Why Does My Crush Talk To My Friends But Not Me?

Your crush actively talks to your friends but doesn’t talk to you because of several reasons. I know you want him or her to talk to you but he or she ignores you and talks to your friends.


The truth is that he or she knows you both find each other amazing, but he or she doesn’t dare to get closer to you.


There are so many questions you are asking yourself why this is happening.


I will share with you why he or she doesn’t talk to you and what you can do to change the situation.


Without wasting time, let me share why your crush talks to your friends but not you.


This is why your crush talks to your friends but not you;

1. Your crush doesn’t have the courage to face you.

If your crush doesn’t talk to you but talks to your friends, this is the first thing you should know.


crush talks to friends but not me

Your crush is not confident to face you and that is why he or she doesn’t talk to you.


It’s easier for him or her to talk to your friends because there is no mutual attraction and feelings.


He or she talks to them because he or she doesn’t have to express his or her feelings to your friends.


Talking to you is hard because he or she has feelings for you. He or she doesn’t know how to hide what he or she feels for you.


Your crush knows that it will be hard to face you and talk to you like he or she does with your friends because of how he or she feels about you.


This is especially true if he or she has noticed that you fancy each other.


It’s usually very easy to talk to someone you don’t have feelings for because you don’t make yourself vulnerable before them.


Your crush lacks the courage to face you and talk to you because he or she doesn’t think he or she can handle looking at you straight in the face and sharing two or three things with you.


2. Your crush wants to use your friends to connect with you.

Your crush talks to your friends but not you because he or she is trying to use your friends to connect to you.


He or she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to start talking to you directly because he or she is afraid of how you might respond.


It can be that he or she finds it hard to talk to you because you are different from your friends.


If your friends are the extrovert type and you are an introvert, it will be hard for him or her just to start a conversation with you.


He or she will use your friends to get to know the kind of person you are before he or she starts talking to you.


So, if he or she doesn’t talk to you but talk to your friends, yet you know that you both look at each other in a certain way, this should let you know that he or she is using your friends to get to you.


Your friends will make it easier for him or her to get closer to you to the point of starting a normal conversation with you.


Also, it can be that he or she wants to get to know you better before he or she starts a conversation with you.


He or she is too afraid to give you the wrong vibe in the first conversation he or she wants to have with you.


3. Your crush is hoping that you will initiate the conversation.

Your crush talks to your friends but not you because he or she is hoping that you will initiate the conversation.


He or she wants you to start the conversation when he or she is around before he or she starts talking to you.


You haven’t been initiating conversations with him or her like your friends do and that is why he doesn’t talk to you.


If your friends are always the ones initiating the conversation with him or her, this should tell you that he or she won’t talk to you first unless you do.


He or she knows that you both look at each other in a certain way. There is a different feeling when you stare at each other.


Your crush doesn’t know what you think about him or her and that is why he or she wants you to start the conversation with him or her before he or she figures the page you are on.


He or she is afraid to initiate a conversation with you and then it turns out that you are not on the same page.


This is what he or she is afraid of, so he or she wants you to light up the spark for him or her to keep the flame going.


4. Your crush wants to befriend your friends before talking to you.

Your crush wants to befriend your friends before he or she starts talking to you.


He or she knows that when he or she is closer to your friends, it will be easier for him or her to talk to you.


It can be that your crush wants you to hear something from your friends about how incredible he or she is so that you get interested in talking to him or her.


Also, your crush wants to befriend your friends because he or she knows it will be easier for him or her to win you over when he or she has the support of your friends.


He or she knows that if your friends are going to help her in winning you over it will be easier for him or her to have you in his or her life.


This is why your crush is talking to your friends but not you. He or she doesn’t want you to befriend him or her because it might change how you might look at him or her.


You might end up putting him or her in a friend zone and that is why he or she doesn’t want to talk to you first.


5. You isolate yourself from your friends when your crush comes around.

You may be asking yourself so many questions as to why your crush doesn’t talk to you but talk to your friends yet you are the reason he or she doesn’t talk to you.


why does my crush talks to my friends but not me

It can be that when he or she gets closer to your friends you are not available.


So, it becomes hard to talk to you because you have isolated yourself from the group of your friends.


It will be hard for your crush to leave the group of your friends to come and talk to you because he or she doesn’t want to seem that he or she is into you.


Since you are always isolating yourself from your friends, it becomes hard to start a conversation with you.


So, if you always set yourself apart from your friends when your crush comes around, hoping that he or she will follow you where you are then this could be the reason why he or she doesn’t find the chance to talk to you.


6. Your crush doesn’t know if you feel the same for him or her.

It can be that you think your crush knows that you are interested in him or her but that is not the case.


Maybe he or she thinks you are not into him or her because he or she hasn’t noticed if you look at him or her with the eyes that he or she stares at you with.


If he or she doesn’t know that you fancy him or her, this could be the main reason why he or she doesn’t talk to you.


He or she doesn’t know if you are interested in talking to him or her.


The thing you should do here is to take yourself out there and make a point.




If your crush talks to your friends but not you, take the initiative to start the conversation with him or her.


The more you keep waiting for him or her to make the first move, the more he or she is going to delay talking to you.


Start small by saying hi to him or her and see how he or she is going to respond.


If he or she will show interest in talking to you that is when you should keep the fire going.


Don’t isolate yourself from your friends if your crush comes around, be around them, interact, and maybe he or she might start a conversation with you.


And that is how you will get him or her to talk to you.


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