Factors Affecting Human Comfort In Air Conditioning System

In this article, I will share the factors that affect human comfort in air conditioning systems.


If these factors aren’t controlled then the air conditioning won’t be providing the needed comfort for the occupants.


Also, these factors will help you determine whether your air conditioning system is working the way you expect or not.


So, without wasting time, let me share with you these factors that affect human comfort in air conditioning systems.


Factors affecting human comfort in air conditioning systems;

1. The temperature of the air.

The main purpose of an air conditioning system is to provide comfort to the occupants.


So, air temperature is one of the biggest factors that affect human comfort in air conditioning systems.


The air conditioning system should be able to regulate the temperature of the space as it’s expected by the occupants.


If the temperature in the space to be conditioned is too hot, then it will be the duty of the air conditioning system to ensure that the temperatures are reduced to the desired levels.


This is to provide thermal comfort to the occupants.


The cooling of the space usually depends on the temperature of the air that the air conditioning system is supplying to the space.


So, the temperature of air that is used to cool the space should be of the required measure.


The air shouldn’t be too hot or too cold.


Also, the temperature of air that is provided by the air conditioning systems should be controllable.


This is one of the factors that will help so much when it comes to providing thermal comfort to the occupants.


If an air conditioning system can’t provide the appropriate air temperature required by the occupants then it’s not fit for use.


2. The humidity.

Another factor that affects human comfort in the air conditioning system is humidity.


Humidity is the amount of moisture content that air contains.


The air conditioning system is responsible for providing the correct air humidity required by the occupants.


This is another factor that is checked deeply because it serves a huge purpose in providing comfort to the occupants.


The humidity of the air that the air conditioning system is providing should be of the right amount.


The air conditioning system should control the moisture content in the air and provide about 30% to 70% relative humidity.


The relative humidity is the ratio of the actual mass of water vapour per unit volume of air to the maximum possible density of water vapour in air at the same temperature.


But this will differ depending on the space that is being conditioned.


You also have to understand that humidity can either dehydrate the occupants or hydrate them.


All these factors can affect human comfort. So, it’s very significant that the air conditioning system can provide the right content of humidity in the air.


3. Air purity.

Air purity is one of the factors that affect human comfort in air conditioning systems.


The air that the air conditioning system provides should be clean enough to prevent inspiratory diseases.


Air that is impure will end up bringing discomfort to occupants.


The air conditioning system should ensure that the air supplied to the space to be conditioned is clean.


The air supplied by the air conditioning system has to be free from any allergens, dust free, and fewer respiratory irritants and the air should smell cleaner.


So, this is another important factor that provides comfort to humans. If the air conditioning system can’t ensure that this factor is met then it’s not appropriate for use.


The extent of purity in the air that is supplied by the air conditioning system depends on the filter, washer and preheaters and reheater or final heater.


Air purity is significant not only when it comes to providing comfort but ensuring that the ducts are clean and the air conditioning accessories last longer.


When accessing whether an air conditioning system is effective or not, air purity is one of the factors that should be checked on.


4. Noise.

Noise is one of the factors affecting human comfort in air conditioning systems.


There is a possibility of the air conditioning system brings about discomfort to humans because of the noise that it provides when it operates.


Noise in air conditioning can be caused by the poor mounting of the ducts, faulty fans, loose bolts holding the ducts and dirty ducts.


When the air conditioning system is noisy as it operates this will ruin the comfort of humans.


The air conditioning system has to be less noisy when operating to provide the comfort needed.


Noise is going to irritate the occupants and their comfort is going to be ruined.


So, if the air conditioning is noisy, it has to be checked immediately and fixed.


There are so many things that come into play when it comes to controlling the noises from the air conditioning system.


The main issue is usually on the duct mounting and the pads used to control the vibrations from the fan.


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Also, sometimes the type of ducts used in the air conditioning system can be the reason for these noises.


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Wrapping it up, the air conditioning system should not be noisy when it’s operating because it ruins the comfort that it’s supposed to provide to humans.


Final thoughts.


The air conditioning systems should provide comfort as required by the occupants.


If an air conditioning system meets one need and forsakes the other it’s not appropriate to use.


It should provide every control of any factor that is needed for the comfort of humans.


For an air conditioning system to provide the required comfort it has to be working effectively.


This also means it should be properly maintained and regular checks should be included.


Without proper care, the air conditioning system won’t be able to provide the comfort that is needed by the occupants.


If you have any questions, you should leave them in the comment section.


Thanks so much for reading, see you in my next article.


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