My Boyfriend’s Parents Are Dependent On Him: What To Do

Your boyfriend’s parents are dependent on him, you don’t know what you should do about this. To be honest, your boyfriend’s parents come between your financial issues in that relationship.


You can’t even navigate the financial issues because what your boyfriend can think about is spending money on his parents and not you.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You


Your boyfriend is in a tough situation and you need to find a way to help him out.


I know there are hundreds of things you think of doing and saying to your boyfriend because of how his parents are all over him when it comes to financial issues.


This is a sensitive issue your boyfriend is dealing with and if you don’t know how to solve this issue you will end up wrecking your relationship apart.


So, without wasting time, let me share what you should do about this.


What to do if your boyfriend’s parents are dependent on him;

1. Find out why his parents are dependent on him.

Your boyfriend’s parents are dependent on him, you want to find a way to fix this issue so that you can also give an easy time to your boyfriend.


his parents are dependent on him

It’s hard for your boyfriend to take care of you and other things in your relationship financially because all he thinks of is supporting his parents.


Whether you like it or not, in one way or another this will affect your relationship.


This is especially true if you move in with your boyfriend. Things are tight right now because you need your boyfriend to take care of most of the bills around the house.


You need food and other expenses that arise every month.


It’s hard for you to support yourself financially because you have no job, if you have one, it doesn’t give you enough income to support yourself.


If your boyfriend’s parents drain your boyfriend financially because they always want money from him every month, you need to figure out a way to stop this or control how money flows out.


You need to find out why your boyfriend’s parents are dependent on him before you do or say anything to your boyfriend.


Start by finding out the real situation of your boyfriend’s parents.


How do they live?

Why are his parents so dependent on him?


Are they draining him financially on purpose?


For you to find out the truth about their situation you will have to get closer to them.


The main reason behind this is to just find the right angle to solve this problem.


If your boyfriend’s parents are financially dependent on him because they want to drain him on purpose or use him to get to you, then you will have to sit down and talk to your boyfriend about this issue.


It can be that his parents are just doing this on purpose to get to you.


If this is the case, you will have no choice but to sit down with your boyfriend and talk about this issue.


You will have no means to solve this problem without your boyfriend.


The way your boyfriend will respond to what you will tell him about this issue is what will give you a way forward to solve this issue.


But if your boyfriend’s parents are dependent on him because they are truly broke and have no means, you will have to find a way to help your boyfriend support his parents.


You have to know that you are both in this together, you can’t just isolate yourself and say that it’s all on him.


Whether you like it or not, this will end up affecting you too.


2. Help your boyfriend to support his parents financially.

If you find out that your boyfriend’s parents are struggling financially and that is why they are dependent on him, then you should figure out a way to help your boyfriend out.


You have to help your boyfriend support his parent financially if they are truly in a situation that forces them to rely on your boyfriend for everything.


Today your boyfriend can support them financially but it will reach a point where he won’t be able to do it.


As time goes by expenses keep on increasing especially if you are living together.


It will reach a point where he won’t be able to help his parents and this might affect him and you.

He will be stressed because he can’t help his parents.


On the other hand, you will be left broke and other bills not catered for because your boyfriend can’t support you too.


Sit down with your boyfriend and think of a way you are going to help his parents.


If his parents are still capable of running a business, you can team up with your boyfriend to find capital for them to start their business.


Once his parents have a business that brings in cash they won’t be dependent on your boyfriend at all.


This is another idea that you can share with him.


If they can’t run a business maybe you find someone who is going to run the business for them and they will just oversee how things are going on.


That is if you are capable of finding capital for your boyfriend’s parents to start the business.


On the other hand, if you can’t help your boyfriend on that side, if you have a job you can also help your boyfriend to support his parents every month.


This is what will make it easier for your boyfriend to handle this issue.


With your help, your boyfriend won’t feel he is under pressure and he will be able to take care of his parents easily because of you.


If you can support him to help his parents, you should do it because this is a situation that is weighing heavily on him.


3. Don’t talk bad about his parents.

If you can help your boyfriend’s parents to clear their bills just do it.


The thing is that you will also be making things easier for your boyfriend.


I know sometimes things can get overwhelming in the relationship when you can’t budget for anything because all the cash goes to your boyfriend’s parents.


At one point, you will feel like you are overwhelmed by what is going on.


You will feel the need to say something to your boyfriend because you are not happy.


This is especially true if you have no means to support yourself financially and you also depend on your boyfriend.


Under no circumstances should you talk badly about his parents’ situation.


I know you may be angry because his parents are dependent on him financially.


But hold yourself in control and don’t say anything that will make your boyfriend feel bad about his parents’ situation.


Don’t bad mouth your boyfriend’s parents to anyone because that will be a huge disrespect and it might wreck your relationship into pieces.


Instead of talking badly about his parents, you should do something else that will make things easier for your boyfriend to take care of his parents.


Your boyfriend has no choice; he has to take care of his parents. Don’t make it harder as it already is.


If you have no way to help him support his parents when they need him the most, don’t spread negativity.



4. Encourage your boyfriend to keep on fighting to help them.

If your boyfriend’s parents are struggling financially and they don’t have any means to support themselves other than depend on him, let your boyfriend help them.


Your boyfriend is going through a tough time especially if he doesn’t make enough money from the gig that he has.


What you should do right now is spread positivity to give your boyfriend to morale to keep on fighting to support his parents.


You have to motivate your boyfriend not to give up on them no matter how things are.


Help your boyfriend find better means to support his parents and encourage him to keep on fighting.


Don’t do or say anything that will make it harder for your boyfriend to support his parents.


Make it easier for your boyfriend and let him know that you have his back if he wants extra support from you.


The moment your boyfriend realizes that you are positive and you encourage him to support his parents, it will energize him.


He will get the energy to keep on working harder to support his parents and you.


5. Respect your boyfriend’s parents.

You have to respect your boyfriend’s parents no matter the situation they are in.


his parents are dependent on him

Don’t say or do anything that will make your boyfriend feel like you are disrespecting his parents.


I know their situation might be stressing you out too. You can’t take it out all on his parents.


You may feel that his parents are hindering your boyfriend from achieving the goals you are working on.


There is no way you can go on that amazing vacation you have been planning all along with your boyfriend, you can’t buy the things you want and so many other things are on hold.


This might force you to say or do something to disrespect your boyfriend’s parents because there is no progress.


If your boyfriend’s parents are dependent on him because they have no choice, you have to know that it’s also a tough situation for your boyfriend even if he doesn’t tell you about it.


We all want to have good times and enjoy ourselves. Your boyfriend is hustling harder to take care of his parents because they need him.


Avoid putting yourself in a situation that will make your boyfriend feel like you don’t care about what he is doing.


Hold respect for his parents and acknowledge the effort your boyfriend puts in to help out his family.



If your boyfriend’s parents are dependent on him because they have no means, you should find a way you can help your boyfriend out.


Whether you like it or not, you are tied to your boyfriend and this situation is going to affect you too.


Sit down with your boyfriend and find ways you can help his parents.


If his parents are happy and living a good life, your boyfriend will be happy and stress-free, which will end up improving your relationship.


But if his parents are just draining him financially you will have to let your boyfriend know about it.


Your boyfriend will have an idea of how he can handle them. Don’t put yourself in between him and his parents when it comes to this issue. It might wreck your relationship with them.


Related reads;

  1. 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Extra Nice To You 
  2. My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 
  3. My Boyfriend Doesn’t Like Me Wearing Makeup: Why?

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