When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?

What does it mean when a guy tells you everything he does? Does it show he trusts you? Is there something he doesn’t want you to know?


I know you have some questions about this topic. When a guy tells you everything he does, it shows that he is opening up to you and letting you know everything about him.


There could be so many reasons why he wants you to know everything he does.


When a guy realizes that if you know what he does it will give him an advantage of winning you over, he will do it.


What you need to know is that a guy will never do something out of nowhere.


Everything a guy will do around you, there is always a reason behind it.


What does it mean when a guy tells you everything he does?

When a guy tells you everything he does it means he wants you to know everything about him, he wants you to gain your trust, he feels comfortable around you and it’s also because he likes sharing with you about everything that goes on in his life.


Now that you have known what it means when a guy tells you everything he does, there is more you need to know about this.


The meaning I have shared can’t cover everything you need to know about why a guy may tell you everything he does.


Let me explain deeply for you to understand why a guy would share everything he does with you.


This is why he tells you everything he does;

1. He wants to gain your trust.

He tells you everything he does because he wants to gain your trust.


when he tells you about everything he does

This is an important step that all guys check out for when they are trying to lure you into their hearts.


When a guy wants you to trust him so that it will be easier for you to open up to him and let him in, he will share everything he does with you.


He will tell you everything he does so that you realize that he is not hiding anything from you.


The moment you realize that a guy tells you everything he does without hiding even a single detail, you will end up trusting him.


It will be easier for you to trust him because you know he is always open to you.


He doesn’t lie to you or hide anything important that you want to know about him.


To be honest, when a guy is this too open to you, trusting him will be easier for you.


You won’t have any doubts about him. This is how he will gain your trust so easily without even you realizing it.


Also, if he did something in the past to break the trust between the two of you, this could be the reason why he has changed.


Read also; 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Extra Nice To You 


He is telling you everything he does to rebuild the foundation of trust between the two of you.


Especially, if he broke the trust by lying to you or hiding important details from you.


This is why he tells you everything he does. When a guy tells you everything he does, he will gain your trust easily.


And this is why he opens up to you about everything he does out there.


2. He wants you to know more about him.

If you are getting to know each other, you have met and exchanged contacts, you are now in the talking stage.


He wants you to know everything he does because he wants you to know more about him.


A guy will open up to you about everything he does when he knows it will benefit him.


He knows that when he tells you everything he does, it will be easier for you to know his schedule.

You will know the things he enjoys doing, the kind of a man he is; if he is lazy or ambitious.


He tells you everything he does because he knows through it you will learn so much about him.


So, if you are getting to know each other better, this is what you should put in your mind.


Also, he tells you everything he does so that you don’t ask him so many questions.


It can be that he knows you will ask him so many questions to know what he doing in his life.


Especially, if he realizes that you are curious and you want to know more about his life, this could be the reason why he started sharing everything he does.


When you get to know him better, it will be easier for you to get closer to him and understand the kind of man he is.


So, if you are interested in him, you are likely to get closer to him because of the details he shares with you.


It can be that you aren’t that much into him, but when you listen to what he does, it might give you a clue that he is an important guy, he has his life figured out and it will be a reason for you to keep pursuing him.


There is always a reason when a guy shares with you everything he does.


All in all, he wants you to know everything about him and that is why he wants to know about everything he does.



3. He feels comfortable around you.

He feels comfortable around you and that is why he tells you about everything he does.


When a guy feels comfortable around you it will be easier for him to share everything he does.


He knows that you are not the kind of woman who will judge what he does and how he handles everything in his life.


When a guy is comfortable around you, it shows that your relationship with him is great.


The way you handle each other is what makes it easier for him to feel that way around you.


A guy will feel comfortable around you when he doesn’t feel restricted.


When he is around you, it is easier for him to be himself and let you know everything about him.


You are someone he leans on when things are not going right in his life.


He knows you are the woman who will have his back when things are not going the way he expects in his life.


Furthermore, he feels safe around you and that is why he can tell you everything he does.


When a guy is comfortable around you, he knows that you won’t judge him.


He will tell you everything he does because he knows you will always listen to what he has to say and allow him to be himself around you.


If a guy feels uncomfortable around you, it will be hard for him to share everything he does with you.


There are other details he will hide from you because he knows you will start judging him.

No man wants to be judged because of what he does.


He shares everything he does out there because he feels comfortable around you.


4. He is interested in you.

The way a guy communicates with you shows how he feels about you.


A guy who is interested in you, likes you, and is hoping for something more from you, will always be open to you.


He won’t hide anything from you because he knows there is a chance you will end up finding out.


When you know that he was hiding something from you it will be hard for you to trust him.


This will make it harder for him to win you over. So, when a guy tells you everything he does it’s mainly because of how he feels about you.


A guy who wants to be with you, will open up to you and let you know everything he does in his life.


He will want you to know more about him so that you find it easier to let him in.


You will know that he is the right guy for you by knowing more about what he does.


A guy who is interested in you will tell you everything he does for you to know more about him, give him a chance, and also pull you closer to him.


If he knows that when you know everything he does out there you will be attracted to him, he will keep on telling you everything.


It’s simple for a guy. If he wants you, he will do everything to get closer to you.


He will open up to you to pull you closer and make you feel comfortable enough to open up to him.


If he hasn’t told you that he is interested in you, you should take this as a sign that he is into you.


A guy who doesn’t want anything to do with you will never bother to open up to you about anything that goes on in his life.


He will distance himself away from you because there is nothing is aiming to gain from you.


5. He wants to connect with you.

A guy will tell you everything he does when he wants to connect with you.


when he tells you about everything he does

He has noticed that he doesn’t connect with you because you are distanced.


It’s hard for you to open up to him about anything that goes on in your life. He kinda feels left out and that is why he tells you everything he does.


He knows that when he tells you everything he does it will make you realize that he cares about you.


You will end up feeling that he is opening up his life in front of you for you to see everything that is going on.


The moment you see someone opening up to you about everything he does, you will also find it easier for you to open up to him.


If anything is bothering you, you will also feel the need to let it out.


The more he opens up to you about everything he does, the easier it will get for you to open up to him about what is bothering you.


As you open up to each other, it will strengthen your relationship and you feel connected.


This is what he is aiming to achieve and that is why he wants you to know about everything he does.


6. He enjoys talking to you.

When a guy enjoys talking to you he will always find it easier to share with you everything he does.


Talking to you makes him happy. So, whenever he is around you he will just talk to you about everything.


When a guy enjoys talking to you, he will always be around you.


He will want your company just to share with you what he has been doing.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants Your Company?


If a guy enjoys talking to you it’s all because of how you handle each other.


Your relationship is on good terms, you treat each other nicely and you are the person he wants to spend more time with.


When he is around you he lets loose of everything because it feels good to be with you.


If a guy enjoys talking to you, he will just share with you everything he does to keep the conversation going.



When a guy tells you everything he does, it shows how he feels about you.


If a guy wants to be with you, gain your trust, and make you connect with him he will share with you everything he does.


Also, when a guy trusts you enough and he feels comfortable around you, he will tell you everything he does.


When you notice that a guy opens up to you about everything he does, just know that he feels so safe around you.


He knows that you will never do anything to hurt his feelings or judge him based on what he does.


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