Requirement Of Ash Handling Equipment

In this article, I will share the requirement that ash handling equipment should fulfil.


The requirements are necessary for the effective function of the pieces of equipment.


If you want to learn more about the pieces of equipment used in ash handling, you should check the link below.


You might like this: 5 Systems Of Ash Handling: Components And Their Working Principles


In a steam power plant, a large quantity of ash is produced. There can be 10 to 20% of ash produced from the total coal burnt.


You might like this: Steam Power Plant: Introduction, Components And Working Principle


Manual handling of the ash is going to be tricky considering how ash handling can be.


To make the process of ash handling faster and easier, equipment installation will be necessary.


Before installing them to be used in the power plant, they should satisfy the following requirements.


These are the requirements of ash handling equipment;

1. The initial, running and maintenance costs should be lower.

This is the first requirement that the ash handling equipment should fulfil.


The pieces of equipment should not be too expensive to the extent of draining the budget of other supplies needed in the power plant.


The first thing, the initial cost of these pieces of equipment should be lower.


If the initial cost will be lower, it will be easier for the power plant to purchase several of them and save money too.


They should be cheaper but effective. That is the first thing that should be considered when purchasing them.


The running cost of the ash handling equipment should be lower since they will be used daily.


As long as the power plant is operating, the ash handling equipment will be required to keep on handling the large quantity of ash produced.


If the running cost is going to be very high, it will end up increasing the overall cost of running the power plant.


Instead of racking up profits from the power plant, only losses will be incurred, which is bad for business.


The maintenance of these pieces of equipment is essential since it’s the main practice that will keep them running to their fullest potential.


The repair and maintenance of this equipment should be lower to keep them functional at all times.


If the maintenance is cheaper it will always be easier to work on these units and ensure they are operating under high efficiencies.


These are the requirements that ash handling equipment should fulfil for them to be effective and considered for installation and use in a power plant.


2. They should be able to handle large quantities of ash.

A large quantity is produced where coal is used as the primary fuel.


A steam power plant produces a large amount of ash that needs to be handled now and then to keep the furnace running at its full potential.


The pieces of equipment installed to handle the ash should be able to handle a large quantity of ash.


It’s necessary for the equipment to handle large quantities of ash to save time, keep the ash pit clean and keep the furnace working at its full capacity.


It will be a loss installing ash handling equipment that won’t be able to match up to the work that is needed to be done when it comes to handling the ash.


The equipment should not struggle to handle the ash produced by the furnace at any point.


So, when purchasing or designing these pieces of ash-handling equipment, one should keep in mind the amount of ash it can handle.


This is a requirement that ash handling equipment should fulfil.


3. They should be able to handle the ash smoothly.

Handling ash is usually a big challenge because of the nature of the ash produced by the furnace.


Ash is chronic when it comes to soot, dust and evening forming clinkers on the furnace and the ash pit too.


Also, the ash produced is usually at high temperatures and handling it can be very dangerous.


Don’t forget the poisonous gases that are usually incorporated within the ash.


The ash handling equipment should be to handle the ash without leaving any of the issues I have just talked about behind.


It should handle the ash smoothly leaving the furnace and ash pit clean as it was before.


The equipment should be able to withstand the ash temperatures without any problems.


I mean smooth handling of the ash should be achieved by these pieces of equipment that will be installed.


So, when purchasing or designing these pieces of equipment all these factors should be kept into consideration.


That is what will keep the ash handling equipment effective and safe for use in power plants.


4. They should be able to move the ash from one point to another.

Handling the ash also involves moving the ash from one point to another. The equipment that will be installed should ensure this is something that is satisfied by it.


The ash needs to be removed from the furnace, convey to storage and then disposed of to the dumping site.


The pieces of equipment will be considered unfit for use if they require additional personnel to move the ash from one point to another within the power plant.


The equipment should be able to handle everything; the only person needed is on the control panel.


These pieces of equipment can also be automated and keep on working throughout the day moving the ash from one point to another.


If the ash handling equipment won’t be able to move the ash from one point to another, it shouldn’t be installed in the power plant.


That will only result in a waste of resources.


This is a requirement that should be checked carefully and considered before deciding to use them.


5. They should be corrosion and wear resistant.

The pieces of ash handling equipment should be corrosion and wear resistant since they will be used long term.


The equipment being corrosion and wear resistant will save the power plant the budget of maintaining and repairing them now and then.


These pieces of equipment should be installed and left to operate without operators worrying about them corroding and wearing.


This will reduce the work to be done in the power plant and the main focus will be on the power generation processes.


The equipment should not corrode and wear easily; this is a requirement that they should fulfil.




The ash handling equipment should fulfil the requirements I have shared in this article for them to be considered effective for use.


It’s essential that they should be observed carefully to ensure that they will operate with high efficiency.


This is what will keep the processes in the power plant smooth and easy.


If the ash handling equipment won’t be able to fulfil the requirement I have shared is considered to be unfit for use.


If you have any questions leave a comment. Thanks for reading, see you in my next article.


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