Factors To Consider When Selecting A Furnace For A Particular Fuel

In this article, I will share with you the factors that you should consider while selecting a furnace for a particular fuel.


When it comes to the selection of the burning equipment these factors are the main consideration that should be put into mind.


These factors are what will either make the furnace effective for a particular fuel or not.


If these factors are not fulfilled while selecting a furnace, the efficiency of the burning equipment will be lower.


It’s just like when you are selecting a component for a power plant, one needs to observe its characteristic to ensure it will function well in the area where it will be installed.


The same case with the furnace, one has to make sure that the furnace is fit for use for the particular type of fuel that it’s going to burn.


Without wasting time, let me share what you need to know when it comes to the selection of a furnace.


These are the factors to be considered when selecting a furnace for a particular fuel;

1. The grate area of the furnace.

When selecting a furnace to burn a particular fuel, this is the first thing that one should consider.


The size of the furnace is one important factor that can either increase the efficiency of it or lower it.


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One has to be sure about the size of the furnace that he or she needs for installation.


The grate area of the furnace selected has an effect on the amount of fuel the furnace will consume.


So, if a furnace for a steam power plant is selected and the grate area is not of the required size, this will end up affecting the overall efficiency of the power plant.


Since we all know that the steam power plant mainly depends on the heat energy from the furnace to generate electricity.


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When selecting a furnace one should ensure that it has the required grate area according to the fuel that will be fed and the overall heat energy needed from it.


2. Mixing arrangement of fuel and air.

The mixing arrangement of fuel and air is something essential that should be considered while selecting burning equipment for a particular fuel.


The mixing of air and fuel in the furnace is what influences the proper combustion of the fuel in it.


If the arrangement of fuel and air in the furnace is poor, this means that the overall efficiency of the furnace will be lower.


The amount of heat energy that will be produced from that furnace will be lower than the expected one because the fuel will not burn completely.


The mixing arrangement of the fuel and air should allow proper mixing of the fuel and air.


The fuel should come in contact with air entering the furnace. The fuel on the top and bottom of the bed should be mixed with sufficient air.


If the arrangement of the furnace will prevent proper mixing of the fuel and air it will result in lower efficiency of the burning equipment.


The flame produced from the furnace won’t be of the required quality thus negatively affecting all processes in a power plant that depends on the heat energy from the furnace.


3. The amount of primary and secondary air required.

It’s important to consider the amount of primary and secondary air required when selecting a furnace.


These furnaces have a different rate at which they provide air to the fuel.


Different types of fuel need different amounts of primary and secondary air.


One should keep in mind the amount of air the fuel needs for it to burn completely.


The provision of primary and secondary air in the furnace is what will enable the fuel to burn completely.


If the furnace selected to burn a particular fuel can’t provide the required amount of primary and secondary air needed then it’s not fit for use.


Also, the furnace should be able to provide the appropriate balance of air needed to ensure the fuel burns completely.


It shouldn’t be too much or less amount of air in the furnace.


4. Measures to prevent the effect of low ash fusion temperature.

This is another important factor that one should consider while selecting a furnace to burn a particular fuel.


The ash fusion temperature should always be put into consideration because it can hugely affect the efficiency of the furnace.


If the ash starts melting at a lower temperature, this means that the clinker formation will happen early enough preventing the furnace to perform effectively.


The air holes on the furnace might get clogged and this will prevent the circulation of air under the fuel bed.


This will end up decreasing the efficiency of the furnace.


The furnace should have preventive measures that will prevent low ash fusion temperatures.


If there is a mechanism that will increase the ash fusion temperature then that will be amazing.


For that to happen, the furnace temperature should be able to be controlled to achieve what I am talking about.


If there is no way to control the temperature of the furnace yet the ash fusion temperature is lower, this will end up messing up the entire burning equipment.


So, when selecting a furnace to burn a particular type of fuel, one should ensure that it has measures to prevent low ash fusion temperatures.


5. Dependability of the furnace.

This is another factor which should be considered when selecting a furnace to burn a particular fuel.


The furnace selected should be reliable and dependable.


When we talk about this factor, the furnace should be able to work in any circumstance and provide the heat energy required.


The furnace selected should consume the right amount of fuel, it should prevent wastage of the fuel and it should burn the fuel sufficiently.


If the furnace selected consumes so much fuel than the expected amount then it’s not dependable.


This kind of furnace will only increase the operation cost in the power plant.


The furnace should be able to regulate the amount of fuel to prevent wastage of any kind and that is how it will be dependable.


We need a furnace to be able to get the heat energy we need to keep our processes in the power plant going.


For the burning equipment to be effective it has to ensure that it provides the needed amount of heat energy to keep the processes going and that is what will make it reliable.


If the furnace can meet up these factors then it’s not fit for use.


You might like this: Conditions That A Burning Equipment (furnace) Should Fulfill


6. How easier it’s to operate the burning equipment.

When selecting a furnace for a particular fuel, this is another factor that should be considered.


It should be easier to operate the furnace to be able to make it easier for any personnel to operate it in the power plant.


If it’s easier to operate the furnace, no experts will be needed to operate it, which means it will always be working without any issues.


Anyone can inspect the furnace and tweak the control panel and keep it working effectively without any problem.


But if the furnace is harder to operate, it will force the manager to hire someone who will be able to operate it and that will cost more money.


So, when selecting burning equipment it should be easier to operate and that is what will make it effective because any personnel in the power plant can keep it working.


7. The operating and maintenance cost of the furnace should be lower.

This is another factor that should be considered when selecting a furnace for a particular type of fuel.


There are furnaces of different types that one can choose from.


This doesn’t mean one should go for a furnace that is fancy yet it has higher operation and maintenance costs.


One has to keep in mind the amount of money that is going to be used to keep the furnace functional.


The operation cost of the furnace should be lower, this means it has to consume less amount of fuel but produce a large amount of heat energy and not vice versa.


If the amount of fuel that the furnace consumes is lower, it will end up decreasing the operation cost.


It should also be easier to maintain the furnace to keep the maintenance cost lower.


If the furnace can be maintained easily any operator in the power plant can keep maintaining it and thus keeping its efficiency higher.


The maintenance of the furnace should be lower; this means that the repair and replacement of the parts of the furnace should be cheaper.


This is what will decrease the overall operation cost of the power plant.




These are the factors that should be observed carefully if the furnace is to work according to the expectations of the operator.


Before one selects the furnace he or she has to ensure that it has the appropriate design that will facilitate higher burning efficiency of the fuel.


Also, when selecting a furnace, the price should also be checked. I haven’t talked about that yet.


The furnace should be of a considerable price and the required efficiency.


The power plant process should always be economical to prevent higher operating costs since it adds up to the cost of electrical energy production.


Thanks for reading, if you have any questions leave your comment. See you in my next article.


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