4 Advantages Of Quenching The Ash Before Handling

In this article, I will share the advantages of quenching ash before handling it.


First and foremost, I know you want to know what ash quenching is.


Ash quenching is the process of mixing the ash with a low-pressure water jet as it falls from the furnace with the intention of reducing its temperature.


If coal is in use in the power plant, a large quantity of ash is going to be produced.


Handling large ash directly from the furnace tends to be a massive problem because of hot and dusty it can be.


Did you know that ash also is accompanied by poisonous gases when from the furnace?


Handling the ash is going to be easier if it’s first quenched.


There are several benefits of quenching ash and that is what I will talk about today in this article.


Advantages of quenching ash before handling it;

1. Quenching of the ash reduces its temperature.

The ashes produced by burnt coal are usually under high temperatures when they fall from the furnace.


Handling the ash is going to be hectic when it’s under high temperatures.


You have to know that the ash will have to be conveyed from one point to another with the ash handling systems.


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If a belt conveyor is used yet the ashes are super hot, they are going to burn the rubbers.


The worse that can happen when the ash is hot are accidents that we are always trying so hard to prevent in a power plant.


Handling ash while it’s cool is considered safe and that is why it’s a must quenching is done before handling takes place.


Safety first and the rest of the activities will follow later.


2. Quenching of the ash reduces its corrosive action.

Ash is very corrosive because it contains a mixture of several compounds (calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus) that dissolves the iron oxide on the surface of the furnace or the boiler and this leaves room for oxygen to come in contact with the metal.


Once oxygen comes into contact with the metal corrosion will happen whether you like it or not.


I know you may ask, but adding water to the ash will only increase corrosion.


The water jet that is mixed with ash is usually treated and it’s free from the corrosive agents.


When quenching the ash, it prevents that ash fusion, which ends up preventing the corrosive nature of the ash.


3. Quenching of the ash reduces the formation of clinkers.

Clinkers are usually formed when a large amount of ash fuses into large lumps.


Quenching the ash as it falls from the furnace prevents the formation of these huge lumps.


The low-pressure water jet disintegrates lumps and thus prevents the clinkers from forming.


It is essential to prevent the formation of clinkers because it increases the efficiency of the furnace, prevents corrosion and makes the maintenance of the ash pit easier.


Where a large amount of ash is produced clinker formation is going to be something chronic, the quenching process is going to help a lot in such situations.


This is another advantage of quenching the ash before handling it.


4. Quenching of the ash reduces its dust.

The fine particles of ash will always be produced by the coal no matter if the coal is pulverized or not.


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These fine particles of ash will form dust thus making it really hard to handle the ash.


Handling the dust will be easier if there is fly ash removal equipment, which is mostly used with pulverized coal.


Quenching the ash before handling it reduces the dust quantity from the ash thus making it easier to handle it.


With the dust reduced by quenching, it leaves the environment within the power plant clean and safe for everyone.


Also when it comes to dumping the ash, the environment won’t be affected by the dust from the ash.




I have given you some reasons why it’s important to quench the ash before handling it.


Take responsibility and introduce a quenching nozzle that will make the work easier for you when handling the ash.


If you have any questions about what I have shared feel free to leave a comment.


Thanks for reading, see you in my next piece.


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