Flash Steam Recovery System: Definition, Function, Requirement, Advantages and Operation

In this article, I will share the function, requirements, advantages and operation flash steam recovery system.


For the flash steam recovery system to work effectively there are certain measures that the recovery system should fulfil.


Just like any other machine used in any process, it has to meet certain qualities for it to be effective.


A flash steam recovery system is used to recover energy that would otherwise be wasted.


Without further ado, let me share with you what you need to know about the flash steam recovery system.


Flash steam recovery system: it’s a machine component that is used to recover energy from high-pressure condensate from the boiler.


Flash steam: this is the low pressure steam formed from high condensate pressure when the pressure or temperature of this condensate is suddenly decreased in pressure.


The function of flash steam recovery system

1. Recover energy that would end up being wasted.

The flash steam recovery system is used to recover the energy that is usually in the high pressure condensate. It should be understood that the high-pressure condensate contains 90% of the flash steam and 10% of the condensate.


The flash steam contains the energy that can be used again in the boiler or be used in other low-pressure steam heating purposes like spacing heating.


It would have been a waste of energy if the high-pressure condensate would go to waste.


2. Collect water to be used in the feed boiler.

The high-pressure condensate contains 10% of condensate that can still be used in the boiler.


Since the condensate has initial energy it can be of good use as it will end up increasing the efficiency of the boiler.


The collected condensate is rerouted back to the boiler to be reused.


Advantages of using flash steam recovery system;

1. Reduced fuel cost

The flash steam recovery system reduces the fuel cost since the energy that would have otherwise been wasted is reused in the boiler. The flash steam is used in other areas that require low-pressure steam.


This ends up reducing the fuel cost since the energy that is provided by the fuel is used to the maximum without any wastage.


2. Reduces emissions to the atmosphere.

The flash steam recovery system reduces emissions to the atmosphere by removing the heat from the high-pressure condensate.


The gasses that will end up being released to the atmosphere will have less emissions because of the recovery of the flash steam which usually contains more heat energy.


This renders the environment safe and sound.


3. Increases the efficiency of the boiler.

The flash steam that is recovered by the flash steam recovery system can also be introduced in the boiler to increase the thermal energy of the boiler which will end up enhancing the efficiency of the boiler.


4. Water expenses are lower.

The recovery system makes it possible for the condensate to be drained to the lower parts of the system.


This condensate is collected and reused again in steam generation. This reduces water expenses since the wastage of water is minimized.


Requirements of flash steam recovery system

1. Sufficient pressure from the condensate.

For the flash steam recovery system to work effectively, the condensate should contain sufficient pressure for the flash steam to be collected.


If the condensate doesn’t contain high pressure the collection of the flash steam will be very minimal.


The efficiency of the flash steam recovery system mainly depends on the pressure at which the condensate enters that flash vessel.


2. Suitable application of the recovered flash steam.

The flash steam that is recovered from the flash steam recovery system wouldn’t be useful if it’s used in unsuitable applications.


So, the flash steam should be used in low steam pressure applications because that is what exactly the system was meant for.


3. Strong flash vessel.

The condensate entering the flash vessel is usually under high pressure. The flash steam recovery system should have a strong vessel that will be able to handle the condensate entering the system.


It’s in the flash vessel where the magic of separation of the flash steam and the condensate happens.


If the flash tank is not strong enough the whole process of flash steam recovery will not work since the high pressure condensate won’t be well contained for the separation to happen.


4. Sound pressure reducing valve.

The pressure-reducing valve mounted on the flash tank vessel should be working effectively to control the pressure of the condensate in the flash tank.


The pressure reducing valve (PRV) should be able to regulate the pressure effectively to prevent the flash vessel from bursting from the high pressure of the condensate entering the flash steam recovery system.


Operation of flash steam recovery system;

The high-pressure condensate enters the flash steam recovery system via the flash tank.


The flash tank separates the steam from the condensate. The low-pressure steam exits the flash tank via the top part while the condensate is drained and trapped in the steam trap as saturated water.


The flash steam is collected and used in low-pressure applications while the saturated water is reused in steam generation.


Final thoughts

This is just a summary of the flash steam recovery system. Also, don’t forget that a flash steam recovery system can also be called a flash steam recovery plant.


The main component of the flash recovery system is the flash vessel and it’s sized according to the following measures;

  • The pressure of the condensate entering the flash vessel or tank.
  • The total condensate flowrate into the flash tank or vessel.
  • The amount of pressure the flash steam will contain after separation.


There are still so many things you can learn about flash steam recovery systems. But what I have shared with you is just a summary of what the flash steam recovery plant entails.


If you have any questions you should leave your comment and also do further research if you want to use this content for your personal project.


Thanks for reading this article. I will see you in my next article.


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