to do things his way.


He doesn’t trust you to come up with the right approach to handle the issues you are dealing with.


This is why he wants you to do everything his way.


He is looking down upon you and that is why he doesn’t care what you think about what is right or wrong.


The only way he thinks is right is what he tells you to handle.


4. He wants to belittle you.

You may be asking yourself so many questions about why he wants everything his way, this is what you should know.


Your boyfriend wants you to do everything his way because he belittles you.


He wants you to make you feel like you don’t know anything and that is why you should follow his lead.


If he is the kind of guy who always talks so highly of himself and is self-centered, it’s true that he wants to belittle you.


He wants to make you feel so tiny and there is nothing you can do about the situations you are dealing with in that relationship.


It’s also one of the ways to make you feel that you are not capable of handling anything in that relationship.


He wants you to look up to him for everything in that relationship which will end up making you feel worthless because you do nothing.


5. He wants to feel in control of everything.

If your boyfriend always wants everything his way it’s because he wants to feel in control of everything.


your boyfriend wants everything his way

Sometimes guys who have nothing important to show for who they are in a relationship feel the need to do something to make them feel superior.


He wants to feel that he is in control of everything in that relationship even though that may not be the case.


The feeling of being in control of everything in that relationship is what satisfies him.


Don’t blame him if he wants to feel in control of the situation. It’s just a way of him compensating for what he lacks.


6. He wants to show you that he can take care of you.

If your boyfriend wants to prove to you that he can take care of you, he will want you to do things his way.


He will want you to do things the way he prefers which will give you a sense that can take care of you.


If he will let you decide most of the things and work on them your way, it will be hard for you to notice his value to you.


You will not conclude that he is fit enough to take care of you.


He wants you to do everything his way to show you that you can rely on him.


He knows that when he wants you to do everything his way, make all the decisions in that relationship, and help you navigate most of the issues, it will give you a sense of security.


You will conclude that he is a man you can depend on when other things in your life aren’t working out.


This is why he wants you to do everything his way.




If your boyfriend wants you to do everything his way without considering your opinion and feelings, you have to stand up to him.


Let him know that what he is doing is not right and he should give you a chance to also make decisions that affect the relationship and your life at large.


If he won’t allow you to make your own decisions and handle things the way you prefer, the only thing you will have to do is end the relationship.


He might end up hurting you by controlling every aspect of your life.


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