4 Reasons Why He Didn’t Compliment Your Picture

You sent him a picture of you but he said nothing. He didn’t compliment you.


In this article, I will share some reasons why he didn’t compliment your picture so that you have an idea of what it means.


When a guy doesn’t compliment your picture after you have sent it to him the first thing you should know is that he doesn’t find you attractive.


If you have never met before, you only have been chatting online, you sent him your picture and he says nothing, because he didn’t expect to see you the way you are.


It’s not always as black and white as you might think. The only thing you can think of is that he didn’t find you attractive and that is why he didn’t compliment your picture, but there is more to it.


Let me give you some of the reasons why he didn’t compliment your picture.


This is why he didn’t compliment your picture;

1. He didn’t find you attractive.

This is the first realistic thing you should expect when you send a guy a photo and he says nothing.


why he didn't compliment your picture

The truth is that he doesn’t find you attractive and that is why he said nothing about your picture.


You may be attractive but not the way he figured out you would be.


What you should know is that guys have different preferences.


We have those who want cute ladies, some look at the body at large and some are searching for a specific thing from a woman before they can think to go fully for her.


He didn’t compliment your picture because you are not the type of woman in appearance he would like to have.


If it’s online and you are getting to know each other, this should let you know that you haven’t met his expectations.


After he has seen your picture, there is a possibility that he will end up ignoring you because you are not the type of woman he wants.


If you sent him your picture and he checked it out and said nothing, but kept the conversation going like it was nothing, this should let you know that he doesn’t find you attractive.


When a guy receives a picture from a woman and it blows his mind, the first thing he will do is pour compliments.


Most guys will start talking about how amazing you are and how bad they want to be around you.


Some might even start talking dirty because of the picture you just sent them.


There is more you should know, it’s not only that he doesn’t find you attractive and that is why he didn’t compliment your picture, but also due to the next reason.


2. You are something more than he expected.

He didn’t compliment your picture simply because you are not what he expected.


What you should know is that when men are hunting for women, they go for their taste.


They go for someone they can handle and not completely a woman who will be beyond them.


Guys want women who they can manage and take care of. Have you ever heard men talking about “She is not in my league”


This is just a term they use to say that a woman is beyond their reach.


We have those guys with low self-esteem and self-doubt, which limits their choices to a certain level.


You sent him a picture and he sees a woman who is beautiful than he can imagine.


There is no way he can handle you or take care of you. Every man deep down knows the kind of woman he can handle according to his recent life situation.


You are more than he expected and that is why he feels there is no need to say anything to you.


There is no way he can match up to your needs and take care of you.


And the low self-esteem kicking in reminds them of their insecurities.


They know many guys will come in with offers of every kind that will be hard for you to deny.


Guys might not tell you this, but you will just notice their actions after they have seen your picture.


Some will start distancing themselves from you while others will tell you that they can’t handle you just by looking at your picture.


3. He doesn’t want to sound too creepy.

You are probably used to the fact that lots of guys usually shower you with compliments when you send them your picture.


That has been your normal for a while and you expect every guy to behave the same.


What you have to know is that there are guys who want to be seen as decent; though in some cases they aren’t.


He knows that when he starts showering you with compliments about how beautiful you are, you will conclude that he is creepy just like the rest of the guys you have come across.


If he keeps on showering you with compliments about how great you are, he thinks it will make him seem thirsty.


He doesn’t want to compliment you because he cares so much about what you might think of him.


It can be that he is even attracted to you, interested in you but he is holding off his horses.


4. He wants to crash your ego.

You have heard of the Alpha talks online. Men keep sharing tips on how to make women feel less attractive than they should feel about their bodies.


They don’t want women to feel they are super attractive because that feeling will change how they interact with the average guys they meet in the streets.


He didn’t compliment your picture because he wanted to crash your ego.


It can be that he thinks when he starts complimenting you, you will consider yourself a gorgeous girl and you will end up playing hard to get.


He knows that when he tells you how amazing you are physically, you might give him a challenge.


Since you have an idea that he finds you beautiful, he will be interested in you.


You will start playing your cards so as not to fall into his arms.


All guys know that when they make a woman feel less of what she thinks she is, she will start being submissive and considerate about anything she might be told.


She won’t be that hard to handle and lure in.


This is another reason why he didn’t compliment your picture.


He wants you to think that you are not attractive so that it works out easily for him.


I sent my boyfriend a dirty picture and he didn’t respond

You sent him a picture that was supposed to make a statement to him about how you feel and he said nothing!


he said nothing when i sent him my picture

This must be something that is confusing you.


What you have to know is that guys respond differently to different circumstances based on their experience.


If you sent your boyfriend a dirty picture of you and he didn’t respond it’s either he didn’t feel comfortable commenting on the picture or he didn’t find it as attractive and sexy as you thought it would be.


Especially if you have never sent him such kind of picture.


He will have so many questions about why you sent him such a picture.


You have to know that he is your guy, but it doesn’t mean that he will always be comfortable with you sending any kind of picture to him.


It’s a good thing you talk to your boyfriend about anything you want to do to express your feelings to him.


If it turns out that he is not happy about it, he will let you know.


Some of the things you might do thinking that he will be impressed might end up ruining your relationship with your guy.


Something else you should know is that if your boyfriend is religious and you just sent him nudes, he won’t be happy about it.


He only considers you have degraded yourself and this might be something that might ruin your relationship with him.




When a guy doesn’t compliment your picture, it’s mainly because he doesn’t find you attractive.


The other reasons I have shared are also in the list, but they don’t have much weight compared to the first reason that talks about appearance.


What you have to know is that when a guy finds you attractive, you will notice how he will handle you.


The way he will respond to your texts will say a lot about what he feels about you.


You may send a picture to a guy and he pretends that he hasn’t seen it at all.


But as time goes by he keeps on initiating conversations with you and even wanting to meet you in person.


This should tell you that he finds you attractive and you shouldn’t be bothered by the issue of him not complimenting your picture.


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  1. When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means? 
  2. When A Guy Tells You About His Whereabouts: It Means?
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