How To Study When In Love

In this article, I will share how you can study when you are in love. If you are in love with someone and there is nothing you can think about except him or her, this can end up taking your focus away.


So, if you want to focus on your studies, you will have to get hold of how you feel about the person you are in love with.


It can be that the relationship has just started, you are in the talking stage, or maybe you are in love with the person, but you haven’t expressed your feelings to him or her.


All these situations are dangerous to your focus on your studies, and that is why you have to control these feelings not to mess up your focus on what matters the most.


Without wasting time, let me share what you can do about this.


This is how to study when in love;

1. Remind yourself that everything has its timeline.

If you want to study when you are in love, this is the first thing you should do.


You need to remind yourself that everything has its timeline. The time you have is limited, and you will not be in school forever.


There is no need to sit down daydreaming about how you feel for him or her.


That will only waste your time. I am not saying that it’s wrong for you to think about the person you are in love with.


Take your time to think about him or her, and get in touch with him or her; if you haven’t expressed your feelings to him or her, you should do it so that you focus on what matters.


These feelings are just for a while; at first, they are very strong, and you might even forget what you are required to do about the things that matter the most.


Don’t get lost diving so deep into your relationship to the extent you forget about your studies.


You will never sit down to study if you will go deep into what you feel about this person.


And that is why, in my other article, I talked about why it’s not a good idea to date in college.


You might like this: Why Dating In College Is A Bad Idea


Just remind yourself that everything has its timeline, and you shouldn’t consume your study hours working on your relationship.


If it’s time to study, sit down and focus on your studies and if it’s time for you to work on your relationship, do that and move to something else that matters.


Don’t let your feelings and your relationship revolve around everything important you are building in your life.


If you can focus on your studies right now, do that, and you will thank me later.


And if you can’t stay away from that person, there is no need to hurt yourself; get yourself into it but be aware of how you spend your time.


Be the mature person in that relationship, and don’t let your feelings control every action.


2. Take control of how you feel.

When you are in love with someone, it’s going to be hard to sit down and think about your studies.


It’s going to be hard for you to focus on your studies. Mostly, you will find yourself thinking so much about him or her.


This feeling will always distract you when you are studying; you will give yourself lame excuses just to text him or her or be around him or her when you need to study.


So, if you are not going to control how you feel about this person, there is no way you will focus on your studies.


And if you can’t concentrate on your studies, you will fail.


To retain the information you are studying, you need to focus on the content.


To be able to study when you are in love, you need to control your feelings and don’t let the feelings control everything you do.


If you let your romantic fantasies control everything you are working on, the career you are building now, you won’t have a chance to shape it the way you want.


You will take yourself away from what matters, and you will get lost in your romantic world.


Keep in mind that you are not the first person to be in love, there are so many out there who were in love, and it never ended well.


Everything that you are feeling right now for that person, you are not the only person you have been through that.


Don’t let feelings control your focus and every action. Take control of these feelings, handle them maturely, and you will be able to focus on your studies.


These feelings are within you; you are the boss, don’t let them control your actions and mind.


3. Don’t be around the person if it affects your focus.

If you want to study, but you can’t focus since you are in love, this is another solution I can give you.


You will have no choice but to be far away from him or her when you want to study.


If you sit down and try to study when he or she is around you, it’s going to be hard.


All you will do is look at him or her, and you will waste so much time thinking you are studying, but that may not be the case.


The moment you know your focus is negatively affected when he or she is around you, let him or her know that.


Tell him or her that you can’t concentrate on your studies when he or she is around.


If he or she is someone who cares about your career and he or she wants you to succeed, he or she will do the right thing.


He or she will give you time alone to study.


But if he or she is a person who doesn’t care about your career, you will know that from the response that he or she will give you.


When you realize that he or she is someone who wants to mess up with your career, then that is not someone you should keep in your life.


Stay away from him or her when you need to study if you can’t focus when he or she is around.


That is the only way you will be able to study since there won’t be any distractions of any kind.


4. Prioritize your studies and the rest later.

You should know what to prioritize in your life. What you need to know is that in life, everything is all about priority.


Always prioritize things that build you as an individual and let the rest follow.


I know some people will tell you that it’s selfish to put yourself first over other people.


If you can’t take care of yourself, build yourself, who will you help?


You have to prioritize your studies over the relationship if you want to succeed.


Your career is there to stay, but with the relationship, you have no idea if it’s going to end next month or last for the rest of your life.


You are in love now; the relationship may develop and be something that you want.


Think of the other things that will come after that relationship.


You will need to have a life if you want to have an amazing life with your partner.


Trust me; no one wants to be with a failure in life. Right now, you may think that it doesn’t matter at all, but as you grow together in life, you will realize that the relationship requires more than just what you feel about each other.


You will need money, you will need a good place to stay, you will need money to meet your goals and do what you feel like, and that will not happen if you aren’t successful.


So, don’t let what you feel for him or her prevent you from studying because for that relationship to be what you see in Netflix movies, you have to succeed in life.


You have to prioritize things that are going to build you first, and the rest will follow.


I am here just to remind you that what you feel for him, or her shouldn’t be the priority of what you are building in your life.


Prioritize your studies and later on focus on what you feel for him or her.

That is the only way you will manage to study when you are in love.


5. Deal with how you feel about the person you are in love with.

If you are in love with someone, but you haven’t expressed what you feel about him or her, you will have no choice but to deal with it first if you want to focus on your studies.


There is no way you will focus on your studies if you don’t deal with how you feel about him or her.


It can be that you are afraid to express yourself to him or her because you don’t know how he or she is going to respond.


You are afraid of getting rejected, and that is why you have been keeping this to yourself.


It’s affecting your focus on your studies. You can’t study; all you think about is how things will be.


If this is the situation you are in, I advise you to deal with it if you want to study.


Meet the person in person or text him or her and let them know how you feel about them.


Keeping these feelings to yourself will only take away your focus on your studies.


Get over with it and do what matters the most.


If he or she accepts to be with you well and well, now focus on what matters.


On the other hand, if he or she rejects you, he or she has given you a reason to keep pushing harder on your career and become someone better in the future.


Don’t let any response from him or her destroy your focus on your studies.



It’s not wrong to be in love, but don’t let it control everything in your life.


Don’t let what you feel about a single person destroys your entire career.


You should know that these feelings are just for a moment; your career is there to stay.


So, be careful about the things you choose to prioritize if you want to succeed in school.


If you are in love, don’t let that prevent you from studying because there is more to life than just what you feel about him or her right now.


Don’t let your relationship fantasies take you away from building your career.


Thanks for reading; if you have any questions, you should leave your comment. See you in my next article.


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