7 Reasons Why He Saw You But Didn’t Say Hi

He saw you but didn’t say hi. This brings up so many questions about what is happening between the two of you. Is he now ignoring you because he doesn’t want anything to do with you?


Did you do or say something wrong to make him angry?


In this article, I will share some of the reasons why he didn’t say when he saw you.


It’s something unusual for him not to say hi to you. Something is going on and that is why he is behaving like this.


When you understand why he didn’t say hi when he saw you, it will be easier for you to find a way to get closer to him to know what is going on.


Without wasting time, let me share some of the possible reasons why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


This is why he didn’t say hi when he saw you;

1. He didn’t want to talk to you.

He saw you and walked past you without saying anything simply because he didn’t want to talk to you.


he saw me but didn't say anything

This is the first possible reason why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


I know you don’t want it to be true but this is the fact. He didn’t want to talk to you and that is why he didn’t say anything when he saw you.


You are used to him saying hi whenever he sees you in the streets and smiling at you.


But this time it’s different. He didn’t want to talk to you and that is why he didn’t greet you when he saw you.


When a guy doesn’t want to talk to you he won’t start a conversation with you.


Even if he needs something from you, he would rather get it from your friends and not you.


If you are with your friends, he might say hi to your friends and talk to them about what he wants but he will choose to ignore you.


Read also; Why Does My Crush Talk To My Friends But Not Me?


He just didn’t want to talk to you and that is why he didn’t say anything to you.


There are so many reasons why he didn’t want to talk to you. You will continue learning them as you go deeper into this article.


A guy can wake up and decide not to talk to you. He will just walk past you like you are a stranger.


You might have so many questions about why he didn’t at least say hi to you when he saw you, but the answer is that he didn’t feel like talking to you.


Maybe he wasn’t in the mood to talk to you though there is nothing wrong between the two of you.


This is what you should know.


2. He was mad at you.

Another possible reason why he didn’t say hi when he saw you is that he was mad at you.


It can be that you did or said something to annoy him and that is why he didn’t say hi.


Think of what happened last time when you were together. Did you do anything that made him angry at you?


Did you say anything to make him feel you don’t value or respect him?


If you departed ways while he was angry at you and you never made an effort to resolve the conflict, it’s possible he is still angry at you and that is why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


When a guy is angry at you for any reason, he will never want to talk to you.


Unless he calms down or you find a way to make things great again between the two of you.


So, if you did or said something to hurt his feelings, you should find a way to get closer to him and apologize for your mistakes.


This is the only way he will start talking to you again.


The simple answer you should take away from this part of the article is, if he saw you and didn’t say hi and you know that it’s not usually, it’s because he is mad at you.


3. He was distancing himself from you.

When a guy wants to distance himself from you, be it your boyfriend or a friend, he will start by cutting off the communication between the two of you.


He is distancing himself from you and that is why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


I am sure even when you take your time to text or call him, he won’t pick up your calls or reply to your texts.


The moment a guy is distancing himself from you, he will do everything he can to great a big gap between the two of you.


He knows for sure that if he keeps the communication going the bond between the two of you will keep increasing.


Maybe you are interested in him, you find him to be an incredible guy and you want to be so close to him.


Thinking that being closer to him might give you a chance with him.


He may not be thinking the same about you.


It took some time for him to realize that you will not only end up wanting him to be your friend.


He knew you were getting fond of him and he just didn’t like that at all.


Now he is distancing himself from you because he just wants to create a distance between the two of you to weaken the bond.


If he stays far away from you there is no way you will be closer again.


You won’t share the things you used to with him because he won’t give you the chance.


There is more about this you should know, continue reading the next section of this article.


4. He lost interest in you.

Another possible reason why he didn’t say hi when he saw you is that; he lost interest in you.


He is no longer interested in you like he was when you first started talking.


Back then he was so close to you, you used to hang out a lot and he even asked you to spend some time with him alone.


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?


Things were different when you started getting to know each other.


He was so nice and kind to you when you started talking and he wouldn’t spend a day without talking to you.


Things are no longer the same. He saw you and walked past you like you were a stranger.


He looked at you and he didn’t even say hi.


If the past few weeks he hasn’t been the same guy you knew, it’s true to assume that he lost interest in you.


A guy can be interested in you for a while and end up losing it in an instant.


There are so many reasons why a guy would end up losing interest in you.


So, if there is anything that made him lose interest in you, it’s possible that he didn’t say hi because he didn’t feel like it.


He is no longer attracted to you the way he was. Now, you are just like a stranger to him because there is nothing that connects the two of you.


A guy will lose interest in you when he realizes you are not the person he thought you would be, he found someone else better than you, you can’t give him what he wants, and when he realizes nothing can happen between the two of you.


It can be that you gave him the impression that there is nothing between the two of you.


He wanted to be more than friends with you but he realized you don’t want the same thing.


That made him lose interest in you and that is why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


Read also; When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?


If you were on a different page about what you want from each other, this could also be the reason why he lost interest in you.


He didn’t want to waste his time talking to you yet you don’t feel the same for him.


5. He thought you didn’t want him to talk to you.

He didn’t say hi when he saw you because he thought you didn’t want to talk to him.


If the last time you departed ways while you were angry at him for something he did or said, this could be the reason why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


He just assumed that you wouldn’t be willing to talk to him and that is why he walked past you without saying anything to you.


What happened last time?


If there was anything that gave him the impression that you didn’t want to speak to him again, this could be the reason why he didn’t say hi.


He didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of his friends.


Maybe he thought he might say hi and you would end up ignoring him.


This would embarrass him and that is why he just walked past you.


If you were with a group of friends or he was with his friends, indeed, he didn’t want to be embarrassed.


When a guy realizes that you don’t want to talk to him simply because you are still mad at him, he will give you some time.


He won’t talk to you unless he knows you are calm. So, if there is anything that made him think that you didn’t want to talk to him, this is the reason why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


6. He wanted you to initiate the conversation first.

Maybe nothing is wrong between the two of you. He is not mad at you and he is not losing interest in you either.


He saw you and expected that you would say hi first. You didn’t say hi and that is why he just walked away.


You didn’t give him the impression that you wanted to talk to him and that is why he walked past you without saying hi.


It can be that he wanted you to initiate the conversation. You should conclude this if he is not that confident.


He is the kind of a guy with low energy in interaction with other people.


Someone like this will never start a conversation with you unless you do so.


He won’t talk to you unless there is something important he wants to share with you.


So, if this is the type of guy I am talking about in this part of this article, it’s clear that he wanted you to initiate the conversation.


If you would have said hi to him, he would have responded and kept the conversation going.


You need to understand that guys are different. We have the extroverts and introverts.


Maybe he is an introvert. They don’t like talking unless you talk to them or when they want to pass on something important.


You need to take your time and learn the kind of guy he is before you start assuming that he will behave like any other guy.


If he didn’t say hi this time, next time when you come across him, say hi to him first and see how he will respond.


Also, if you were not that close, you don’t interact that much with him, it’s possible that he is not fond of you also.


And that is why it’s hard for him to act like you are someone close to him.


So, if it’s when you are getting to know each other, you shouldn’t ask yourself so many questions.


Keep building the relationship with him, get closer to him get to know him better, and let him know you too, this might change things between the two of you.


7. He was distracted by other things.

He didn’t say hi when he saw you because he had so many things running in his mind.


he didn't say hi when he saw me

When a guy is stressed about things he cares so much about, sometimes it will be hard for him to notice what is in front of him.


He will be occupied by so many thoughts about how he is going to handle the things that are bothering him.


That is the only thought he will have in his head. His interaction with the people he cares about won’t be the same.


He will be distracted, the only thing he will focus on is what is driving him nuts.


Yes, he might have seen you but he was way too far from his physical body.


Have you ever been in a situation where you are around your friends but you feel like you are far else where alone and lonely?


This might be the same situation he was going through.


You might try to reach out to him and tell him what happened and he will apologize.


He will tell you that he was distracted and that is why he didn’t even say hi to you.


So, it’s also possible that he was in the state I am talking about and that is why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.



If he saw you and he didn’t say hi, don’t assume anything not even the reasons I have shared in this article.


The first thing you should do is try to get in touch with him. Try to find out why he didn’t talk to you when he saw you.


That is if you have his contacts. But if you don’t have his contacts and you only talk when you meet.


You will have to meet him in person and ask him why he didn’t say hi when he saw you.


If there is something wrong between the two of you, he will tell you about it.


And if he won’t even want to talk to you after that, it’s clear that he doesn’t want to talk to you, he is not interested in you and he is just doing this to distance himself from you.


You have to accept the fact that you won’t get closer to him again and move on with your life.


It can be that you like him but he doesn’t like you and that is why he doesn’t want you around.


Forcing yourself on someone who wants nothing to do with you will only hurt your feelings and degrade you as an individual.


Related reads;

  1. What Does It Mean When A Guy Ignores Your Compliment?
  2. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  3. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?
  4. When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?
  5. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?

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