6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Quiet Around You

Your boyfriend is quiet around you. He is silent when he is around you. The talkative guy you used to know is no longer the same.


Why is your boyfriend so quiet around you?

Is there something wrong?


Is he losing interest in you?


I know you have so many questions about why this is happening. Your boyfriend may be quiet around you because of several things.


It’s hard for you to figure out why he is behaving this way unless you have an idea of what is going on between the two of you.


Maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with your relationship. It can be that he is just silent around you because things are not right between the two of you.


There is much you will learn from this article. Let us dive deep into what you need to know about this issue.


This is why your boyfriend is quiet around you;

1. Your boyfriend is stressed.

The first possible reason why your boyfriend is quiet around you is because he is stressed. I know you want to find out why he is all of a sudden quiet around you.


He is not a guy who behaves like this. His energy is always at the top whenever he is around you.


Now, he is just silent around you, he doesn’t talk as much as he used to. You know that is he an extrovert.


Talking to you is something that he always enjoys doing even when you don’t feel like it.


If he is silent around you, he may be stressed. Some things are stressing him out and that is why he is quiet around you.


It can be that it has something to do with his career, work, family, or financial issues.


If your boyfriend is someone who has lots of things going on in his life, it could be true that he is stressed about something.


He is thinking so much about several issues that he wants answers for and that is why he is quiet around you.


You have to take your time with him to know what is going on.


He is quiet around you, he doesn’t tell you what is going on because he doesn’t want you to be worried about him at all.


The only thing you will have to do is dig deeper to know what is going on.


Something is eating your boyfriend up from the inside.


So, if you know that your boyfriend is not the type of person who is silent around you, this should tell you that something odd going on.


He is stressed about something that he doesn’t want you to know about it.


When a guy is stressed about something, there is no room for much conversation when you are around him.


The only thing he will be thinking about is finding answers to the problems that he is dealing with right now.


2. He is bored but he won’t say it.

I have to be honest with you about something. Guys will always try so much to do things to please women they like.


If the vibe between the two of you is amazing, you will notice it by how a guy will handle you.


He will talk so much and explain to you so many things. Some won’t even make sense but he will be saying them anyway.


Read also; When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?


This is all because the vibe between the two of you is calling. You make him happy and active whenever he is around you.


But if your boyfriend is suddenly quiet around you, his energy level is not the expected one, this should tell you that things are not going as they have to be.


Your boyfriend is quiet around you because the energy you are giving him is not the one he expects.


He is bored around you. It can be due to what you are talking about, the place you took him, what you are doing around him, and more that I don’t know about.


The truth is that he doesn’t want to say that he is bored around you, so he is silent. He knows that this is a phrase that is going to hurt your feelings.


Maybe you have put so much effort into making sure that he is happy around you.


He is like, “What is she doing? Let me just exist around her.”


What is she talking about?” Maybe you are talking about something that he doesn’t enjoy. You are a football fan but he isn’t.


It feels like he is pushing himself to be around you because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.


He is bored but he doesn’t want to tell you and that is why he is quiet around you.


This is another possible reason why he is quiet around you. Take a moment and observe the situation before you consider this as the main reason why he is silent around you.


3. He is mad at you.

Your boyfriend may be silent around you because he is just mad at you. You never know. Take your time and think of what happened.


Did you do or say something that offended him? Or maybe it’s the unresolved conflict you had a few weeks ago.


He played it cool, but he was not entirely happy about what you did.


You thought he forgave you, but he still holds you to what you did.


The flashes of what happened keep on hitting his head. He loses the energy to interact with you and goes back to the mood he was in.


The negative tension still lingers around you.


If your boyfriend is quiet around you and when you think about it, something happened between the two of you that you left unresolved, this could be the reason why that is the case.


He is still mad at you, he hasn’t forgiven you for what you did or said and that is why he is silent.


On the other hand, it can be that you didn’t do or say anything to hurt his feelings.


He just woke up on the left hand. He is just angry at you for something that doesn’t even make sense.


Anything you do or say around him annoys the hell out of him.


He is quiet around you because he knows that if he starts talking about what he feels or what bothers him, you might end up fighting.


It’s something he is trying to avoid and that is why he doesn’t say anything. He is just silent.


He knows that if he keeps quiet around you, it won’t build up to something that he won’t be able to control.


This is why he is just silent around you.


It can be one way of him controlling his temper or he just doesn’t want to say anything to you because of the negative tension between the two of you.


4. He doesn’t know how to keep the conversation going.

The art of communication between opposite genders that are attracted to each other isn’t something easier for some guys.


Some guys find it hard to keep conversations going with their girlfriends.


Not all guys can keep a conversation going for over 20 minutes. They run out of words so fast and they don’t know what to say.


Especially, if it’s the guy who keeps on coming up with something to talk about, it will reach a point he will be quiet around you.


You are out hanging out and the conversation starts like this;

You: “Hey, how have you been?”

Him: “I doing great what about you?”


You: “I am doing better, I just feel a little bit tired, I had so much to do last night”

Him: “Ooh, I am so sorry for that. You should get some rest.”


You: “Okay I will do that.”

Him: “Well………”


Do you see an example of the conversation I typed up there? The guy just doesn’t know how to keep the conversation going.


There are hundreds of things that the guy could have talked about but he didn’t mention them.


The part about you being tired, what you have been doing, maybe talk about ways to make things easier for you and find ways to make you active since you seem down.


If a guy doesn’t know how to keep a conversation going, you will talk for a few minutes and he will just go silent.


He won’t say anything more unless you find something else to talk about.


It’s not that he is bored talking to you. He just lacks the skills to keep the conversation going.


Not all guys have this gift. This is another possible reason why he is quiet around you.


5. He wants you to say something.

He is quiet around you because he wants you to say something. Your boyfriend doesn’t know how to open a small talk with you.


It can be that he is thinking of so many things to say to you but he doesn’t know how he should go about it.


He is waiting for you to jump-start the conversation so that he can say something.


You may think that it’s easier for guys to talk about things around their girlfriends.


No, it is not. Not all guys have this figured out. It will reach a point where a guy will have no idea of what to talk about with you.


The only thing he will do is wait for you to introduce a topic so that he can contribute something to keep the conversation going.


It doesn’t matter whether your relationship is new or old. If your relationship is new, it can be that your boyfriend doesn’t know what you like talking about.


He hasn’t figured out what you enjoy talking about and he doesn’t want to introduce a topic that will offend you.


That is why he is waiting for you to say something before he can comment or keep the conversation going.


You are waiting for him to say something and it’s also the same case with him. And that is why he is quiet around you.


If your relationship is old, and you have been together for more than 5 months, it can be that you have exhausted everything to talk about.


You now know each other better, you have shared all the stories and since there is nothing much going on other than normal dates, there is nothing new to share.


He is around you silent because he doesn’t have anything to say to you. He doesn’t know what he should talk about with you.


Your boyfriend is waiting for you to start the conversation so that he can jump right in.


6. He just wants to enjoy the silence with you.

It can be that you are asking yourself so many questions about why your boyfriend is silent around you; the simple answer is he wants to enjoy the silence with you.


Sometimes you don’t always have to talk about things with your partner. All you need is to be around each other and take a deep dive into nature.


You can hang out and decide to be silent around each other and enjoy what nature has to offer.


It’s a good thing to enjoy a moment of silence with your partner. It’s a practice that can strengthen a relationship and bring positive energy between the two of you.


So, if your boyfriend asks to hang out with you and he just stays silent around you, it can be that he enjoys your company that way.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants Your Company?


He enjoys it when you are around each other and focus on nothing else other than the nature around you and the heartbeats.


If this is something your boyfriend has been doing frequently when he asks you out on a date, It’s because he enjoys it.


It’s not weird at all and it shouldn’t raise any alarm.



If your boyfriend is quiet around you and you feel like something is bothering him, you should take your time to ask him what is going on.


Find out what is keeping him silent around you when he is always a talkative person.


Talk to him politely and find out the issue. If he is mad at you for something you did or said, find a way to resolve the conflict.


Also, if you find out that he is always quiet around you because he is bored, try to change the activities that you always do when you are around each other.


Talk to him and find out what he enjoys doing and talking about when he is with you. Find out what he wants from you and the places he would like to hang out with you.


It can be that he is just bored but he won’t tell you because he is afraid to hurt your feelings.


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