8 Ways How To Avoid Forgetting After Studying

If you want to avoid forgetting after studying these are the tips you should follow. In this article, I will share what you need to do to avoid forgetting every after you have studied.


What you need to understand is that it’s human nature to forget some information after you have studied.


You might like this: Is It Normal To Forget What You Studied?


There is no way you can remember everything that you have studied unless you are a genius. But forgetting a little piece of information that you have studied it’s completely normal.


The tips I will share in this article will help you to retain a huge percentage of what you have studied.


Without wasting time, let me share what you should do if you usually forget most of the things you study.


This is how to avoid forgetting after you have studied;

1. Develop a positive mindset about the things you are studying.


how to avoid forgetting after studying

If you want to avoid forgetting after you have studied this is the first thing you should put in mind.


You have to develop a positive mindset about the things you are studying since it will help you to have a positive approach towards the subject you are studying.


The moment you affirm that it’s easier for you to understand the concept you are reading, it will be easier for you to retain it.


But if you tell yourself that you can’t get anything that you are studying, the chances of you retaining that information are going to be minimal.


When you tell yourself that a certain unit is very difficult for you to grasp, it will be hard for you to compose yourself while studying it.


You will have locked your mind, and everything you will be studying will never sink into your head because you have already convinced yourself that what you are studying is hard.


Change the way you perceive the unit or subject you are studying if you don’t want to forget it after studying.


Something funny with our brains is that if you train them to be smart they will be smart, the vice versa is true.


The moment you tell your mind that it can learn everything you are feeding it, you will hardly forget about the things you study.


And this is how to avoid forgetting about the things you study.


2. Read while writing some short notes.

Another way to avoid forgetting the things you study is by writing some short notes when you study, especially if it’s a completely new topic.


A topic you have no idea of and it sounds too complicated for you to understand anything.


If you want to avoid forgetting that topic you will need to start writing some short notes as you are studying everything. You should write the main key points that will help you remember the main theme of the topic.


Writing some short notes while studying is also going to help you have something to look at after you are done studying.


I used to use this method when  I was in college and it did a good job when it come to retaining the information I studied.


Note down anything important that you need to remember. It can be some of the areas that are always examined by your examiners or an area that you know you have to emphasize because it’s the backbone of your understanding of everything you are studying.


Don’t be lazy to pick up a notebook and a pen to write your short points in bullet or in a summary form of what you have studied.


This is how you will easily remember the things you were studying without a hassle. Try this and you will thank me later.


3. Review the content you have read.

If you have been studying writing the main key points that you have to remember, this is going to make work easier for you.


You will be able to go back to what you studied and pass through the short notes you took. And that is why writing short notes while studying is very important.


Take your time going through the short notes that you wrote, review them again, and pay attention to areas that you need to retain.


You can review the short notes once or thrice depending on your retention capabilities. I am sure the way I grasp information in my head is not the same way you do.


Another thing you can do if you want to remember that things you studied is by going back to reading the subheadings and topics and subtopics of the content you read to refresh your mind about the things you were studying about.


You can remember something you studied, but you may fail to remember where you took the point from. Which is a mess especially if you will have to explain such a point in an exam.


I am sharing things I used to do when I was in college and they helped me avoid forgetting most of the things I learned.


Follow this strategy if you want to avoid forgetting the things you studied.


4. Study a specific part of a topic at go.

I want to be honest with you about one thing when it comes to studying, you will never remember everything you study!


This means that you should be subjective to the things you choose to study if you want to avoid forgetting.


Don’t just pick a book and start studying everything without a strategy. You will think that you are doing something but when you keep the book aside and try to recall the things you studied you will be empty.


You should always choose a specific part you want to study in a topic. You can’t study the whole topic at a go and expect to capture everything in your head.


Select the part you want to focus on and glue yourself to that part. Try to explore everything about that area and make sure you have grasped something before you move forward to another subtopic or subheading if you want to avoid forgetting after you have studied.


When you read everything without a strategy you will only be wasting your time and trying to remember the details of the things you studied is going to be very hard.


5. Focus on the part that you are studying.

If you want to avoid forgetting most things you study this is something you should do.


When I tell you to focus on the part you are studying, I mean you should pay attention to the things you are studying.


There is no way you will remember the things you have studied if you aren’t paying attention to what you want to retain.


If you are reading about “how to make repair a machine,” focus on the part of repairing only and not something else. Until you are done with the part of repairing is when you will be free to study another part.


But if you study repairing and before you even complete that part you skip to “installing machines,” you will be doing yourself no good here. And you will find it hard to remember the main points of the things you were studying.


When you read a certain question about the things you study, you will vaguely remember that you went through that part but it will be hard for you to recall the exact thing.


This is a road to failure. But if you took your time to study a single part and focus on it to the completion then it could have been easier for you to remember it.


This is what you have to do if you want to avoid forgetting after you have studied. Put all your focus on a single part before you decide to focus on another one.


6. Come up with a formula that you can use to remember complicated things.

This is another thing you should do if you want to avoid forgetting the things you studied. This is something I used to do when I was in college.


Sometimes it’s hard to remember complicated things that you study. They don’t make sense at all and pushing yourself harder to remember them just keeps confusing you.


These can be the names of parts of a machine, the working principle of a machine, or anything that you are trying to retain in your mind.


You can avoid forgetting by coming up with a formula that you can use to remember complicated things.


If it’s a list of characteristics you have to remember you can come up with the formula of grasping them with a single phrase.


Let me give you an example that you can use to figure out how you can come up with your formula.


For instance, if you want to remember the rainbow colors in order you can just come up with the following phrase.

  1. Red -R
  2. Orange -O
  3. Yellow -Y
  4. Green -G
  5. Blue -B
  6. Indigo -I
  7. Violet -V


The first letter of the list of the rainbow has given me a phrase that I can use to remember the colors of the rainbow in order without a hassle.


The phrase “ROYGBIV” Is all I need to remember the colors of the rainbow in order.


You can also use the same formula to master things easily that are needed to be given in order.


This is how to avoid forgetting the things you have studied.


7. Take breaks after studying.

If you want to avoid forgetting after you have studied this is something else you can implement that will help you so much.


You have to take a break after you have studied for more than 1 hour. Taking a break is what will help you refresh your mind and you will start grabbing everything afresh without any problem when you go back to study.


If you overload your mind without giving it a break it’s going to be hard for you to remember things since you are overworking your brain.


Take a break and do something that gives you a high dopamine, and enjoy yourself with the things that are going to refresh your mind without you going too far.


I mean don’t go drink alcohol after you have studied for two hours telling yourself that you are taking a break.


You are indeed taking a break but not a healthy one. When you go back to study you will start fresh because you would have erased everything that you were studying.


Take healthy short breaks, listen to music, walk around in the park, stretch yourself by doing some light exercise, and go back to study.


8. Try to recall the things studied.

Another thing you can do to avoid forgetting after you have studied is to make yourself try to recall the things you studied.


Think about the main things you picked up from the book while you were studying. You can also try to write them down in your own words.


Doing this will give you an idea about the information you have retained in your head. Also, if there is anything that you haven’t captured you will know the moment you are jotting them down.


This is something I used to do often to check if I obtained the information I was studying. You can also do the same if you want to avoid forgetting after you have studied.


When you try to recall the things you studied and you aren’t getting a part clearly, you are allowed to go back to the exact part that you don’t remember and try to review the content.


This will enable you to grasp that part again and forgetting about it won’t be easier.


Also, by reviewing the content you are giving yourself a chance to get a deep understanding of the things you were studying. Do this if you want to avoid forgetting about the things you studied.



It’s normal to forget some parts of the sections that you studied. You can’t retain 100% of the things you studied because you are not a machine.


If you are forgetting almost everything you studied and you are failing to figure out what is wrong with you try to communicate with your teachers and see how they can help you with that.


Anyway, if you follow the steps I have shared in this article, they will help you avoid forgetting after you have studied it doesn’t matter what you are studying.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions you should leave a comment. See you in my next article.


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