Why He Stares At You

When a guy stares at you there is always something. A guy will never just stare at you for no specific reason. Whether he shows an expression or not, there is always a meaning behind it.


So, without wasting time, let me share some of the reasons why a guy would stare at you.


This is why he stares at you;

1. He wants to get your attention.

When a guy stares at you this is the first thing you have to know.


he stares at me but says nothing

If you don’t know each other and he stares at he wants you to notice him.


He knows that as long as he keeps staring at you at one point you will want to know why he does so.


If you want to know why he is staring at you, you will have no choice but to get closer to him.


And when a guy is staring at you, you will think that he is checking you out.


As he does that, you will also be looking at him trying to find out if he is a match for you or not.


The first thing you will think about if a guy stares at you is that he likes what he sees.


So, if he likes what he sees, you will also stare at him back to see if you like what you see too.


If you are interested in what you see, it will be easier for you to just get closer to him and start a conversation.


He is staring at you because he is trying to invoke all these things I am sharing in this article.


The hundreds of questions you will have in your head about why he stares at you are what will make you start paying attention to him.


If he notices that you are curious to know why he stares at you, that is when he might even do something to signal that he wants to talk to you.


2. He likes how you look.

When a guy stares at it’s because he likes how you look.


It can start from your outfit to your entire body. When a guy is staring at you it’s your body in most cases.


You are attractive and that is why he stares at you. If he didn’t find you attractive, he wouldn’t have been focused on you.


This should tell you that he is impressed. There are hundreds of thoughts that are running in his head.


He doesn’t know if he should get closer to you or not.


All guys usually stare at ladies they are attracted to.


Some guys stare at some body parts while others stare at the whole package.


So, if he stares at you, this should let you know that he is attracted to you and that is why he can’t stop himself.


3. He wants to start a conversation with you.

When a guy stares at you while you are next to each other, this is something you should know.


He wants to start a conversation with you and that is why he stares at you.


He knows that when you are close to each other it will attract your attention and you will have no choice but to talk to each other.


So, when a guy stares at you with a friendly face, he is figuring out how he can start a conversation with you.


But first, he wants to get your attention for you to know that he is aiming at you.


He will stare at you and eventually, he will say something to you.


It’s hard for some guys to start a conversation with random girls they meet on the streets unless they start to find an angle to get their attention.


What you should know is that different guys approach girls in different styles.


You will know about this as you continue reading the article.


You look familiar to someone he knows.

When a guy stares at you with a curious look, it’s because he thinks you look like someone he knows.


He is staring at you trying to figure out if you are the girl he knows or not.


In most cases when a guy stares at you trying to figure out if you look like someone he knows at the end he will say hi to find out if you are the one or not.


He will say hi to get to start a conversation with you to find out if you are the person he thinks you are or not.


Other guys will just stare at you with a curious look and then just walk away when they figure out you are not the person they thought you were.


What you have to know is that when a guy stares at you there could be different meanings depending on the situation you are in and the expression he gives you.


So, let me share with you some instances and give you their meanings.


He stares at me from a distance but ignores me

When a guy stares at you from a distance but ignores you it means he was trying to find out if you are the kind of a girl he wanted to talk to, but he figured out you are not. It can be that you aren’t that welcoming or he didn’t have the courage to get closer to you.


he stares at you from a distance

If he was staring at you but ended up ignoring you, it can also be that he wanted to get closer to say hi but he didn’t gather enough courage or he wasn’t interested enough to get closer to you.


Some guys will start staring at you and then ignore you because they don’t think you are likely going to talk to them when they get closer.


Why does he stare at me from a distance?

He stares at you from a distance because he finds you attractive but he doesn’t have the courage to get closer to you. And that is why he is at a distance where he knows you won’t say a word to him for staring at you.


What does it mean when a guy stares at you from a distance in a crowded place?

When a guy stares at you from a distance in a crowded place it’s like he finds you look like someone he knows. You look familiar and he is trying to find out if you are the person he thinks you are.


Also, it can be that he stares at you from a distance in a crowded place because you are the person who stands out in that crowd. He is attracted to what he sees in you.


These can be two possible reasons why he stares at you from a distance in a crowded place.


What Does It Mean When A Guy Stares At You From A Distance And Looks Away?

When a guy stares at you from a distance and looks away it means he finds you attractive but since you are two a distance from each other he doesn’t think it’s possible to get closer to you.


Also, it can be that he finds you attractive but he doesn’t have the courage to get closer to you and that is why he just looks away (ignoring you).


He stares at me without expression.

When a guy stares at you without expression it means he is unsure of what to do. It can be that he doesn’t know whether he should say hi to you or not. Also, he is thinking so much about making a move thus the black face.


It’s is possible that he is thinking about other things and he is not focusing on you at all.




When a guy stares at you it is mainly because he likes what he sees. You got his attention.


He is figuring out if he should say hi or not. The expression or what he will try to do when he stares at you is all to get your attention.


But when he stares at you from a distance and he looks undecided about what he should do, it’s because he is not sure what he should do.


He is not courageous enough to face you.


Some guys stare at girls just to look at their bodies and fantasize but not with the intention of approaching them.


This is something else you should know about men.


Related reads;

  1. Why Does My Crush Talk To My Friends But Not Me?
  2. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?
  3. When He Lets You Stay At His Place Alone: It Means?
  4. Why Does He Stare At Me But Has A Girlfriend?

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