6 Reasons Why She Wants To Break Up After Abortion

She wants to break up after an abortion and you can’t understand why she prefers it that way. You need to know why she wants to break so that you can figure out a way to change her mind.


Your girlfriend went through a horrifying experience and that is why she has changed her mind so suddenly.


You are trying to make sense of how she feels after the abortion, but you can’t because you didn’t experience what she went through.


If your girlfriend wants to break up after an abortion there are so many things that could have gone wrong between the two of you.


Some of the things have something to do with how you both felt about her undergoing the process of abortion.


The part that she wants to break up with you, clearly shows that she felt different after the abortion.


This is why your girlfriend wants to break up after abortion;

1. She is emotionally unstable after that experience.

Your girlfriend wants to break up with you after the abortion because she is not stable.


she wants to break up after the abortion

The experience she went through messed up with her head and that is why she wants to end the relationship.


It can be that she doesn’t want to end the relationship at all but what she feels makes her want to end it.


You need to understand that an abortion is not a simple thing. Don’t expect her to be the same after what she went through.


It doesn’t matter whether you were both on the same page or not.


If she wants to break up with you after what happened it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love you.


She still loves you but she is broken since she had to endure a difficult thing in her life.


The thought of her getting rid of the kid still haunts her and that is why she feels this way.


She has mixed feelings about how she feels for you.


It can be that she told you she wanted to get rid of the child because she was not ready.


You gave her the go-ahead because it was what she wanted.


She wants to break up with you not because you pushed her to do it, but because of how messed up she feels about what she did.


Your girlfriend doesn’t know if she should be close to you or far away from you after what she experienced.


Something like this is bound to happen when someone goes through a traumatic experience.


She is unstable right now and that is why she wants to break up with you after the abortion.


Don’t take her word for it, what you need to do is give her time to heal.


She endured the worst, give her time and when she is okay she will talk to you.


Right now she doesn’t want you around because of what she feels after the abortion.


That is the only thing she can think about right now and that is why she doesn’t want you around.


Give her some space and time and then reach out to her and hear what she will have to tell you.


2. She is blaming you for what happened.

She wants to break up with you after the abortion because she is blaming you for what happened.


If you pushed her to decide on doing abortion since you weren’t ready to be called a father, this is why she wants to break up with you.


You asked her to abort the pregnancy but she didn’t want to do it.


But after she thought about it; how you are going to raise the kid and the responsibilities that will come later after, she had to do it.


She did the abortion because of your situation and it’s not because she wanted to do it.


Your girlfriend is blaming you for what happened and that is why she wants to break up with you.


You made her do the worst thing she has ever done in her life and it makes her feel like a horrible person and that is why she wants you to let her go.


On the other hand, if you wanted her to keep the kid but she decided to do the abortion, she is still blaming you because you are the guy who made it happen.


You got her pregnant and that is why she found herself in that position.


She is blaming you because you didn’t take caution when you were getting intimate, you didn’t talk to her about something like this was likely to happen and you just didn’t care if she would end up where she is today.


In her head, she is blaming you for everything that happened and that is why she wants to break up.


She thinks you aren’t a responsible guy and something like this will keep on happening.


Don’t get her wrong, the experience she went through while doing the abortion broke her into pieces and that is why she is at this point.


She is confused and angry at you for the time being and that is why she wants to end the relationship.


Deep down she knows that both of you are responsible for what happened, but she is blaming you because you didn’t go through what she experienced.


This is another reason why your girlfriend wants to break up with you after the abortion.


3. She hates that you let her do the abortion.

Your girlfriend didn’t like that she aborted the pregnancy.


It doesn’t matter whether she wanted it or you wanted her to do it.


As I started this article, I told you that she is emotionally unstable right now and that is why she wants to end the relationship.


She can’t handle the thought of what she went through.


It can be that she did the abortion because she felt she wasn’t ready but at the same, she hates you for letting her do it.


She hates that you didn’t hold her down not to do what she did.


The truth is that she is mature with a sound mind. You didn’t have a say over what she wanted by then.


She decided to do the abortion, she felt it was right by then and now that it has happened, she is blaming you for it.


She hates you because you didn’t put extra effort into convincing her not to go through with the abortion.


This is why she wants to break up with you now after the abortion.


After it happened, she felt that what she did was wrong, it happened because you didn’t put extra effort into changing her mind.


Now she hates you for that.


4. She doesn’t want to go through another abortion.

She wants to break up after the abortion because she doesn’t want to go through the same thing again.


Now, let us walk away from what she feels and thinks about you after the abortion.


Let us say you wanted her to abort the pregnancy. You pushed her to do it because you were not ready.


You don’t have a job, you don’t have your life figured out and you thought that having a kid now would only make things worse for you.


The thought of you having to take care of the kid and her mother is what scared the hell out of you.


You wanted her to abort the pregnancy because you were afraid and you had no idea what you would do next.


No one was going to help you out. The only option you had was to man up and take care of her and the kid.


This didn’t sound fine with you and you had to convince her to get rid of the pregnancy.


Your girlfriend wants to break up with you because she doesn’t want to go through another abortion.


If you asked her to get rid of the pregnancy, she feels that you will end up doing the same thing.


This is especially true when she doesn’t see your life taking a turn anytime soon.


She knows that when she gets pregnant again you will ask her to do the same thing.


Your girlfriend is afraid of that and that is why she wants to break up with you.


Also, the part of you talking to her and telling her that you couldn’t allow her to keep the kid because of the responsibilities that it will come with it, made her realize you are not a man she could rely on.


This made her conclude that you are not the man she can rely on if anything happens in the future.


She wants to break up with you because she knows you are afraid of responsibilities and that is not the man she signed up to be with.


You need to understand that women want a man who can secure their future.


They all want financial security and a guy who isn’t afraid to hustle to get what he wants for the woman he loves.


She realized you are far away from that and that is why she wants to break up with you.


What she went through made her realize you aren’t ready for anything of a greater magnitude.


5. After the abortion her feelings for you changed.

After the abortion, her feelings for you changed and that is why she wants to break up.


Abortion isn’t a simple thing to a woman no matter whether she wants it or not.


It doesn’t matter whether you wanted her to abort the pregnancy or she did.


It will affect any woman.


The experience your girlfriend went through is huge. It changed her feelings for you.


You have to know that there is more than one thing that keeps a relationship standing.


Love isn’t the only thing that holds two people together.


If a relationship doesn’t feel right simply because you aren’t comfortable around each other, it won’t stand still.


No matter how much you love each other, if it doesn’t feel right and comfortable it won’t work.


After the abortion, your girlfriend doesn’t perceive you the way she used to.


She doesn’t feel the same way she used to feel when she was around you.


When she thinks of the experience she went through because of your relationship, things don’t feel right anymore.


She is not comfortable around you and she no longer feels safe with you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


Love still exists but when these components miss it will be hard for a relationship to stand still.


It might take time for her to feel comfortable and safe around you, or this might change her feelings for you forever.


Relationships change after miscarriages yet it’s not anyone’s fault, less it be an abortion.


6. She is sure you won’t love and look at her the same way you did.

Your girlfriend wants to break up with you because of how she feels about herself after the abortion.


why your girlfriend wants to break up after abortion

She doesn’t think you will look at her the same way you did after the abortion.


This now falls on her self-esteem and it has nothing to do with who wanted to go through the process.


Read also; My Girlfriend Keeps Saying She’s Ugly: Do This


After the abortion, your girlfriend feels that she is not as beautiful as she used to be.


She feels her body has changed and she is lesser than the woman she used to be and that is why she wants to break up with you.


The feeling of insecurity is holding her down and makes her feel that she has changed in the way.


She is sure that you will end up being attracted to other women and leave her aside because of the process she went through.


Women care so much about their bodies. How a woman feels about her body is what will either make her feel secure or not.


A woman can break up with you simply because she doesn’t think she deserves you.


She looks at herself and thinks that you need someone better than her.


So, your girlfriend wants to break up after the abortion because she thinks it changed her.


You will look at her as a woman who is capable of doing more than an abortion.


She thinks your love for her will change and you won’t love her as much as you used to.


When she thinks of all these things she doesn’t want to get hurt and she is taking the prevent mechanism early enough.


She is breaking up with you before you dump her.


This is something that can be solved by you talking to her and assuring her that your love for her will never change.


Don’t only say it but mean it too.


How you will handle her after the abortion is what will make everything clear to her about how you feel for her.



When your girlfriend wants to break up with you immediately after the abortion you shouldn’t be too quick to react.


You need to give her time and space if she doesn’t want you to be around.


Don’t expect that after what she went through she will be ready to talk to you and handle you the way she used to.


She went through a traumatizing experience and it changed how she thinks and feels about you.


Right now she is haunted by what she did and that is why she doesn’t want you around her.


Give her time. After 2 or 3 months reach out to her and get to know what she feels about what she went through.


In some cases, it will force the two of you to get third-party help when it comes to this issue.


You will have to go to a therapist together and this might help you to take things back to normal.


If she is still in love with you she will get back to you. But if that changed after the abortion, she won’t come back to you.


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