4 Factors To Consider For Effective Cooling Of Diesel Engine

In this article, I will share some of the factors that should be considered for the effective cooling of diesel engines to be achieved.

Cooling of the diesel engine is very significant for several reasons that will be shared in this article.


Due to the combustion of the fuel in the engine, the temperatures tend to be extremely high (about 1500 to 20000C).

These temperature ranges are not good for the optimum functioning of the engine and that is cooling needs to be done.


If cooling of the diesel engine is not done effectively, some parts of the engine like the piston, cylinder head and walls, and exhaust valves may end up burning the lubricating oil.


Without the oil in the engine, the movement of the pistons in the cylinder will be hindered.

Cooling is necessary and that is why you need to learn about these points that I am about to share.


To achieve good cooling of the diesel engine these are the factors that should be considered;

1. An adequate quantity of water should be provided.

For a water-cooled system, this is what should be put into consideration if effective cooling is to be provided.

Water needed to cool the diesel engine should be plenty enough to provide the cooling needed.


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It should flow continuously in the engine as it keeps operating to dissipate the heat away from it.


As the water flows continuously, it takes away the heat from the engine effectively thus preventing the damage of the engine.


This is what will provide effective cooling of the diesel engine.


For the water to flow continuously as the engine is operating, the pumps have to be in good condition.

This means that they also have to be inspected and maintained to ensure they work accordingly.


If at any point the pump fails, the flow of water throughout the engine will stop and the engine will end up overheating.


2. Cooling water should not corrode the metals.

The cooling water should not be corrosive. The engine needs to be in good condition for it to work effectively.


If any part of the machine is corroded it’s going to temper the functioning of the diesel engine.


The water that is going to be used for cooling should not be corrosive. This means salty water should never be put into the engine for the intention of cooling.


The water should be free of any corrosive agents to prevent corrosion of the metals in the engine.

Considering the fact that the high temperature accelerates oxidation and corrosion, if the water is salty, there won’t be an engine to use in a short period.


3. The cooling water should be free from scale formation impurities.

The cooling water should not form scales. What you need to know is that as the water will be flowing continuously through the engine, heating will be taking place.


The cooling water leaving the engine will always be hot. You should know that whenever there is heating, precipitation will happen.

So, if the cooling water has scale formation impurities, the pipes are eventually going to block.


Once they block, cooling water won’t move quickly and effectively throughout the engine.

This is enough to cause overheating of the diesel engine thus damaging the engine.


The cooling water being fed into the engine has to be soft.


If possible, the water should be treated before being fed into the diesel engine, which is what will ensure optimal cooling.


4. The temperature rise should be carefully noted.

For effective cooling of the diesel engine, the temperature rise of the cooling water should not exceed 110C while the water leaving the engine should be limited to 600C.




These are the factors that should be considered for effective cooling of the diesel engine to be achieved.


Without effective cooling the engine won’t function to its optimum, furthermore, the damage is going to render it useless.

Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, leave a comment. See


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