My Guy Friend Talks Bad About My Boyfriend: Why?

Your guy friend talks bad about your boyfriend because he doesn’t like him. He doesn’t like it that you are with him and that is why he is bad-mouthing him.


If you are asking yourself so many questions why he talks bad about him that is the first thing you should note.


In this article, I will cover some of the reasons why your guy friend talks bad about your boyfriend.


Some of these reasons are going to blow your mind because you never had an idea if your guy friend could reach this far.


You look at him thinking that he is so happy to be your friend. You open up to him about your relationship because you know he wants the best for you, but that is not the case.


This is why your guy friend talks bad about your boyfriend;

1. Your guy friend is interested in you.

Your guy friend suddenly starts talking bad about your boyfriend.


my guy friend talks bad about my boyfriend

You are wondering why he does that and what gave him the impression that he has the right to do that.


When you tell him about your relationship with him all he does is comment negativity.


You thought he would be happy for you since he is your closest friend but it’s the opposite of what you expected.


The things he says about your boyfriend just make you angry at him but you can’t do anything since he is someone you have been close with and you don’t want to ruin the friendship.


All the things he says about your boyfriend suggest that he is not happy for you.


He has never shown you that he wanted more from you and that is why you got along with another guy and not him.


Now you are in a relationship he doesn’t seem to be at peace with that.


The main reason why he talks bad about your boyfriend instead of being happy for you is that he is interested in you.


He wants to be with you and that is why he is upset right now that you are in a relationship with someone who is not him.


He is talking bad about your boyfriend to just make you change your mind about him so that he can have you for himself.


Your guy friend knows that you trust him and you will always listen to what he says.


He talks sh*t about him to make you resent him and let him go.


If he has never shown you signs that he is interested in you this is one big indication that he wants more from you.


He wants you to be more than friends and that is why he talks bad about your man.


Read also; When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?


If you listen to him carefully, you will realize that all the bad things he says about him push you to choose him instead of your boyfriend.


He talks badly about him and makes comparisons just to make you consider him to be the best guy for you and not your boyfriend.


2. He wants you to end your relationship with him.

Another reason why your guy friend talks bad about your boyfriend is this; he wants you to end your relationship with him.


It can be that he talks bad about him just to make you end your relationship but he isn’t interested in you either.


The thought of you being in a relationship is what doesn’t add up to what he likes.


He is not happy that you are in a relationship. Your guy friend wants you to continue being single.


So, if he talks bad about him and in the end suggests that you end the relationship with him just know that he doesn’t want you to date.


You being in a relationship with him makes him lack lots of things from you.


You no longer pay attention to him the way you used to, you don’t hang out with him the way you used to and you seem different to him.


His access to you is not as easy as it used to be because you are in a relationship.


The main reason why he talks bad about your boyfriend is just to get you to end the relationship so that you get to give him the attention you used to.


It’s not that he is even interested in you, he is just being selfish.


He doesn’t want you to be happy at all.


Not all your friends wish the best for you. Some want you to be where you are always so that they get the chance to use you or feel miserable together.


They claim they are true friends to you and give you advice on who you should date but that’s not what they want you to achieve.


If your guy friend talks bad about your boyfriend this is just to get you to drop him and be single again.


That is what he wants for you!


3. Your friend hates your boyfriend.

Your guy friend talks bad about your boyfriend because he hates him.


He hates your boyfriend with passion and that is why he is bad-mouthing him.


It can be that they know each other. Maybe something happened between them and they distanced themselves from each other.


Your boyfriend found his way to you and your guy friend realized you are dating him.


Your male friend cares about you. He is the kind of person who wants his friends to hate the people he hates.


Unfortunately, you ended up dating someone he hates and he wants you to hate him too and that’s why he talks bad about him.


They had a conflict a long time ago and he wants you to join them.


He doesn’t want you to be in a relationship with him, not that he is a bad person but due to their grudges.


On the other side, maybe he doesn’t know him at all. He never met your boyfriend before but he just hates him.


We have guys who hate other guys because they are better than them.


You chose to be with someone else instead of your guy friend.


He feels that you don’t consider him better than your boyfriend and that is why you didn’t give him a shot.


Your boyfriend got to you because he is more amazing than your guy friend.


You friend-zoned your guy friend because he was not the type of guy you wanted to date.


Deep down he knows you ended up with your boyfriend because he is better than him and that is what pains him the most.


He hates your boyfriend for taking you into his life and also hates him for being better than he is.


This may be the reason why he talks bad about him.


He is jealous and he can’t help himself other than talk bad about him.


4. He doesn’t get what he used to get from you.

Your guy friend talks bad about your boyfriend because he doesn’t get what he used to get from you since you got into a relationship.


You no longer spend more time with him, you don’t give him the attention you used to and you are nearly unavailable for her.


This breaks his heart. He talks bad about your boyfriend because he gets everything he ever wanted from you.


Jealous and envy burn him and he can’t hold himself together.


He expressed his feelings for you and you kept him hanging.


You never made it clear how you felt about him.


Let us say you were still figuring out what you felt for him before you decided to let him in your life.


As you were figuring out things you let him hang on the fence. He didn’t know if you wanted to be with him or not.


But you gave him your time, and attention and even flirted with him once in a while.


This gave him the impression that you would eventually let him in your life. It kept him hopeful.


But now that you got into a relationship, he no longer gets the same vibe from you.


When you are with your boyfriend you ignore him. Nowadays you don’t give him the same treatment you used to.


You are on a “Maintain your boundaries” kinda vibe and he hates it.


When he thinks about it, this is only happening because you found someone. If it was not for the guy you opened your heart to, he would have been enjoying what you used to offer.


He talks bad about your boyfriend because he is the reason why he doesn’t get what you used to give him.


If what I am talking about here is true, he talks all those bad things about your boyfriend because you didn’t give him the shot.


5. He may be protecting you from him.

Have you considered that everything your guy friend is talking about is true?


he talks bad about my man

Maybe he talks that way about your boyfriend because he is protecting you from him.


Your boyfriend is a red flag! He sees it and that is why he tells you about it.


He wants you to be careful and consider everything he is telling you before you find yourself in a bad spot.


It can be that you are blinded by what you feel for him and that is why you don’t even see the negative side of your boyfriend.


Your guy friend sees it all and that is why he is telling you about it.


You don’t see your boyfriend the way he sees him.


And he may be telling you all these things to make you aware that he is not a good choice for you.


If your guy friend talks bad things about your boyfriend ( being a red flag) don’t just ignore him because what he talks about may be true.


But don’t take his words 100% unless he has proof that your boyfriend is not who he says he is.


If your boyfriend is truly a bad guy that will show up sooner than later.


Don’t just end your relationship just because your guy friend told you something bad about him.



If your guy friend talks bad about your boyfriend don’t just believe what comes out of his mouth simply because you trust him.


Don’t end your relationship or start mistrusting your boyfriend since he told you that your man is a bad person.


Take your time to observe him and find out for yourself if he is a bad guy or if your guy friend just wants to destroy your relationship so that he can have you for himself.


Anyway, don’t completely ignore what your guy friend says if you have noticed some red flags from your boyfriend.


It can be that your friend is trying to protect you so that you don’t find yourself in a worse situation because of him.


Related reads;

  1. Is It Weird To Go On A Trip With A Guy Friend?
  2. A Guy Friend Secretly Takes Picture Of Me: Here’s Why 
  3. If A Guy Talks Sexually Does He Like You?
  4. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  5. A Guy Says I Can’t Give Him What He Wants: It Means?

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