When A Guy Tells You About His Whereabouts: It Means?

When a guy tells you about his whereabouts there is something he wants you to know. 


It can be that you didn’t even ask him where he is, but he keeps telling you his location. 


When a guy tells you about his whereabouts every time you talk there is a meaning behind it. 


What does it mean when a guy tells you about his whereabouts? 

When a guy tells you about his whereabouts it means that he wants you to trust him, to know where he is and he is also insinuating you go and meet him. 


when a guy tells you about his whereabouts

The moment a guy wants you to know where is located; he will always tell you about his whereabouts. 


It can be that he always thinks you want to know where he is whenever you are communicating. 


He just doesn’t want to keep you guessing and that is why he is always telling where he is at. 


Another thing you should know is that he tells you about his whereabouts to gain your trust.  


It can be that you always think he is not telling you the truth about his location. 


He thinks that he has to tell you the truth about his whereabouts for you to believe him. 


If you are dating and he tells you about his whereabouts, and there is a point where he lied to you about where he was in the past, he now tells you about where he is so that he can gain your trust. 


When a guy tells you about his whereabouts, he wants you to know that he is not in an odd place that you will have to think so much about what he is doing when he talks to you. 


It’s like he is trying to explain what he is doing; by sharing the location with you. 


For instance, if he tells you that he is at the library, you will know that he is studying so you don’t have to worry about anything. 


When a guy tells you about his whereabouts this is what you should know. 


If he is a guy who is hitting on you, he always tries so hard to get you to go out with him; when he tells you about his whereabouts he wants you to know that he is around so that if you are thinking of meeting him it’s going to be easier for you. 


When he tells you about his whereabouts, he will end up asking you if you are available to meet up. 


So, the intention of a guy telling you about his whereabouts mainly depends on your relationship with him. 


If you are dating, this means that he wants you to know where he is because you deserve to know that.


As a couple, you have to share each other’s whereabouts, and your boyfriend is taking that seriously. 


This can be good for safety reasons, if anything happens, you can get to each other easily without any problems. 


This is why he tells you about his whereabouts; 

1. He wants to ask you out. 

When a guy tells you about his whereabouts this is the first thing you should know. 


If he is a guy who is hitting on you he will end up asking you out.  


He will be like, “I am at the mall right now. “ 


As the conversation keeps on going, he will ask you if you can get around there. 


“Can you come around the mall? It will be great to see you before I go somewhere else. “ 


Other guys may not ask you out when they tell you about their whereabouts.  


They know you will connect the dots and you will know what they are trying to insinuate. 


He thinks that when tells you about his whereabouts, if he is somewhere you can get to easily, you might want to see him. 


So, when a guy tells you about his whereabouts and you want to meet him but he doesn’t have the courage to ask you out, you can tell him that you would like to see him. 


That is if you are interested in him and you want a chance to see him. 


Most of the guys will tell you where they are if they know you are likely going to want to see them. 


2. He wants you to know that he is safe. 

When a guy tells you where he is it’s also for this reason. He wants to know he is safe. 


Especially, if it’s during the night hours and you are wondering where is. 


It can be that there is something bad going on out there and he wants you to know he is in the safe zone. 


It doesn’t matter whether he is hitting on you or he is just purely into friendship. 


He knows that you care about him and that is why he wants you to know he is in a safe around and you shouldn’t worry. 


Especially, if he notices you care about him.


3. He wants you to know what he is doing. 

The location says a lot about what is going on.  


when a guy tells you his whereabouts

When a guy tells you about his whereabouts, he wants you to know what he is doing. 


It can be that he thinks you want to know what he is doing at the moment you are talking to him. 


It can be over text or calls. 


When a guy wants you to know what he is doing, it is also one of the ways to lure you into a different kind of conversation. 


For instance, if he tells you that he is at home in bed, I think you have an idea where this conversation will go. 


He might start shifting the conversation just to lure you in. This is when he will start talking dirty to you. 


This is also another thing that can happen when a guy tells you about his whereabouts. 


Read also; When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?


4. He wants to gain your trust. 

When a guy tells you about his whereabouts, this is another reason. 


Location is a sensitive detail to share with just anyone. You can’t just tell people about your whereabouts when you don’t trust them. 


We all want to be safe. Someone can use your location for something far worse. 


So, when a guy tells you about his whereabouts, the first thing you should know is that he trusts you and wants to gain your trust. 


He knows that when he tells you about his whereabouts whenever you talk to him, you will have an idea about what he is doing at the moment. 


This will make you trust him. 


With the knowledge of his location, you will know what he does every time you get in touch with him. 


If you are dating, at one point you suspected that he keeps on lying to you about his whereabouts, when he tells you about it, it clearly shows that he wants to gain your trust. 


He wants you to know now that he will never lie to you again about where he is every time you talk. 


The location he shares with you, you will know what he is doing and who he might be hanging out with. 


This is one of the main reasons why he tells you about his whereabouts.


5. He is telling you about his whereabouts for safety reasons. 

This is another reason why he shares his whereabouts with you. 


when a guy tells you his location

When a guy tells you about his whereabouts, he wants you to know that he is safe. 


It can be that he knows you always worry about him. He wants you to know that he is safe. 


Also, he is telling you about his whereabouts so that when anything happens to him, you will know where he was last. 


This will make it easier for you to trace him if anything happens. 


So, what he is doing, is great for safety reasons. 


Don’t start asking yourself so many questions about why he keeps telling you about his whereabouts. 




When a guy tells you about his whereabouts there is nothing wrong with that. 


He trusts you, he wants you to know what he is doing at the moment and it’s a tricky way of telling you where you can find him if you want to meet up. 


Also, if he thinks that you don’t trust him or you think he is always lying to you about his whereabouts, he is doing this to gain your trust. 


This is not something you should be thinking so hard about. 


He trusts you and that is why he is telling you about his whereabouts. 


Most guys don’t share that information unless they have been asked about it. 


Related reads;

  1. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants Your Company?
  2. What Does It Mean When A Guy Ignores Your Compliment?
  3. What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?
  4. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?
  5. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 

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