When A Girl Asks You To Teach Her Something: It Means?

When a girl asks you to teach her something it means that she wants you to help her learn something new that she doesn’t know. But there is more to it than just learning something new from you.


She might had so many options to learn what she wanted to, but she came to ask you anyway.


She could have asked her closest friend to teach her what she wanted to know but she didn’t to do that.


If you are close, there is nothing much to think about here. I mean, she is your friend and that is why she came to you when she needed your help.


But if you aren’t that close, you have just been seeing each other around but you never talked, there may be more she wants from you than you just teaching her something new.


So, what does it mean when a girl wants you to teach her something?


Does it mean she is interested in you already?

Does she fancy you?


Maybe she wants to get to know you better by spending more time around you.


What does it mean when a girl asks you to teach her something?

When a girl asks you to teach her something it means she wants to learn something from you because she finds you super smart. You are an incredible guy with skills she would like to learn. Also, she may be interested in you and she is just fishing for a reason to spend more time with you.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


The moment a girl comes to you and asks you to teach her something, she has already observed you.


She knows you are a smart guy who knows his way around the things she wants to learn from you.


And that is why she came to you and she didn’t go to someone else.


That is one thing you should know for now.


If she is friendly to you, there is no need for you to ask yourself so many questions about why she came to you.


She asked you to teach her something because she knows you are a good guy and a good friend to her.


When she needs your help you will always be there to help her out and that is why she came to you.


If you were not a good friend to her there is no way she would have come to you.


She would have asked someone else to teach her what she wanted to know.


In this case, you don’t need to concern yourself with so many questions about why she asked you to teach her something.


But if you are not that close at all, you never talk much, and you rarely spend time together but she came to you anyway, there is more you need to learn from this.


She may be interested in you and she is just trying to find a way to get closer to you.


There are several reasons why she wants you to teach her something. Learn more about why she came to you as we get deeper into this article.


This is why she wants you to teach her something;

1. She feels comfortable around you.

If she wants you to teach her something this is the first thing you should know.


when a girl wants you to teach her something

She feels comfortable around you and that is why she came to you to teach her and not someone else.


It’s harder for women to reveal their weaknesses to anyone because they know for sure that someone might take advantage of them.


She doesn’t know something that is why she came to you to teach her.


A guy who wants something from her will demand something when he knows that she came to him because she doesn’t have a choice.


She came to you because she knows you are a good guy and you will never do anything to hurt her.


When a woman is comfortable around you she will feel safe with you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


She knows for sure that you will never take advantage of her because she wants to learn something from you.


And that is why she came to you.


On the other hand, she knows you are always going to help her in case she needs something from you.


She is not worried about showing her vulnerabilities to you because she trusts you.


You are not the guy who is going to share it with the world that she is dumb and that is why she came to you to learn something.


Women think of all these possibilities before they approach you when they want to learn something from you.


If she has been your friend for a while, know that you have developed an incredible relationship with her.


She can confide in you when things are not going the way she expects in her life.


When a woman is comfortable around you she will share things with you, she will open up to you and she will let you see another side of her that no one else ever saw.


2. She knows you are a smart guy.

She came to you to teach her something because she knows you can do it.


You are smart and that is why she came to you instead of going to anyone else.


If she wants to learn from you because she has observed you for a while and she knows you are capable of helping her out.


The truth is that if she knew you were dumb, there is no way she would have come to you.


She would have approached someone else who has extensive knowledge of what she wants to learn.


You may ask me how she knew you are smart and you have the skills that she wants to learn.


She may have been told by other girls (girls talk a lot about other guys when they are together) or she saw you handling yourself in that area and that is why she came to you.


When a girl finds you to be smart and capable of helping her with what she wants to know, she will always come to you.


If you don’t consider yourself smart enough, you should know that she looks at you differently. It’s time you change how you perceive yourself.


It’s also possible that she thought about approaching other guys but she found out that you are the only one who would help her out.


3. She wants to get to know you.

She came to you with an excuse to learn something from you but the truth is that she just wants to get to know you.


If she is someone you just met a few days ago, how could she have known that you are that smart to teach her what she wants to learn?


She approached you to teach her anyway, without knowing if you would give her the right knowledge or not.


What we see here is that she doesn’t care about what she wants to learn from you.


Her agenda is to get to know you better. She is just curious about the kind of a guy you are.


When a woman wants to get to know you, there is always something that pushes her to want to know more about you.


It can be how you handle yourself in what you do, how you interact with other people around you, and what you do for them.


She is curious about the kind of guy you are and that is why she came to you.


When a woman wants to get to know you does it mean she is interested in you?


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


A woman will want to get to know you when she is just curious and wants to see if you are the kind of guy she would befriend.


That is always the first thing that goes into her mind, but after learning from you and she realizes that you are more than what she expected, that is when she will get closer to you.


For now, you can’t conclude anything unless she shows you signs that she is interested in you.


You should focus on teaching her what she came to learn from you.


4. She wants to get closer to you.

She wants you to teach her something because she knows you will spend so much time together.


If a woman wants to connect with you and get to know you on a deeper level, she will want to spend more time with you.


She wants you to teach her something because she knows you will have plenty of time together and this will help her to get to know you on a deeper level.


Do you think that she wants to learn something from you? That may be the case but there is more to it.


When you start teaching her what she wants to learn from you and you find out that she is opening up to you and sharing details about her life, it’s just to get you to share yours too.


She knows for sure that when she starts opening up to you about her life you will also find it easier to share a part of your life and that is why she does it.


Also, in the process of teaching her what she wants to learn from you, you will find her being so kind and nice to you.


This is all just to get to see how you are going to handle her.


Right now, you don’t know whether she wants to be your friend or she wants more than that.


It can be one way of her making connections and networks with the people she meets or it might be more.


You will know by how she will handle herself in front of you.


If she wants more than what she portrays you will also notice it.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


5. She wants to spend more time with you.

She wants you to teach her something because she wants to spend more time with you.


The part of her asking you to teach her something is just an excuse to get to hang out with you.


It’s a clever way of getting you always to be there when she needs you.


If you teach her today, it will keep going. She will text or call you again and tell you that she needs your help again.


This is just an excuse to get you to spend more time with her.


During the process of teaching her, does she seem to enjoy what you are teaching her?


If she enjoys your time together it’s clear that she wanted to be around you but she didn’t know how she could have asked you.


And that is why she came with the excuse of wanting you to teach her something.


When a girl enjoys your company, she wants to be closer to you, she wants you to get to know her better and make you end up liking her she will want to be around you.


She will be able to show you the kind of a woman she is when she is always around you.


You will understand her better which will forge a great friendship or a romantic relationship depending on how she feels about you.


This is why she wants you to spend more time with you.


6. She is interested in you.

She may be interested in you and that is why she wants to get closer to you, spend more time with you, and even get to know you better.


when she wants you to teach her something

A girl will find an excuse to be around you when she is interested in you.


She wants you to teach her something because she knows it will be easier for the two of you to connect in the process.


Before you conclude that she is interested in you, take your time to observe how she handles herself in front of you.


You may get the impression that she wants you to be more than friends but she is only being nice to you because she is gaining something from you.


So, if she shows you any indications that she wants you to be more than a friend by what she does and says, then that is when you should know that she has another agenda in mind.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


If she invites you to her place, she spends more time with you even after you are done teaching her what she wants to learn, this should let you know that she wants more from you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?


What can you do in this situation? The best thing you can do here is finish teaching her what she wanted to learn from you and then see how she is going to handle you after that.


Some women will be super flirty and nice to you when they want something from you.


Especially when they know you fancy them, they will use that to make you give them what they want to the fullest.


If you are done teaching her what she wants to learn and she is still in touch with you, she wants to hang out with you and come over to your place once in a while, this is a sign that she is interested in you.



When a girl comes to you to ask for help don’t use that as a way of taking advantage of her.


If she wants you to teach her something, teach her what she wants to learn and move on.


Unless she shows you that she needs more from you that is when you should use the opportunity to the fullest.


Women are observant, it can be that she is interested in you but she just wants to see how you will handle her when she comes to you in need of something.


She is just observing you and you end up ruining it all.


If you are interested in her, it’s not wrong to express what you feel for her. Finish teaching her first and talk to her about it later on.


That is how you should handle this situation, even if she wasn’t interested in you she might consider giving you a chance because of how you have handled the situation.


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