7 Reasons Why She Doesn’t Want To Come Over (+What To Do)

You have been asking her to come over to your house but she doesn’t want to. All she does is give you so many reasons why she can’t come over to your place and not even try to find a way to make time for you.


In this article, I will share possible reasons why she doesn’t want to come over to your place and what you can do about it.


It’s just like asking a girl on a date but she doesn’t want to make up for those dates.


She keeps making excuses not to see you when you need her the most.


Some of the reasons why she doesn’t want to meet you when you ask her out on a date relate to what I am going to be talking about in this article.


Read also; My Girlfriend Keeps Making Excuses Not To See Me: Why?


Without wasting time, let me share what you should know about her when she doesn’t want to come over to your place.


This is why she doesn’t want to come over to your place;

1. She wants to distance herself from you.

If you have been asking her to come over to your house and she keeps on saying no, it’s because she doesn’t want to be close to you.


she doesn't want to come over to your house

She doesn’t want to be around you at all and that is why she doesn’t want to come over.


What she is doing right now is distancing herself away from you.


There are so many reasons why a girl may want to distance herself from you.


All these reasons depend on how she feels about you and how you have been handling her.


If you did or said something to her that made her consider distancing herself from you, it’s possible she doesn’t want to come over to your place because of that.


She doesn’t want to come over to your place because she wants to increase the distance between the two of you.


Some girls will distance themselves from you for personal reasons, while some will do it because of the negative tension between the two of you.


If your relationship with her isn’t strong, you have lots of issues that you need to resolve, this could be the reason why she doesn’t want to come over to your place.


There is no way a woman will want to be around you if your relationship with her is on the verge of collapsing.


If things between the two of you are not right, it’s one of the main reasons why she wants to distance herself from you.


She is not happy being around you and that is why she doesn’t want to come over to your house.


Have you realized that she doesn’t talk to you the way she used to?


Her conversations with you are always short and dry. She rarely initiates conversations with you like she used to.


Read also; She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why


She is doing this because she wants to distance herself from you.


This is the same reason why she doesn’t want to come over to your place.


Some of the reasons why she is distancing herself from you are; that she is losing interest in you, she is angry at you, she is not happy being with you, she found someone else and is trying to end the relationship or she doesn’t want you to take things that far.


You will learn some of these reasons if you continue reading this article.


2. She has lost interest in you.

She doesn’t want to come over to your place because she has lost interest in you.


When a girl loses interest in you there is no way she would want to be around you.


She will do everything she can to keep a big distance between the two of you.


You will also notice that apart from her having lost interest in you, she no longer treats you the way she used to.


She used to call you early in the morning to ask how you have been doing, nowadays she doesn’t do that anymore.


It’s harder for her to even send a morning or goodnight text to you because she doesn’t feel a thing for you.


When you ask her to come over to your house, she is just wondering why you want her to yet she doesn’t feel anything for you.


If you have noticed that recently she has been acting strangely, she doesn’t give you the attention the way she used to and she no longer spends her time around you at all let alone coming to your house, it’s clear that she has lost interest in you.


She doesn’t want to tell you that she has lost interest in you because she just doesn’t want to hurt you or she still needs something from you.


When she ends the relationship right now, it will be hard for her to get what she wants from you and that is why she is keeping you around.


All she does is make excuses and lie to you why she can’t come over to your place, but the main issue here is that she has lost interest in you.


Read also; How To Tell If A Girl Is Making Excuses 


The truth is that if she was still interested in you, she cares about you the way she used to, she would have done anything to be around you and give you what you want.


She doesn’t feel a thing for you anymore and that is why she doesn’t want to come over to your place.


This is what you need to know if you have been asking her to come over to your house and she doesn’t want to.


A woman who is still interested in you will always make time for you, she will want to be around you even without you calling her and she will handle you right.


If she no longer treats you like she used to, she is so cold and mean now, it’s all because she has lost the main thing that connected her to you.


3. She loves someone else.

She doesn’t want to come over to your house because she no longer loves you.


she doesn't want to come over

I am sure she doesn’t even show up on any dates you ask her to.


The way she handles you nowadays has changed for the worse, she doesn’t talk to you or want to spend time with you at all.


She doesn’t care about you.


You no longer get her attention and time because all these go to someone else and not you.


She is no longer the little and cute princess you used to know now. How would you even call her a princess when she is always so mean to you nowadays?


She doesn’t care if you break up, she doesn’t care if you decide to ghost her and even walk away from her.


This is all happening because she is in love with someone else.


So, if you have noticed that she is never available for you, it’s true that she is available to someone else.


Your chapter with her is over but she doesn’t want to tell you the truth about it.


She wants you to keep guessing until you decide to move on from her.


Why would she come over to your house when she is into someone else?


She doesn’t want to waste her time on you because you are no longer the person she wants


You have to make peace with that especially if she doesn’t act like your girlfriend anymore.


If there is no bond between the two of you there is no way she will treat you the way she used to when you started dating.


The moment you notice that she doesn’t put effort into the relationship, she doesn’t show up on any dates let alone coming to your place, she doesn’t call you and she even ignores you.


This is the time for you to realize that she doesn’t love you anymore.


She is giving all her energy and attention to someone else and it’s not you anymore.


This is one of the reasons why she doesn’t want to come over.


I know you felt it long time ago that she was done with you but you didn’t want to accept it.


Now you have to make peace with the fact that she is no longer your girlfriend.


She is in love with someone else and not you anymore.


4. She is mad at you for something you did.

You are trying so hard to pull her closer to you but she keeps distancing herself far away from you.


She doesn’t want to come over to your house because she is mad at you.


Maybe you don’t know that she is mad at you because you thought everything between the two of you was okay.


It can be that you did something that you didn’t think was going to make her mad at you.


You never apologized to her and showed her that you were sorry for what you did because you thought it was right in the first place.


Can you think of the last time, what happened when she came over to your house?


What did you do or say on your last date when you were together before she started cutting you off?


Something happened, it made her angry at you and that is why she doesn’t want to be close to you.


She may be telling you that she is fine but that is not true.


So, if you did anything in the past to hurt her feelings when she came over to your house or when you were out on a date, she may be still mad at you.


When a woman is mad at you, she will never want to be around you, all she will do is try to create a big distance between the two of you until the issues between the two of you are resolved.


The issues haven’t been resolved because you think that you never did anything wrong to hurt her feelings.


She expects you to apologize and make up for the mistakes you did but you don’t do that because you don’t know in the first place what you did wrong.


The only thing you do is ask her to come over to your place without even asking what happened.


You need to know why she doesn’t want to come over to your house anymore.


You are not paying any attention to what she feels but focusing on what you need from her.


She is angry at you and that is why she doesn’t want to come over to your house.


5. She is not comfortable coming over to your house.

She is someone you started dating a few months ago, she is not that close to you even though you call each other babe.


Your relationship is when is gradually growing. You are getting to know each other better.


The bond is not yet that strong.


You once asked her to come over to your house, and she did but she never stayed for long.


She walked away feeling so overwhelmed by how she felt when she was in your house.


Also, it can be that the way you handled her when she came over to your place the first time was off.


She never felt safe and sound when she was in your house and when she left, she swore never to come over again.


You never made her comfortable in your house, you never gave her time to take it all in before you started going hard on her.


She doesn’t want to come over to your house because the first experience she had never made her comfortable.


When she thinks of how you handled her in the past, and how she felt when she was at your place, she doesn’t want to experience the same feeling.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House


She doesn’t want to come over because she is not comfortable at all.


On the other hand, if she has never been to your house, it’s clear that she is not comfortable coming there at all.


She can’t handle the thought of her coming over to your house because she doesn’t feel comfortable around you.


A woman needs to feel at ease and safe around you before she gets to your place.


If she doesn’t feel the same when she is with you in the streets, there is no way she will comprehend the thought of her being in your house.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


6. She is afraid to come over.

When you ask her to come over to your house, she doesn’t want to. But when you ask her out on a date, she shows up.


she won't come over to my place

Do you understand what is going on right now? She doesn’t want to come over to your house because she is just afraid.


You should conclude this if she has never been to your house at all. She doesn’t want to come over because she is just afraid.


She is down to meet you at the park, at the mall, at the coffee shop and even meeting you on the hiking trails but she doesn’t want to come over to your house.


The thought of her coming over to your house is scary to her and that is why she doesn’t want to come over.


You need to understand that women also get scared about certain situations no matter how they feel about you.


If your relationship is new, you should understand that. Don’t push her to come over to your house when she doesn’t want to.


You will only push her away from you and she will end up thinking that you only want to take advantage of her.


The way you handle a woman in public is what will either make feel free and at ease to come over to your place or not.


For some women all they need is time. For now, she is afraid of coming over to your house but as time goes by, she gets to trust you more and feels comfortable around you, she will come over even without you asking her to.


7. She doesn’t want to move the relationship too fast.

If your relationship is new, this is something that is going to relate to your situation.


She doesn’t want to come over to your house because she thinks it’s not the right time for her.


Don’t expect that when a woman accepts to be your girlfriend she will be ready to take things super first.


Some need time to get to know you better, to know the kind of man you are, and to get a sense of your direction.


She won’t come over to your house because she is not ready to do so.


She feels coming over to your house will only push things far when she hasn’t determined the relationship’s sense of direction.


If your relationship is new and you are asking her to come over to your house on the first date that is unrealistic.


She is your girlfriend. It’s not that she took you in for a friend with benefits or just for a hook-up.


If she wanted a one-night stand thing with you shouldn’t have bothered even if you asked her to meet you at the hotel.


She wants to take things slow, take her at her pace, and understand that if you take it too far she will walk away from you.


Don’t think about why she doesn’t want to come over to your house if your relationship with her is still new.


You need to focus on getting her to feel safe around you, trust you, and love you more.


I know you find her super incredible and you can’t even take your eyes off her.


She is gorgeous and all you can think of is hit it. Calm down and give her some time.


You don’t need to go too fast because you might end up scaring her off.


What to do when she doesn’t want to come over;

1. Find out why she doesn’t want to come over.

If she doesn’t want to come over to your house, the first thing you should do is find out why she doesn’t want to.


What to do when she doesn't come over to your place

Is there something wrong between the two of you?


Did you do something to offend her when you were with her the last time?

Why doesn’t she want to come over to your house?


You should ask yourself all these questions before you do anything that is going to push her further away from you.


You need to find out why she doesn’t want to come over to your house first, this is what will give you the direction on how you are going to solve this issue.


I assume she has been coming over in the past few weeks or months, but now she doesn’t want to.


If she doesn’t want to come over nowadays, it’s because there is something wrong between the two of you.


The moment you find out why she doesn’t want to come over to your house, that is when you will have an idea of how to fix things between the two of you.


You can find that out by asking her in person. Meet her at her favorite coffee shop and talk to her.


Try to get in her head and find out why she doesn’t want to come over by asking her questions and observing how she responds to them.


If she opens up to you why she doesn’t want to come over to your place that will give you a clue of how to solve this issue once and for all.


2. Fix any misunderstandings between the two of you.

The next thing you should do when she doesn’t want to come over to your place after you have found out why she doesn’t want to is to fix any misunderstandings between the two of you.


You need to resolve any conflicts if you need her to come over to your house.


If you did or said something to hurt her feelings, the first thing you should focus on is getting rid of that negative tension.


There is no way she will come over to your place when she is angry at you.


Create peace with her if you want her to come over to your house.


If you did something to hurt her feelings, you should sincerely apologize to her.


You need to show her that you are sorry for what you did or said and that you are willing to fix things.


Don’t push her to come over to your house to apologize for what you did because she won’t dare to.


You need to meet her and talk about what happened between the two of you.


Once you resolve your issues, she will be more than happy to come over to your place because there is nothing that is pushing her away from you.


You need to be patient with her, listen to her, and get to know what she wants from you before you do anything that is going to break your relationship apart.


If you manage to make things right between the two of you, she will come over to your house.


3. First, focus on making her comfortable around you.

If she has never been to your house this is the first thing you should work on.


The relationship may be still new and she doesn’t feel that comfortable around you.


She doesn’t want to come over because she doesn’t feel safe around you.


You need to take your time with her to find ways to make her feel comfortable.


If she accepted to be your girlfriend, it doesn’t mean that she feels safe around you already.


It takes time for a woman to get comfortable around a man.


For some women, you have to spend more time with them for them to feel comfortable around you while for some all it takes is time.


Find ways to make her feel comfortable around you.


Avoid giving her any impression that you are only after one thing from her.


You can make her comfortable by opening up to her, being vulnerable for her, and showing every side of you that she wants to know.


Spend more time with her, show that you care about her, and listen to what she wants to say.


Don’t make everything about you when you are next to her.


Try to pay attention to what she wants other than you pushing her to come to your house.


The moment she feels safe and comfortable around you it will be easier for her to come over to your house without even you inviting her.


4. Assure her that she is safe with you.

If you want her to come over to your house you have to do things and say things to make her feel safe.


You need to assure her that she is safe whenever she is around you.


Women want assurance to feel that they are loved and wanted. When a woman is insecure about her body when you assure her that she is amazing and exactly the way you want her to be she will be happy.


You will never hear her talking about how ugly she looks.


Read also; My Girlfriend Keeps Saying She’s Ugly: Do This


You need to assure her that when she comes to your house she will be safe with you.


It may not be a big deal to you about what she wants to hear. To her, it’s what she wants to hear from you before she decides to come over to your house.


Say the words loud enough for her to hear them. Face her when you say them and don’t do anything to give her the impression that what you are saying is just lies, you only want to lure her into your place.


These are some of the phrases you can use to give her assurance;

“You are always going to be safe with me”

“I will never do anything to hurt your feelings”

“I will always protect you. With me, it’s the safest place you can be”

“I just want to take care of you and see you happy around me”

“In my place, you can do what you feel like”


These are some of the phrases you can use to let her know that she is in good hands.


Tell her and do things to prove to her that she shouldn’t have to worry when is only with you.


When she feels secure around you, she will always come to your place even without you asking her to.


Do you want her to come over? Do what I am sharing with you now and give her time.


5. Give her time.

You heard me right, you have to give her time if you want her to come to your place.


All the things I have shared with you above will not convince her to come to your place immediately.


She needs to verify what you do and say when you are around her if it’s all true before she decides to come over to your place.


If your relationship is new, this shouldn’t worry you at all. She is just not yet ready to come over to your house and that is why she doesn’t.


Take your time to nurture the relationship and show her that you don’t want to rush anything.


If she doesn’t want to come over to your house, don’t get mad at her.


Be an understanding guy and let her know that she has to take all the time she wants to decide whether she will come over or not.


When you put her in a situation where she is free to choose when to come over to your place it will be easier for her to do so.


Don’t do or say things that will make her feel she is pressured to come over to your place.


This will only push her far away from you.


When you show her that it’s not a big deal whether she comes over to your place or not, she will never mind coming over.


Also, if you pretend you don’t want her to come over and whenever you ask her out you meet her in coffee shops or parks, she will be curious at one point.


She will want to know why you don’t even talk about inviting her to your place.


Without her knowing, she is taking herself where you exactly want her to be.


This is what you should do if you want her to come over to your house.


All you need to have is patience and she will come over without you asking her to.


6. If she no longer loves you, let her go.

If you have tried everything I have shared with you and she doesn’t bother coming over or talking to you about it, this shows that she doesn’t want to.


When you notice that she is no longer paying attention to you, she doesn’t bother maintaining communication with you and she keeps on ignoring you, this is a sign she no longer loves you.


She doesn’t want to come over to your place because she doesn’t feel a thing for you.


You are just another guy friend in her DM.


She talks to you because she knows you and not because she is interested in you.


If you have been asking her to come and see you at your place and she keeps making excuses, just know that she no longer loves you.


Also, if you notice that she doesn’t even want to meet you, not only come to your house, she doesn’t love you.


She may be into someone else and you are no longer the guy she wants to spend her time with.


This is what you should remember. Don’t force her to meet you if she doesn’t want to.


You will only be showing her that she has power over you. She will know that you are desperate for her and she might use that to take advantage of you.



If she doesn’t want to come over to your place don’t force her. Give her time and ask her again after 2 weeks and hear what she has to say.


That is if your relationship with her is not new, you have been together for a while.


If there is something she is dealing with and that is why she can’t come over to your place she will let you know about it.


But if she is making excuses not to come over to your place, you should talk to her.


Find out why she doesn’t want to come over to your place before you do or say anything crazy to push her away.


If your relationship with her is new, you need to be patient with her, give her time, and focus on making her feel safe around you.


The tips I have shared with you in this article will help you to make her come over to your place without you even inviting her.


But if you have found out that she is no longer the woman who was in love with you, the only thing you will do is let her go.


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