He Introduced Me To His Family As A Friend: Why?

You have been dating for a while, you met his family and he introduced you as a friend. 


This is something that brought so many questions about how he feels about you. 


Does he just consider you as a friend for all that time you have been together or it’s just that he doesn’t want his family to know about you? 


In this article, I will share why your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend. 


If you are in a relationship, he should have introduced you as his girlfriend in front of his family. 


“Hello, this is Jane, my girlfriend” 

“Mom, meet Jane, my girlfriend” 

That is not how he introduced you. 


“Hello brother, this is my friend, Jane” 


And since then you have been having so many questions about why he introduced you to his family as a friend yet you are in a relationship. 


What does it mean when your boyfriend introduces you as a friend to his family? 

When your boyfriend introduces you to his family as a friend it means he doesn’t want his family to know that he is in a relationship with you. It can be that he thinks his family won’t approve of you, he is embarrassed of you or he doesn’t love you. 



he introduced me as a friend to his family

What I have shared doesn’t cover everything as to why your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend. 


There could be so many reasons why he introduced you as a friend to his family instead of his girlfriend. 

Without wasting time let me share why he introduced you as a friend to his family instead of his girlfriend. 


This is why your boyfriend introduced you as a friend to his family; 

1. He is hiding the real nature of the relationship from his family. 

If your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend this is the first thing you have to know. 


Your boyfriend doesn’t want his family to know that he is dating you.


He doesn’t want them to know you are the person he is considering spending the rest of his life with. 


There could be so many reasons why he doesn’t want his family to know the real nature of the relationship with you, which you will know as you continue reading the article. 


The first thing you should take note of is that your boyfriend doesn’t want his family to know that he is in a serious relationship with you and that is why he introduced you as a friend. 


If he wanted them to know about the real nature of the relationship you are in, he would have introduced you as his girlfriend. 


So, let’s go deeper as I share what you should know about why he is hiding the nature of your relationship from his family. 


2. He is embarrassed by you. 

He introduced you to his family as a friend because he was embarrassed by you.  


The truth is that he is not proud to be with you and that is why he didn’t want his family to know that you are in a relationship with him. 


If he was proud to be with you, he would have told his family the truth about the nature of your relationship. 


It can be that he thinks when he tells his family that he is dating you, the only thing you will do is degrade him in front of his family. 


Your boyfriend knows the kind of person his family expects him to bring home. 


To be honest, you are not the kind of person his family would be happy to have around and that is why he didn’t want them to know that he is in a relationship with you. 


He introduced you to his family as a friend so that his family wouldn’t come up with any conclusions about him. 


Your boyfriend is not proud to be with you. He is with you for the moment because there is something he gets from you. 


You should conclude this if he doesn’t often go out with you or introduce you to his friends and colleagues. 


Also, when he goes out with you, he doesn’t want people to know that he is with you. 


He doesn’t hold your hands or show his affection for you in public. 


If these are things that you have been noticing since you started dating, it’s clear that your boyfriend is embarrassed by you. 


It’s not strange that he introduced you to his family as a friend and not his girlfriend. 


Your boyfriend thinks you will only bring shame to him and that is why he introduced you to his family as a friend to hide the real nature of the relationship. 


3. He doesn’t think that his family will accept you. 

Your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend because he didn’t think that his family would accept you. 


What you need to know is that every family is different and expects different things from a guy who will go out there and find a spouse. 


It can be that you don’t do what his family does, you are in a different religion, you don’t practice your boyfriend’s family culture and you are from a different ethnic group. 


Read also; My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 


All these can be some of the things that your boyfriend thought about and realized it would be hard for them to accept you. 


He took you to his family but after he thought about it and how his family prepared themselves to receive you, he noticed that there was no way they would accept you. 


So, to save himself and you from the shame that is going to arise after he introduces you to his family as his girlfriend, he decided to shift things. 


Also, it can be that you didn’t handle yourself the way his family would like to see you when you were around them. 


That raised so many questions amongst them and your boyfriend noticed that it would only bring issues if he tells them that you are the person he is planning to spend the rest of his time with. 


He introduced you to his family as a friend to avoid the lectures and so many follow-up questions about you. 


This is another reason why your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend. 


4. He is not ready to make things official yet. 

Your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend because he is not ready to make things official yet. 


he introduced me to his family as a friend yet we are in a relationship

Before one makes a relationship official there are so many things that should be considered. 


So, if your boyfriend felt like it’s too early for him to make the relationship official in front of his family this could be the reason why he flipped. 


He knew that introducing you as his girlfriend in front of his family would only put so much pressure on both of you. 


Like, his family would want you to get married so soon and other many expectations when you have other plans before you think of that. 


The expectations from his family would drive both of you nuts. 


So, when your boyfriend realized that this is something that is going to come up after introducing you to his family as his girlfriend, he changed his mind and introduced you as a friend to avoid all this pressure early enough in your relationship. 


There are several reasons why your boyfriend wasn’t ready to introduce you to his family as his girlfriend when linking it to making the relationship official. 


If the relationship is new and you met his family unexpectedly it could be the reason why he introduced you as a friend. 


He didn’t plan to meet his family so soon with your relationship being that immature. 


Your boyfriend intends to keep on working on the relationship before he makes things open in front of his family. 


So, he thought that introducing you to his family as his girlfriend would only be taking things fast which would up wrecking the relationship. 


5. He doesn’t think of settling down with you. 

Something far worse as to why your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend, it’s that he doesn’t plan to settle down with you. 


Your boyfriend is likely going to leave you anytime from now and that is why he didn’t make things open to his family. 


Your boyfriend is with you for the moment. He is using you.  


Why should he introduce to his family as his girlfriend yet he doesn’t plan to be with you for a while? 


He will meet someone else and he will have to take her to his family and do the introduction again. 


So, he introduced you to his family as a friend because he knows you are not the only person he will end up bringing to his family. 


Your boyfriend is probably thinking of what you are having right now as a short-term thing. 


He is not thinking of maintaining this relationship.  


You should conclude that your boyfriend doesn’t think to settle down with you if you have come across the things I am about to share. 


Signs your boyfriend doesn’t plan to settle down with you; 

  1. He doesn’t talk or include you in his future. 
  2. He is not focused on the relationship at all. 
  3. He always does things with you for the moment. 
  4. He doesn’t want to meet your family or friends. 
  5. He doesn’t want to invest in anything with you at all. 
  6. He doesn’t care how you perceive him as long as you give him what he wants. 


If you have come across the things I have listed, it’s clear that your boyfriend doesn’t plan on sticking around and that is why he introduced you as a friend. 


After you, he is going to take someone else to his family and that is why he wants his family to know you as his friend and nothing else. 


6. He only sees you as a friend and nothing more. 

You have been together for a while but he doesn’t consider you as his girlfriend. 


Your boyfriend only sees you as a friend and nothing more than that. 


He introduced you to his family as a friend because that is how he perceives you. 


If you are together and you didn’t talk about dating but just moved with the flow, this could be the reason why he perceives you as a friend. 


You are a friend to him because you never made it clear that you wanted a serious relationship. 


And don’t think that when you get in bed with a guy he will conclude that you want to be his girlfriend. 


A guy might assume that you want something casual with him and that is why you got in bed with him. 


So, if you never talked about dating but you just did things together because you vibe, he knew that there is nothing more apart from friendship. 


The guy you assume is your boyfriend; has been perceiving you as a friend and nothing more. 


That is why when you met his family he introduced you as a friend because that is what he knows you are. 


Also, if he noticed that you are not serious about the relationship, you don’t put effort and you keep on disappearing and coming back, this could be something that made him think of you as a friend. 


You are not serious about anything with him and that is why he introduced you to his family as a friend and nothing more. 


7. He doesn’t love you. 

If you have been serious with each other and working on the relationship and he ended up introducing you as a friend, it’s clear that he doesn’t love you. 


A guy who loves you will be so happy to introduce you to his family and let thousands of people know that he is with you. 


Your boyfriend doesn’t love you, he is only using you and that is why you are still around each other. 


You give him something that he wants and that is why he is keeping you around. 


There is no love at all and that is why it didn’t even bother him introducing you as a friend to his family. 


He didn’t care if it would hurt your feelings or melt you from the inside out. 


It can be that all that time he has been with you, he has been using you for what you offer. 


He doesn’t want to stick with you and breaking up with you is something he has been planning all along. 


Your so-called boyfriend knew that introducing you to his family as a friend would make you angry. 


You will want to know why he introduced you to his family as a friend yet you are so tight into each other. 


A guy who loves you will never do a thing to hurt your feelings, he will always be ready to reveal you to people he cares about and he will never be embarrassed by you. 


This is what you should know if your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend. 



If your boyfriend introduced you to his family as a friend, yet you know that you have been seriously into each other for longer, then know that your boyfriend doesn’t love you. 


He is using you and it’s time for you to leave him. 


But if you haven’t made things clear with each other and the relationship is new, you shouldn’t worry so much about why he introduced you to his family as a friend. 


He didn’t want to move things fast and that is why he introduced you as a friend. 


If you completely have no idea why he introduced you to his family as a friend you should face him. 


Let him tell you why he introduced you to his family as a friend and from there do what you think it’s right for you. 


Related reads;

  1. 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Extra Nice To You 
  2. Boyfriend Always Wants To Know What I’m Doing: Why? 
  3. He Introduced Me To His Family And Then Broke Up With Me
  4. My Boyfriend Doesn’t Like Me Wearing Makeup: Why?
  5. 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You 

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