Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You

He blocked you after sleeping with you, so many questions you have bout why he did that. Does he feel anything for you?


Why did he block you after he got you in his bed?


Was he into you or he was pretending to care about you?


Maybe you thought there was something between the two of you. You let him have your body thinking that it would strengthen what you are building, but after sleeping with you, he blocked you.


He no longer picks up your calls, he doesn’t text you anymore. He ghosted you!


Read also; When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?


In this article, I will share some of the possible reasons why he blocked you after sleeping with you.


When you have an idea why he blocked you after sleeping with you, it will give you a clue about whether you should find a way to get him back or move on with your life.


This is why he blocked you after sleeping with you;

1. He only wanted you for sex.

He blocked you after having sex with you because he got what he wanted from you.


why he blocked after sleeping with you

You gave him what he wanted so badly from you, there is no need for him to keep talking to you. All that time he has been asking you out, buying you gifts, and treating you, was to get you to trust him.


He wanted you to let your gut down and let him in. If you thought that he wanted a serious relationship with you, he was only fooling you.


If he blocked you everywhere after sleeping with you, this clearly shows that he wanted sex from you. Now that he has seen your body, he doesn’t think he needs to keep on talking to you anymore.


In short, he used you for sex. All the things he did around you were just to lure you into his trap.


Let me be honest with you, he doesn’t love you. It doesn’t matter what he told you before. This guy only wanted to get into your pants and that is all.


I know you thought he wanted something serious. You had high hopes that after letting him have you, he would open up to you and it would be the beginning of something new.


He blocked you because he got what he wanted from you. It is the harsh truth. We have guys who only work their way to get laid and walk away after that.


You gave him what he wanted and now you are of no use to him that is why he blocked you.


2. He doesn’t want to talk to you.

Another reason why he blocked you after sleeping with you is that he doesn’t want to talk to you.


He doesn’t want to talk to you about what happened when you met. To him, it was only a one-night stand thing and that is why he blocked you.


He knew that you would get back to him trying to talk about what happened. It could be that he didn’t even think that you would end up on his bed.


It happened. He knows that you will want to know what he feels about what happened. The fact that he blocked you after sleeping with you shows that you weren’t in a relationship.


It can be that you just met in the club or he’s your guy friend that you have been so close with.


If you have been friends, when something like this happens, it’s normal for any woman to want to know about what the guys think of what happened.


Was it a mistake?

Did he sleep with you because he felt like it?


Does he want you to date?


He slept with you but he doesn’t want to talk about it. This guy blocked you since he knows it will be hard for you to get closer to him.


It can be that you don’t know where he stays or where he spends his time. You won’t have the courage to meet him in person and talk about what happened.


He blocked you because he didn’t want to talk to you about what happened.


Another case; can be that the sex you had was bad. He performed awful on that part. He feels ashamed and embarrassed.


He doesn’t want to talk to you because he feels you might end up saying something that might hurt his feelings or ego.


This is another possible reason why he blocked you after sleeping with you.


3. He felt guilty after having sex with you.

This could be another possible reason why he blocked you after having sex with you. It can be that he had sex with you but he is in a relationship.


He lied to you about his relationship status. You never know maybe he cheated on his girlfriend with you.


That is something he didn’t tell you. Now that after he slept with you, he feels guilty because he did something far much worse.


He feels guilty he cheated on his girlfriend with you. This is haunting him and he thinks he should be punished for what he did.


His girlfriend has no idea if he cheated on her with someone else. He can’t tell his girlfriend the truth that he cheated on her.


He blocked you to wash his guilt away. Talking to you after what happened between the two of you will feel like he enjoyed it.


His conscious doesn’t allow him to enjoy what he did with you. He blocked you knowing that it would help him deal with the guilt that he is feeling after having sex with you.


If that is not the case, maybe he blocked you after having sex with you because he just feels guilty for using you.


Deep down he knows that he is not in love with you. What happened just happened because he pushed you towards it.


He wanted you to feel that he cares about you so that you give in. His intention was just to get you in bed and that is all.


You blindly gave in because you thought he was in love with you. The act is done, and he now feels guilty because he feels he did something bad.


When he thinks about how innocent and unaware you are of his intentions, he feels that he didn’t do something genuine.


He decided to block you just to punish himself. This is also a way of him giving himself a space from you.


This guy feels that he doesn’t deserve to be with you, he feels guilty that he took advantage of you because of how you felt for him and that is why he decided to block you.


Blocking you is like a punishment for him because of what he did. This is another possible reason why he blocked you after having sex with you.


4. He didn’t enjoy sex with you.

Let me be honest with you about why he blocked you after having sex with you. He didn’t enjoy it and that is why he blocked you.


he blocked you after sleeping with you

If a guy enjoys sex with you, he will not get rid of you. When the sex is too good a guy will keep on following you no matter where you go.


You may lie to him that you have someone else but he will keep coming at you. This is all because the sex was so good.


Have you ever heard of those guys who fall in love with their friends with benefits? These guys are usually trapped by the amazing sex they get from these ladies.


If he blocked you after sleeping with you, the truth is that he didn’t enjoy it. Blocking you is one way of telling you that you are not ever going to do it again.


It can be that you did something that didn’t make him happy and that is why he blocked you.


There could be some tiny things you did or said when he was with you that made the experience awful.


He didn’t know how to talk to you about it. The only thing he decided is just to cut you off and never get closer to you again.


This is why he blocked you after sex. Think about what happened after he was out of bed with you.


Was he closer to you?

Did you cuddle after sex?


Did he seem happy to be around you?


If he enjoyed sex with you he would have kept on pursuing you.


5. He wants you to chase him.

This is another possible reason why he blocked you after sleeping with you. Some guys will block you just to make you chase them.


It can be that he is in love with you but he doesn’t want you to know about that. Most guys hide their feelings from the girls they are in love with.


Some it’s because they are afraid of being hurt, others don’t want to be seen desperate while others aren’t comfortable opening up to anyone about how they feel.


These guys want the women to chase them.


He blocked you so that you start chasing him. He knows that when he blocks you after sleeping with you, you will have lots of questions about why he did that.


You will want to know why he blocked you, how he feels about you, and the direction of the relationship.


If you want to know all of these questions, you will have no choice but to find him. It’s going to be harder for you to find a way to be in touch with him if he blocks you everywhere.


You will go through so many channels to find a way to get hold of him. The process of you going through all these ways just to talk to him is what he exactly wants.


You will be chasing him, you will be giving him the attention he wants and eventually, you will be the chaser he wants you to be.


If you want all those answers you will be chasing him to get them. This is why he blocked you after sleeping with you.


6. He got scared of what could have been after that.

He got scared after he slept with you and that is why he had to block you. What you need to know is that when two people get intimate things won’t be the same again.


Different feelings will erupt; some of these feelings might make people get so close to each other or create a distance.


There are also expectations and how you expect someone to look at you after sleeping with them.


After he slept with you he got scared of what you might need from him. It can be that he thought you would want him to commit to you after that.


He wasn’t ready for anything that huge and that is why he had to cut you off. He thought that talking to you would only make you think that he wanted something more.


The guy isn’t ready for any relationship at the moment and that is why he just got scared. It’s not easy to commit to a relationship for him.


He thought you would end up falling in love with him and that is why he blocked you. He doesn’t want you to get so close to him.


After what happened between the two of you, he was afraid that you would want something more.


It’s also possible that he just didn’t want to hear what you wanted to say about what happened.


People are scared of relationships and commitment. Don’t be surprised that he blocked you because he was afraid of what could have been.



Don’t ask yourself so many questions about why he blocked you after sleeping with you. The truth is that he just used and dumped you.


The only thing you should focus on right now is moving forward. You should not think about what could have been.


He doesn’t want anything to do with you and that is why he decided to cut off the communication.


Don’t try to reach out to him if he blocked you after sleeping with you. Accept the fact that he used you and there is nothing you can do but move on.


He doesn’t have feelings for you at all. There is no need to stick to what happened. To him, you were just a one-night stand chick.


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