When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?

When you ignore a guy who ghosts you, there are a series of thoughts that will run in his head.


A guy who ghosts you usually thinks that you will always make the effort to try harder to make him get back to you.


There a several reasons why a guy may ghost you; the first one being that he just doesn’t value you at all.


I won’t be able to share the reasons right now, that will be for a new article, but for now, let me share what he thinks when you leave him alone.


When you leave alone a guy who ghosts you this is what he is thinking;

1. He thinks that you are hurt.

When you ignore a guy who ghosts you this is the first thing that will come into his mind.


He will think that you are hurt because he ghosted you. Now, that you are hurt, you just don’t want to be in touch with him anymore and that is why you don’t bother contacting him.


When a guy ghosts you, this is the first thing he will expect you to feel. He will want you to feel bad for what he did.


The moment he ghosts you and you do nothing to get back at him, he will just conclude you are hurt.


Some guys will just ghost you intentionally to see your reaction. These are the kinds of guys that will do this to make you chase them.


They think they are better than you, and that is why when you stop contacting them after they ghosted you; they think it made a huge impact on you.


Read also; 5 Ways To Say Goodbye To Someone Who Ghosted You


2. He thinks that you don’t want anything with him.

When you leave alone a guy who ghosts you this is what he is going to think.


He will think that you don’t want anything to do with him at all and that is why you have stopped texting.


You are no longer making any effort because you are tired of trying so hard to get back at him.


It can be that it’s not the first time he tried to ghost you, he has been doing this but you kept on texting him just to know why he ghosted you.


Now that you have decided to leave him alone after ghosting you, he thinks that you don’t want anything with him.


You don’t want to fix anything, you don’t want to get to know why he did it and you are just done with him playing his games.


So, when a guy ghosts you and you decide to leave him alone, this is what he is going to think.


It’s a good thing when he thinks that you are done with him, you don’t want anything to do with him.


The moment he thinks you don’t want anything to do with him, this will crash his ego and he will get back to you.


3. He will think that he will end up losing you to someone else.

When you act like you don’t need him in your life, and he just ghosted you to make you chase him, he will conclude that you will eventually completely eliminate him from your life.


when you ignore a guy who ghost you what is he thinking

What he did doesn’t have any effect on you, and that is why you have decided not to get in touch with him anymore after he ghosted you.


This is what a guy who ghosts you will think about when you leave him alone.


4. He thinks that you have given up on him.

When you ignore a guy who ghosted you, he will think that you have given up on him.


Especially, if you were the kind of girl who used to text him frequently when he stopped talking to you suddenly.


When you ignore him and focus on something else in your life, he will think that you have given up on him.


You don’t want the drama of chasing someone who disrespected you by ghosting you.


The moment a guy thinks you have given up on him, he might either feel relieved or so bad about it.


It mainly depends on the intention that the guy had in mind when he ghosted you in the first place.


If he ghosted you just to make you feel miserable about yourself and the opposite happens, he will feel devastated about it.


But if he ghosted you just to leave you for good so that you don’t bother him at all, the moment you give up the pursuit of him, he will feel good about it.


This is because what he wanted so bad has happened.


So, when you leave alone a guy who ghosted you, he will think that you have given up on him.


5. He thinks you have lots of options.

If he ghosted you just to make you feel bad about yourself, this is something else you should expect.


When a guy ghosts you with the intention of making you feel miserable, he will expect you to keep on chasing him.


The moment you leave him alone after he has ghosted you, he will end up concluding that you have lots of options.


The option I mean here is that you have lots of guys on your contact list that you can talk to and it’s not him only.


You never put him as a priority and that is why you ignored him when he ghosted you.


There are people more important than him and that is why you don’t waste your energy trying to get back to someone who ghosted you.


This is one of the thoughts that will hit his head when he notices that you are no longer texting and calling him after he has ghosted you.


When he thinks that you have other people you can count on in your life; he will conclude that the part of him ghosting you never made any difference at all.


This is because you are okay and you are handling your life without anyone bothering you.


The part of him ghosting you was only his loss and not yours.


6. He thinks that you are not bothered by him ghosting you.

When you ignore a guy who ghosts you or ghosted you for a while, this is what he will end up thinking.


Guys expect women to feel bad when they ghost them. Most women express their frustration after they have been ghosted by either texting or calling so much.


But the moment you leave alone someone who ghosted you, he will end up concluding you aren’t bothered at all.


You are the don’t care type of woman; if he wants to go away, let him go away.


This tells him that what he did doesn’t have any effect on him. So, he will conclude that the impact he intended to give you wasn’t effective at all.


7. He thinks that you are not really attached to him.

When you leave alone a guy who ghosts you, he will think that you were not attached to him and that is why it never bothered you.


Some guys will ghost you will an intention to see how you will react.


From the reaction you will give after you have been ghosted, that is what they will use to determine their connection with you.


Since you decided to leave him alone after he ghosted you, he thinks that you were not that attached to him.


The connection you had was only on the surface and that is why you are not affected by what he did.


If you were attached to him after he ghosted you, it would have been so hard for you to get around it.


You would have tried everything to know why he ghosted you. This means you will keep on finding ways to get hold of him.


This is what most guys expect from women they know they are attached to them.


So, if he ghosted you to see if your connection with him was that deep and you decided to leave him alone, this is what he would end up thinking.


You were not attached to him, so what he did had zero effect on you.


8. He thinks that his status means nothing to you.

When you leave alone a guy who ghosted you, this is what he will end up thinking.


when you leave alone a guy who ghosted you

He will think that his status means nothing to you. So, if he was that guy who thought you were into him mainly because of who he was, and after he ghosted you nothing bothered you, this is what he will conclude.


You were not attracted to him because of his status; you didn’t want materialistic things from him and that is why you decided to ignore him after he ghosted you.


Men who are in shape on every side of their lives think that women will always want them for what they have.


They expect women to worship them because they have something other guys don’t have.


The fame, money, and status in the community; some guys expect this to be what attracts women to them.


But if you were with him because of how he treated you and not because of what he had, the part of him ghosting you didn’t bother you at all and that is why you left him alone when he did it.


This guy will conclude that you were not into what he had and that is why you focused on yourself when he ghosted you.




When a guy ghosts you he has disrespected you. You shouldn’t waste your energy trying so hard to get hold of him.


If he found you to be an important person in his life, he wouldn’t have ghosted you.


Instead, if there was any problem that he was going through, he would have faced and told you about it before he got lost on you.


The only thing you should focus on is what matters in your life and the people who want to be close to you.


Leave the guy who ghosted you alone, he was never meant to be in your life.


Let him go!


Related reads;

  1. What Does It Mean When A Guy Ignores Your Compliment?
  2. 5 Ways To Say Goodbye To Someone Who Ghosted You
  3. Kinds Of Questions Guys Ask When Interested In You
  4. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  5. How Guys Feel After Rejecting A Girl
  6. Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You

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